Via checking, this patient touched Shanghai

Via checking, this patient touched Shanghai


Via checking, this patient touched Shanghai


Report from our correspondent (Jin Heng of Song Gu
ofan of reporter of engage by special arrange
ment' ugg short classic gray s reporter) this city already strengthen
ed what send ill sex avian flu high to person
infection to monitor in the round, do not ha
ve happening of case of illness at discount ugg short boots  present. T
he bulletin said city health bureau yesterday
afternoon, the personnel that patients of 17
days of avian flu of a person that happen in
Hong Kong  discount ugg short classic Special Administrative Region cont
act to it in Shanghai travel, appear without
unwell symptom, in observing closely. Receive
Ministry of Public Health to come a ugg boots size 7 round aft
er the message that the patient of person avi
an flu of Hong Kong happening travels in Shan
ghai, branch of this city sanitation began ep
idemiology to investigate instantly, track th
e rel ugg boots size 8 evant personnel that contacts closely wi
th this patient. Via checking, this patient t
ouched Shanghai from Hong Kong with the husba
nd and daughter on October 23, part 2 times t
o head for Hangzhou and  ugg boots size 10 Nanjing from Shanghai
inside a week ever since, come in and go out
3 times early or late Shanghai. On November
1, return harbor from Shanghai, appeared on N
ovember 2 snorty symptom, till on November ugg boots size 9  17
by diagnose. Via epidemiology investigation,
the patient is during Shanghai, the person t
hat contact includes his to be versed in in d
est clerk of public house of Shanghai son, da
ughter-in-l ugg boots size 11 aw, room etc, all do not have unwe
ll symptom at present. To this, branch of thi
s city sanitation will continue close observa
tion, the son that already told a patient, da
ughter-in-law and the concern black ugg boots size 9 ed hotel clerk t
hat the patient has lived, if appear calorifi
c, pharynx is painful wait for unwell symptom
to will head for a hospital in time to see a
doctor, report city disease prevents cont black ugg boots size 11 rol
center. In the meantime, begin farther plato
on to check to the faker of concerned food ma
rket all round guesthouse. Additional it is r
eported, shanghai removed comprehensive alrea
dy d pink ugg boots size 10 eploy in November today of the respirator
y tract contagion of wintry Ming Chun prevent
control the job, and person avian flu, will
unidentified reason pneumonic, SARS, shed the
head and hives k pink ugg boots size 8 ey that labels respiratory t
ract contagion to prevent control the job, es
tablished 52 monitoring point in all in whole
town, among them 43 flu monitoring point and
9 fowl kind farm monitoring po pink ugg boots size 9 int, begin pai
r of birds in the round kind raise personnel
the symptom is monitored and case of illness
is searched actively; Use in school system du
e to illness network of be absent from school ugg boots size 5 
of absence from duty begins straight newspap
er work, monitor middle and primary school cl
osely to be born to wait for a disease with t
he flu of the key crowd such as cheeper. Auth
or: Origin of article of golden constant (: N
ew civilian evening paper)





