He Who Is the Eagle Can Fly High
Robert Uchuller in his book Power to Grow Beyond Yourself, told an old Indian story that goes like this:
"An Indian brave went out hunting and found an eagle's egg that had fallen from its nest but miraculously remainedunbroken. Indian took the egg and Chinese translation put it in the nest of a prairie chicken. The eagle's egg hatched along with the other eggs in the prairie chicken's nest, and the little eaglet grew up with the other baby birds.
"All his life, the young eagle thought he was a prairie chicken. He learned to do what prairie chicken. He learned to do what prairie chickens do: scratch in the dirt for seeds and insects, cluck and cackle and fly just a few fee off the ground with wings thrashing in the wind.After all, that's Chinese translation how prairie chickens fly. They don't know any other way.
"The years passed and the young eagle became fully grown. One day he looked up and saw a magnificent bird high above in Chinese translation the cloudless sky. The huge bird seemed to hang in the air, borne by the wind currents, soaring with scarcely a beat of its huge, powerful wings.
"'What a beautiful bird,' he exclaimed. ' what is it?' 'That's and eagle-the chief of birds,' one of the chickens said. 'But don't give it a second thought, you can never be like him.'
"The eagle might have died after living the life of a chicken, but fortunately,he did give it a second thought. On another day, as he scratched in the dirt for seeds and insects, he looked up and again saw that same majestic bird as it soared high above with its huge wings outstretched against the sky.
"'Strange,'he said to himself. 'I too, have giant wings, and my feet have huge claws that could be used for more than scratching the dirt.'
"So the eagle got a running start and leaped into the air, working his huge wings rhythmically and steadily as he had seen the huge bird do and like he had never done before. Instead of rising only a few Chinese translation feet as usual, he soared into the sky and found his true potential and destiny."