Upload the kilometer before setting out to
Upload the kilometer before setting out to
What time passes is very fast, love car from into
the door to now also near 2 months, distance
ran nearly 2000 kilometers, leave originally
head protect sheepskin boot slippers still have a bit distance and ti
me, because oneself want to taking love car t
o go,go on a long journey only (also not be v
ery far actually, back and forth about 1000 tall sheepskin boot k
ilometers) , be forced to be done ahead of sc
hedule so head protected, in the time of near
ly 2 months that accompanies in photograph lo
ve a car, I had detailed rec sheep skin boot ord to her body s
tate, so that head when protecting, put forwa
rd to service station, settlement problem pre
pares before setting out: The examination tha
t the 1 , program that agrees basically with sheepskin boot slipper r>each colleague changes and change engine oil,
2, love a car deputy the problem that batten
of peach of the copy before driving falls of
f, 3, the question that left postern prolapse
brushs doorcase. Upload the kilometer before
setting out to count above all (film in trav
el) .