46万元善款将惠及孤老和艾滋病孤儿(图) 台湾男子遭错诊为艾滋病承认买春规划遗产




2010-12-20 17:02:14 燕赵都市网 www.yzdsb.com.cn






460,000 yuan donation will benefit the lonely old and the AIDS orphans (Figure)
2010-12-20 17:02:14 Yanzhao Urban Network www.yzdsb.com.cn
      Hebei Urban Network (Reporter Liu Hong) Jinde Charities, in 2010 the sixth before the Christmas charity dinner banquet at the Intercontinental Hotel in Shijiazhuang Zhuoda held at the auction through the paintings and other forms of love and money raised 460,000 yuan, the special use AIDS orphans and lonely elderly in the project.

     According to reports, this is Jinde Charities for six consecutive years since 2005, held before Christmas, this charity. The scene at this year's charity dinner, a friend from the United States to see the lives of AIDS orphans documentary, the value of the collection immediately donated 5,000 Swiss watch, live auction. This set off a charity dinner contributions highlight the presence of caring people have to chip in, the love and money into the donation box.

     According to statistics, the charity dinner raising a total of 460,000 yuan love money, these funds will be used to virtue and public homes for the elderly living alone and 50 of 50 AIDS orphans year Diaspora living allowance.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-12-21    文章录入:nnb ]




    http://society.dbw.cn/   2010-12-21 11:29:00  作者: 吴斌    来源:  中国台湾网     编辑: 吕博



  中国台湾网12月21日消息 据台湾《联合报》报道,彰化县30岁谢姓男子患感冒一个月未治好,抽血检查验出罹患艾滋病,但没想到日前却接获医院通知“验错了”。医院大张旗鼓送花篮到公司致歉,谢姓男子同事因此知道他的病史还猜出他买春。

Taiwanese man was diagnosed with AIDS in recognition of prostitution wrong Heritage Planning
     of http://society.dbw.cn/ 2010-12-21 11:29:00: Woo Source: China Taiwan Editor: Dennis Lui
China Taiwan News Online December 21, according to Taiwan's "United Daily News"reported that the man surnamed Xie, Changhua County, 30-year-old does not cure a cold month, blood tests found to suffer from AIDS, but the hospital did not think before they received notice "inspection Wrong. "High-profile company to send flowers to the hospital to apologize, surnamed Xie colleagues know his history so he has to guess prostitution.
According to reports, a trading company working man surnamed Xie, often to discuss business, more than a month ago, he occasionally fever, cough and other symptoms, has not recovered after medical treatment. Surnamed Xie doctor suggested blood tests revealed that he suffers from acquired immune deficiency syndrome positive reactions that AIDS, surnamed Xie shocked, seven months before the doctors admitted prostitution.
Informed of the illness, surnamed Xie recheck with the hospital, while quietly planning the division of property, and asked where to find close colleagues in seclusion, but unfortunately the news leaked. Family knew that AIDS was man surnamed Xie, the brothers and sisters can not eat with him, toiletries are also separated.
Surnamed Xie lost just one week 5 kg, recheck the hospital a few days before he received notice of the test results are negative, the hospital admitted its first test instrument to increase the sensitivity of careless errors caused by the test results, in fact, two Inspections were negative. After physicians and examiners and gift baskets full of apology sent to surnamed Xie company, announced that "the wrong test, " and, behold, he was my co-workers to guess the secret prostitution.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-12-21    文章录入:nnb ]