2010-11-16 11:13:20 来源:国际在线专稿 编辑:陈慧清
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |
原题:One in Four Bali Prostitutes ‘HIV-Positive’
印尼国家艾滋病防治委员会的最新报告显示,巴厘岛的艾滋病患在过去一年中增加了597例,总数达到3778人,增幅达19%。该委员会巴厘岛发言人诺游曼(Nyoman Mangku Karmaya)表示:“这个数字只是冰山一角,我们估计真正的病例数约为7000多例,因为许多病例没有上报。”他表示,罹患艾滋病的人将会受到污名化与歧视,因此很多人都不愿意去体检。
2010年11月16日 09:20 来源:中国新闻网
中新网11月16日电 据台湾“联合新闻网”报道,印度尼西亚官员15日表示,印尼度假胜地巴厘岛的艾滋病例正快速增加,可能有7000多人感染艾滋病;估计在8000多名性工作者中,1/4的人都呈艾滋病阳性反应。
Indonesia's Bali resort 1 / 4 of 7000 sex workers or HIV infection
2010-11-16 11:13:20 Source: International Online Zhuangao Editor: Chen Huiqing
Original title: One in Four Bali Prostitutes 'HIV-Positive'
International Online Zhuangao: According to the "Bali Times" reported on the 16th, 15, an official said the resort of Bali in Indonesia the number of AIDS patients is rapidly rising in every four sex workers who have an HIV antibody was positive, which is suffering from AIDS.
Indonesia's National AIDS Commission's latest report, Bali AIDS patients increased over the past year, 597 cases total of 3778 people, an increase of 19%. A spokesman for the committee Bali Tour Snow Man (Nyoman Mangku Karmaya) said: "This figure is just tip of the iceberg, we estimate the true number of cases is about more than 7000 cases, because many cases go unreported." He said, people suffering from AIDS will be subject to stigma and discrimination, many people are reluctant to go to medical examination.
He added that the number of AIDS cases in recent years Bali has risen sharply from 590 cases in 2004 to 1,253 cases in 2006 to 3,778 cases today. He estimated 8800 sex workers in Bali, the number of people infected with HIV from 23% last year, rising to about 25% this year, caused a major reason for this result is that these sex workers, clients refuse to use condoms.
He described this trend as "worrying" and will affect the way the tourism industry. Therefore, the Commission will strengthen the propaganda and the promotion of condom use. (Wu Yu Shu)
Bali, Indonesia, officials said 7,000 people or HIV infection
At 09:20 on November 16, 2010 Source: China News
BEIJING, November 16 According to Taiwan, "BBC News" reported that Indonesian officials on the 15th, Indonesia, Bali resort of AIDS cases is increasing rapidly, there may be 7,000 people infected with HIV; estimated at more than 8,000 work persons, 1 / 4 of people were tested HIV positive.
Indonesian National AIDS Commission's latest research shows that AIDS cases in Bali increased 597 cases over the past year, the total number has reached 3778, an increase of nearly 19%.
A spokesman for the committee Bali Ka Maya said: "This figure is just tip of the iceberg, we estimate the true number of cases up to about 7,000 people, because many cases are not informed."
He said: "The people will be suffering from AIDS, discrimination, reputation tarnished, many people are reluctant to consult a doctor."
Ka Maya also said that an estimated 8,800 sex workers in Bali, the number of people infected with HIV last year, the total from 23% to 25% this year.