



2010-11-12 08:06:00 来源: 天津网(天津) 


对未来既憧憬又担忧的马治发 新报记者 吴迪 摄

天津网讯 他是天津市第一个主动走到媒体面前,公开自己艾滋病感染者身份的人。之前,在自己是感染者的事实被揭穿后,他曾多次被辞退。“既然这样,我干脆让所有人知道我的真实情况。”34岁的马治发说,如果这样能有人愿意给他一份工作,他就不会再因为歧视而被辞退。







不再躲躲藏藏 勇敢面对镜头




因为爱妻子 才让她离开




公开亮明“身份” 能得到包容吗?





愿意帮助马治发获得工作的人,可以拨打感染者热线58380069AIDS through the "Meirixinbao" look for work (Chart)
2010-11-12 08:06:00 Source: Network of Tianjin (Tianjin)

Both vision and concern for the future governance of horse hair Hong Kong Daily News reporter Wu Dishe

Tianjin, Tianjin Reuters he was the first initiative to come before the media, open their HIV status of people. Previously, the fact that they are infected after being exposed, he has repeatedly dismissed. "In this case, I simply let everyone know my truth." 34-year-old horse hair treatment, if so can someone willing to give him a job, he will no longer be dismissed because of discrimination.

"I'm hiding from the illness and has been living a life of fear of other people would know he was HIV infected."

"Now I have no job, no money even to pay rent, I need to do testing on a regular basis in Tianjin, and prescriptions, only temporarily living in the deep blue Mizuki infected support groups in the rainbow, now I need a job."

"This feeling is too deep to hide. In fact, do not want to hurt others infected, if they can be inclusive, we are willing to do something meaningful."

"If I open the identity, to have the unit is willing to accept, I will no longer be dismissed because of this disease, I have had for a long time monitoring of port cargo handling equipment experience, no matter what kind of work, I will be one hundred percent effort, by the ability to feed themselves. I can do anything, they will certainly cherish the opportunity to work. "

"These years have been calling not to discriminate against AIDS, we really came out, the community can accommodate us? I do not know what kind of feedback will be ... ..."

Courage to face the camera is no longer hiding

"Really willing to open their own in the media situation?" Interview before the reporters once again confirmed that for a living with HIV, this move is very risky. Ma nodded hair treatment, appeared to be very firm, he said the idea of disclosing their identity has been brewing in his mind for a long time, he did not want to live in hiding out.

Horse hair tall and Zhuang Zhuang governance, it is a burly, brow with some British Gas, giving the feeling of great personality and sense of responsibility. Reporter to sit down and deliberately avoid a horse hair from the government - a small detail.

"These years have been calling not to discriminate against AIDS, but AIDS is still not disclosing their identity, fear of being discriminated against, if we are really going to come out in society tolerant of us?" Ma said his administration has been a hair dare who dare, he was willing first to come out and hope to gain social inclusion.

Because the love for his wife to get her to leave

The end of 2007, horse hair treatment feeling under the weather, to the hospital to detect the infection of AIDS. The horse was a rule made in Tianjin, Henan, he phoned his wife back home.

"I do not want to hide themselves, in particular it can not be concealed from her." Horse rule issued after the truth had to tell my wife to a man died.

But did not think the wife's attitude is take care of him with children in Tianjin. His wife came to Tianjin, the heart of horse hair rule has always been guilty, he would not delay the wife. MA Governance and Development TOUGH wife, he actually has no feelings for his wife. So really let his wife down, and his wife took the children to leave the horse hair treatment.

Open Liang Ming "identity" can be inclusive it?

His wife is gone, the remaining horse hair alone rule a person in his suffering in pain every day - have lost loved ones on the condition of loneliness and fear. But the understanding of AIDS knowledge, horse hair treatment with a glimmer of hope, he knew that if controlled well, and AIDS may not attack for a long time, he can work and live like normal people.

Horse hair began to rule all the focus on work, he is a workaholic colleagues evaluated, when the horse hair is a port monitoring equipment rule tally clerk, a monthly income of 3,000 yuan. Once, a colleague of mine stumbled on horse hair rule is to eat the medicine treatment of AIDS, he is infected the first time the secret was exposed, Ma administration made the first job will be lost.

Negative for some time, horse hair treatment courage and continue to look for work, and soon found two part-time jobs than 1600 yuan per month. But before long, and co-workers found his medicine, his condition was again exposed, horse hair and governance lose their jobs. Few years, because he is the fact that AIDS was known, horse hair rule has lost four jobs.

The fact that been dismissed after another horse made a shock treatment, he was seriously ill, but also think a lot of illness. "I want a dignified life, the ability to feed themselves on their own." Disclosing their condition requires a lot of courage, think horses rule made for a long time, made a brave decision.

Willing to help get the work horses who rule issued, you can call the hotline 58380069 infected


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-11-12    文章录入:nnb ]