[ 转自: 昌平新闻网 | 更新时间:2010-1-28 18:44:42|
本网讯(记者魏妍娜 通讯员马树波)1月27日,记者从区疾控中心召开的2009年艾滋病哨点监测工作总结暨2010年工作培训会上获悉,2009年,我区设置艾滋病监测哨点7个,监测人群共7类;与2008年设置监测哨点3个、监测人群共3类相比,2009年设置哨点个数和监测人群种类均为2008年的2.33倍。
Beijing Changping District AIDS sentinel surveillance has reached 10
[Editor: Changping News | Update Time :2010-1-28 18:44:42 |
NEEDHAM, Massachusetts, (Xinhua correspondent Ma Shu-Wei Yan-Na wave) January 27, reporters from the area, held in 2009 CDC HIV sentinel surveillance work summary-cum-job-training meeting was informed that in 2010, 2009, our region has set up AIDS surveillance sentinel 7 months, human rights monitoring a total of seven classes; and in 2008 set up to monitor sentinel 3, human rights monitoring a total of three categories compared to 2009 set the number of and monitoring of sentinel species groups were 2.33 times more in 2008.
It is understood that HIV sentinel surveillance is in a fixed location, fixed time-continuous collection of a specific population of HIV (HIV) infection status, behavioral characteristics and relevant information for the analysis of trends in the AIDS epidemic, the evaluation of AIDS prevention and control provide the basis for results.
Monitoring of populations, including sex workers, drug users and other high-risk groups, drug addicts, spouses, AIDS patients and other key populations, and pregnant women, abortion, women in the general population. Monitoring content includes general demographic information, serological information, behavioral information and AIDS prevention and control information.
District Chinese Medicine Hospital, the district TB control by the district MCH hospital, the District Public Security Bureau detention center, District Center for Disease Control and other sentinel surveillance unit is responsible for a total of 22 persons and key personnel participated in training sessions sentinel surveillance. At the meeting, district staff summarized the CDC HIV sentinel surveillance in our region to carry out the work situation, for completing the questionnaire, database entry, data reporting, sample collection, laboratory testing, bio-safety and occupational exposure to such content has been the focus training. It was also issued a "sentinel surveillance of AIDS in Changping District, the program of work." Through this training, further standardize our region HIV sentinel surveillance work processes to ensure the monitoring of the quality of work, in order to do a good job of AIDS sentinel surveillance work to lay a solid foundation.