The construction of form a complete set of

The construction of form a complete set of


The construction of form a complete set of


Content abstract: The project of square of river D
ong Moda that regards Tianjin as one of proje
cts of line of business of major 2010 service
, main body of cinema of commerce of implemen
tation A plot sealed  qwaruba sheepskin slippers a top a few days ago. It
is reported, this cinema will build the worl
d's top-ranking 10 hall city of shadow of int
ernational of 5 stars class, satisfy consumptandroscoggin sheepskin slippers >ive recreation requirement of the citizen gre
atly. The project of square of river Dong Mod
a that regards Tianjin as one of projects of
line of business of ma ugg classic tall jor 2010 service, main
body of cinema of commerce of implementation
A plot sealed a top a few days ago. It is rep
orted, this cinema will build the world's top
-ranking  ugg fluff momma 10 hall city of shadow of internatio
nal of 5 stars class, satisfy consumptive rec
reation requirement of the citizen greatly. A
s we have learned, of 50 much square metre 10
thousand amount to square ge ugg sundance tall neral in October
2010 complete and practice, the start workin
g of project of square of red star internatio
nal of 90 much square metre is built, total v
olume achieves  ugg classic short the commerce of nearly 1.5 mil
lion square metre to build synthesis to will
form the mart with new Tianjin. The construct
ion of form a complete set of underground of
 ugg ultra short project of project of square of river Dong Mo
da that invests 5.3 billion yuan is already a
ll and finishing. Already realized internatio
nal cinema main body and commercial anne ugg tasman x to
seal a top at present, 8 brunt inn already co
mpleted action trade. Integral project will t
his year in October complete practice, after
building 10 thousand amount to international
cinema to will  ugg ultra tall make the world's top-ranking 1
0 office city of shadow of international of 5
stars class. In addition, this project is gi
ven priority to with commercial real estate,
the tra chooka sheepskin tall boot de such as cereal of joy of center of
come or flow together of recreation of wine s
hop of square of supermarket of chain of cent
er of business affairs of key cons tasman slippers truction hi
gh end, world-famous high-quality goods, spor
ting goods, general merchandise square, fashi
onable meal, KTV, recreational fitness, shopp
ing mall, large childre tasman slipper n synthesis, make 24 h
ours not nocturnal city. Be in together insid
e division of trade of ferry bank highway, th
e project of square of red star international
that builds  cardy boot black at the start working end last ye
ar always invests 10 billion yuan, it is the
our city's at present biggest commerce synthe
sis, will make double MALL of furniture, gene
ral merc classic cardy black handise, become the commercial aircra
ft carrier that precedes in the whole nation.
Among them, furniture MALL will nowadays ann
ual bottom complete, general merchandise MALL
 women's tasman  will at the practice at the beginning of 201
2. At the appointed time, 10 thousand amount
to synthesis of the 3rd acting city and red s
tar synthesis of the 8th acting commerce women's classic cardy black  will
develop its high end to serve function of co
urse of study jointly, can offer post of near
ly 10 thousand obtain employment.





