Every now and again I like to play around on Google Earth, look at the Pyramids and other Ancient monuments, to see if I can find any anomalies or anything interesting.我经常喜欢在谷歌地球上面看金字塔和古遗址,看看会发现什么不寻常或者好玩的地方。
Let me show you what I found this time. I must stress, I don't know what (if anything) it means, it may just be coincidence but it's cool none the less. 现在让我给你展示一下我最近的发现吧。我必须事先声明一下,我并不完全清楚所发现的是巧合还是有什么其他的意义。但是确实很引人注意。
I started with the Pyramids of Giza, drew a line from the tip of each to the adjacent one, playing around with the "ruler function": 我从吉萨金字塔开始,用直线连起相邻的三座塔尖,使用了“标尺功能”:
Then I recalled another set of Pyramids, called the Saqqara Pyramids, a cluster of four (five including a collapsed one) pyramids roughly South East from the Great Pyramid: 然后我想起另外一个金字塔群,人称萨卡拉金字塔。是以4个(包括已经倒塌的那个金字塔在内是5个)位于大金字塔东南方的金字塔群集合而成。
I started drawing lines between the centres of the pyramids and then wondered what would happen if I continued the lines through off into the distance, staying on the same heading. 我开始在用直线连接金字塔的中心,然后思考如果我缩小视图后会发生什么情况。
Here's what I found, coincidence, probably, but still weird!!! 这幅图就是我发现的结果,也许是巧合,但不论如何都很奇怪!!
Lets look at one of ATS's favourite locations, PARA: Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain 来看看ATS最喜欢的地点之一吧:Untersberg [德国] 温特斯山—秘密之山
UNTERSBERG [德国] 温特斯山
From Untersberg 从温特斯山连一条直线
Through the middle of the "Step" Pyramid at Saqqara 而这条直线恰好从萨卡拉金字塔群的塔尖连线中间经过
View showing line connecting all the points 视图显示紫色线条链接所有的点
Okay, I hope you're with me!? What this shows is that if you draw a line going from the Step Pyramid in the Saqqara group, through the middle of the most northern pyramid at Giza, you get a line that passes through the summit of Untersberg! 好吧,我希望你们听明白了。 这幅图显示,如果你从萨卡拉金字塔群中心画一条直线到吉萨金字塔群的最北端,然后无限延长这条直线,它正巧通过温特斯山。
However it doesn't stop there. 但是,它不仅仅停留在这里。
From Stonehenge 从英国巨石阵开始连一条直线
Through Giza to Saqqara 经过吉萨到萨卡拉
Giza, through the centre of most southern Pyramid 吉萨金字塔群,黄线通过最南边的点
Through the centre of the most northern Saqqara pyramid 经过萨卡拉金字塔群最北边的点
I'd like to point out here that it's easy to do this from a high altitude, but as you can see, where the line passes through the pyramids I've zoomed in quite a lot which makes this quite remarkable!! 在这里我想指出,从空中俯瞰,这样的连线是很容易做到的,但是我放大视图后,直线从哪里穿过金字塔的就一目了然了。
Line from the Greek Acropolis passing through the centre of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara 从希腊雅典卫城出发的直线经过萨卡拉金字塔群中心点
Minoan eruption of Thera The eruption seems to have inspired certain Greek myths and may have caused turmoil in Egypt. Additionally, it has been speculated that the Minoan eruption and the destruction of the city at Akrotiri provided the basis for or otherwise inspired Plato's story of Atlantis. 锡拉的米诺斯火山喷发 锡拉的米诺斯火山喷发,也称为锡拉爆发或圣托里尼爆发,是一个重大的灾难性的火山爆发(火山爆炸性指数= 6或7,致密岩当量= 60立方公里),这是估计发生在公元前第二个千年中期。此火山喷发是地球上最大的火山活动记录的历史之一。火山爆发摧毁了锡拉岛包括在阿克罗蒂里的米诺斯(也叫圣托里尼岛), 以及附近的岛屿和海岸上的克里特农业地区。 火山爆发似乎启发了某些希腊神话和可能因此发生的埃及动乱。此外,据推测,该米诺斯喷发和阿克罗蒂城市毁灭为柏拉图的亚特兰蒂斯故事提供了启发和依据。
Okay, here's another one, have you ever heard of the Eruption of Thera, one of the highly likely sources of the Atlantis Myth: 这里又出现一个问题,你们听说过锡拉火山喷发么?这很有可能是希腊神话起源的事件之一。
The Minoan eruption of Thera, also referred to as the Thera eruption or Santorini eruption, was a major catastrophic volcanic eruption (Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) = 6 or 7, Dense-rock equivalent (DRE) = 60 km3) which is estimated to have occurred in the mid second millennium BCE. The eruption was one of the largest volcanic events on Earth in recorded history. The eruption devastated the island of Thera (also called Santorini), including the Minoan settlement at Akrotiri -- as well as communities and agricultural areas on nearby islands and on the coast of Crete.
Thera can also be connected to the pyramids in this way: 锡拉可以和金字塔发生这样的关联:
From what's left of Thera 从锡拉的遗址开始
Through the centre of the great pyramid 直线通过大金字塔的中心
Through the Step pyramid, this line is identical to the Acropolis line 直线通过萨卡拉金字塔中心,和雅典卫城的那幅图上直线相同
I'm working on some more, but I believe there is something important about these two Pyramid groups and their geometry, 我还在继续寻找,但是我相信这两个金字塔群和它们的地理位置一定有一些重要的信息。 I'll post other places as and when I find them. 我会把以后我的发现仍旧发到这里来。 As I said it could be coincidence, then again......... 就像我说的,这也许都是巧合…… 觉醒字幕组www.awaker.net 详细地址:http://www.awaker.net/a/weijiezhimi/2010/1222/695.html
Newgrange Passage Tomb 纽格兰奇墓
All the best, Kiwi