年出口五亿只避孕套 桂林成中国最大联合国人口基金供应商
2009年08月25日 19:52 来源:中国新闻网
中新社桂林八月二十五日电(记者 周利朔)中国橡胶工业协会副会长、桂林乳胶厂厂长陶然二十五日透露,桂林乳胶厂每年出口橡胶避孕套高达五亿多只,已成为最大的联合国人口基金避孕套供应商。
Export 500 million condoms into Guilin, China's largest supplier of United Nations Population Fund
At 19:52 on August 25, 2009 Source: China News Net
China news agency, Guilin, August 25 (Reporter Zhou Lishuo) - China Rubber Industry Association vice president, Guilin Latex Factory was on the 25th said Tao Ran, Guilin Latex Factory up to more than 500 million annual export of rubber condoms, only had the United Nations Population Fund, the largest supplier of condoms.
According to reports, Guilin Latex Factory main products are rubber condoms, medical gloves, examination gloves, household gloves. At present, the company has an annual output of 1 billion of high-quality rubber condoms, 80 million to pay for medical rubber gloves and rubber examination gloves to pay 70 million production capacity. Among them, condoms, total exports accounted for 40 percent of China's exports is China's latex products production and export base.
As early as 2002, Guilin Latex Factory for the spread of AIDS is a serious social reality together the China Youth Development Foundation, China Youth Daily co-founded, "the China Youth AIDS charity fund" to start a series for the majority of young people knowledge of AIDS prevention education, care of AIDS orphans and other activities, caused widespread concern in society. Guilin Latex Factory donated a series of "high state" named "high-state Red Ribbon Love Island", aims to reach out to the health of rural populations to conduct AIDS-prevention knowledge in the long-term public service projects.
In view of Guilin Latex Factory for outstanding contributions to AIDS prevention and control, from Microsoft, the world-famous companies such as Bayer initiated the creation of a "global enterprise GBC GBC" has been absorbed by Guilin Latex Factory of China's first member.
Tao Ran, the State Family Planning Commission has decided to Guilin, the first establishment of a national reproductive health industry base, Guilin Latex Factory will take this opportunity to long-term objectives have been achieved billion yuan in RMB in sales. End