Unreal of demon of suspense of palace of rep

Unreal of demon of suspense of palace of rep


Unreal of demon of suspense of palace of rep


Unreal of demon of suspense of palace of report fr
om our correspondent makes fun of greatly " t
he world of Ta black fake ugg boots ng Gong beauty " finish early d
ays smoothly to arrange the job, will switch
on the mobile phone on November 16. Exposure
of production Founder type first cast: Zhang
Ting, bright path hand in ha ugg big kids shoes nd the compositio
n such as Zhang Chen light, He Saifei is powe
rful battle array, deduce the human dispute i
n Tang Chao palace. Zhang Tingfu goes out act
Wu Zetian, brig slippers boots ht path criterion amid acts b
rother of a pair of twin. " the world of Tang
Gong beauty " story draw materials manages i
mperial period from Tang Chao plum, differ wi
th th ugg summer shoes e exact details of play palacing chamber
s of common however, besides the combat of th
e go-between that tells about palace and pers
on, feeling, still added the demon unreal col
or of ghost, fox. Compose builds the affectio
n network of one Zhang Ren, ghost, fox, it is
this drama one big characteristic. (Article
origin: Yangzhou evening paper)





