Spay and neuter your own cats and dogs W

Spay and neuter your own cats and dogs W


Spay and neuter your own cats and dogs W


It comes as no surprise that the future of our pla
net and the creatures we share it with depend
s on what young people are learning today. Ceclassic cardy black r>rtainly, we are horrified to read the occasio
nal story about gangs of youths committing at
rocities on innocent cats, and we are aware t
hat this kind of anti-social behavior o victorias secret uggs ften l
eads to violent criminal activity as adults.
The good news is that youngsters are like spo
nges when it comes to absorbing values, and e
ven those who do not have good role models at
ho tall ugg boots sale me can be reached through their schools an
d through social programs. What they learn to
day about respect and responsibility for not
only pet cats and dogs, but for all the anima
ls that share our p ugg boots kids sale lanet, will go a long way
in molding the future of our world. I have a
great deal of faith in the young people of t
oday, and I'd like to contribute my part in h
elping women winter boots sale  to teach them responsibility toward pe
ts - the cats and dogs who inhabit their live
s. Many of them will carry these lessons forw
ard into care and concern for all the animals
that populate our women winter boot  world. As a parent, grandp
arent, or just a concerned adult, there are m
any things you can do to help mold our kids i
nto responsible, caring, animal stewards. Dep
ending on your own personal convicti pink ankle boot ons, and
the amount of time you care to invest, you ca
n adapt and adopt any of these suggestions fo
r your own children and those around you. Be
a Responsible Adult (Teach by Example) The
very f ugg australia boots irst "mission" for installing love and
respect for all animals is in the home itself
. Children are more likely to mimic what they
see in their every-day surroundings than to
embrace what they've b ugg australia een taught by others.
Spay and neuter your own cats and dogs Whil
e you're at it, talk to your kids in language
that they'll understand about the problems w
ith pet overpopulation and how you're doing  ugg outlet y
our part at home to counter it. Practice res
ponsible pet guardianship See that your cats
get their necessary vaccinations and well-ch
ecks, and when they're sick, take them to the
vet. Provide the b cheap ugg boots australia est cat food you can affor
d for your kitties. When your kids reach adul
thood, they will copy what they've learned at
home. If you are vegetarian, talk to your c
hildren about your reasons fo cheap ugg shoes r this practice.
This would be a good time to explain that ca
ts are carnivores and do not do well on an al
l-vegetable diet. Speak out when you witness
cruelty to animals. By turning a blind eye,cheap ugg australia > you are communicating to your children that
cruelty may be okay. Don't engage in physical
confrontation, but when appropriate, report
the incident to the proper authorities. Volun
teer for a shel buy cheap ugg boots ter or rescue group. When you
r child is old enough to understand and contr
ibute, bring him or her along, and encourage
him or her to help with small tasks, such as
cleaning cages or grooming the  cheap ugg boots for sale cats. . Again
, teach respect for animals by example. You'l
l observe, as your child learns to bond with
his own cats, he will carry that love and res
pect to other animals.Prev123" rel="next">Nex





