Wang Saisai of net of economy of China of fo

Wang Saisai of net of economy of China of fo


Wang Saisai of net of economy of China of fo


Wang Saisai of net of economy of China of forum of
Chinese conf ugg patent paisley boots erence city / photograph Wang Sa
isai of net of economy of China of forum of C
hinese conference hotel / photograph net of e
conomy of China of forum of Chinese conferenc
e brand Wang Saisai. T sheepskin shoes he forum of 3 meetings
theme that holds at plenary session of congre
ss of industry of conference of the 3rd China
ahead of schedule is respectively: Forum of
Chinese conference city -- theme: The tr uggs boots on sale ain o
f thought that industry of Chinese town meeti
ng grows and strategy; Forum of Chinese confe
rence brand -- theme: Of conference brand fou
nd reach its to run government; Forum of Chin
ese c navy blue ugg boots women's shoes onference hotel -- theme: Green conferen
ce hotel and conference market. Government of
city of domestic famous conference is led, f
amous conference orgnaization is represented,
conference expert published a speech on cent
forum, share a block to do conference experi
ence. (Yuan catalpa Wang Saisai) (responsibil
ity edits: Wang Rui) (article origin: Chinese
economy net)





