1)M 3D Embrodiery (立体绣)- Using urethane foam to give 3 dimensional appearance to embroidery. Foam is placed on the material and then embroidered upon. A high stitch density is used to cut the foam for easy removal.(使用聚氨酯泡沫来使刺绣具有立体效果 。将泡沫放在布料上,然后在其上刺绣。进行高密度针刺绣,将泡沫切碎以便取出泡沫。)
2)Applique (贴布绣)- Decoration or trimming cut from one piece of fabric and stitched to another, usually with a satin stitch around the edge. Adds dimension and/or texture to a design.also Can be used for economical or decorative purposes. Appliqu¨¦;;s are frequently used to reduce overall embroidery stitch counts, execute reproductions of which embroidery is incapable (such as continuous-tone printing) and decorate substrates difficult to embroider directly. (从某一块织物上剪切下来并缝到其他织物上的装饰品,通常其边缘都打挨针。可增加一个图案的尺寸和(或)质地,也可用于节约或装饰的目的。贴布经常用于减少整个刺绣的针数。完成刺绣不能完成的织物(如连续颜色的印花),和很难直接绣出来的装饰底层。)
3)Back Appliqué (后贴布)- A piece of goods used in the back of a design, where the front will be cut away to reveal the fabric in back. (用在图案后面的一块贴布。该图案的前面部分会被去掉,这样它后面部分就被显示出来)。
4)Backing(衬背)- Material used underneath the item to be embroidered to provide stability and support for the needle penetration. Best performance given when hooped with the item, but also can be placed between the item to be embroidered and the needle plate on flat bed machines. Available in many styles and weights most commonly referred to as cutaway or tearaway. (用在要绣的图案下面用于稳定和支撑针进行绣花的材料。当图案被用绣框框住时效果最好,但衬背也可以放在将要绣的图案和平板机器的针板之间。衬背的样式和重量有很多,一般所提到的有剪切式和撕裂式
5)Bean Stitch (豆形针)- Three stitches placed back and forth between two points. Often used for outlining, because it eliminates the need for repeatedly digitizing a single-ply running stitch outline. (在两点之间有三个针来回地放置,一般用于打包边,因为这样可以避免重复地打单层单挨针包边。)