The 128-page book features a hearty compila
The 128-page book features a hearty compila
Childhood and Education:Born in Chicago, Aaron McG
ruder moved to Columbia, Maryland, at th short black ugg boots e age
of six. He graduated from the University of
Maryland, where he earned a bachelor of arts
degree in Afro-American Studies, with a conc
entration in social white faux fur boots and cultural analysis. M
cGruder currently resides in Los Angeles, Cal
ifornia.Politics:McGruder has voiced his thou
ghts on the world around him through "The Boo
ndock ugg sandra boots s," and on subjects taboo or not, includ
ing race relations, interracial marriage, bi-
racial identity and juvenile delinquency, in
addition to political happenings and current
events.Comic Strip:At l black ugg boots classic tall aunch in April 1999, "
The Boondocks" comic strip was published in o
ver 150 newspapers across the nation, making
it the second-largest launch for a strip everclassic tall chocolate br>, surpassing such long-running standards as "
Calvin & Hobbs" and "For Better or For Worse.
" Within its first few months in print, "The
Boondocks" quickly made its buy kids ugg boots way into 200 publ
ications, and today the groundbreaking strip
can be seen in more than 350 newspapers natio
nwide.Awards and Kudos:McGruder received the
ever prestigiou ugg womens slippers s "Chairmans Award" at the NAA
CP Image Awards in 2002. Additionally, McGrud
er was featured in "People" magazines "25 Mos
t Intriguing People" issue in 1999 and the puugg knit boots >blications "Most Eligible Bachelors" issue in
2001. "USA Today" also called him "the most
dangerous black man" and compared his voice t
o that of Langston Hughes. His web site, www blue boots ., has become a very popular onli
ne destination.Books and Movies:The enormous
success of the comic strip led to a multiple
book publishing deal with the first volume, "
The Boondocks: Bec cheap winter boots for kids ause I Know You Dont Read t
he Newspaper," (compare prices) which was rel
eased in October 2000. The 128-page book feat
ures a hearty compilation of the edgy comics classic short black r>record-breaking first year and continues to c
aptivate a new breed of fans with its insight
ful, thought-provoking and humorous look at a
variety of controversial issu black classic tall ugg boots es.The second i
nstallment, "Fresh for '01... You Suckas," (c
ompare prices) compiled nine months of the po
pular strip and hit bookstore shelves in July
200 tall winter boots 1.The third installment, "A Right to be H
ostile," (compare prices) was released in Oct
ober 2003 with a forward written by filmmaker
Michael Moore and was an immediate bes women's tall winter boots t sell
er.Additionally, McGruder co-wrote the politi
cal comedy "Birth of A Nation," (compare pric
es) which was published as a graphic novel by
Crown Publishin pink cat boots g in August 2004.And finally,
McGruders "Public Enemy #2: An All-New Boond
ocks Collection" (compare prices) was publish
ed in March 2005.McGruder has also entered in
to an agreement with Sony Pictures Animation
for an animated film version of "The Boondock