

  据《正分子医学》(Orthomolecular Medicine)报告,一项由乌干达坎帕拉的门戈医院所进行的临床试验显示,营养干预可以改善感染了人类免疫缺陷病毒者的生活质量和明显延缓其艾滋病的发病。
  该试验把310名患者分成2组,一组每天予含多种维生素和矿物质,共30种营养素的胶囊;另一组予含相同营养素的胶囊,并予额外的抗氧化物质,如硒、N-乙酰半胱氨酸、α-硫辛酸,目的是提高天然的抗逆转录酶病毒酶谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的水平。研究人员还监测营养素对 CD4 T 淋巴细胞、体重和各生活质量参数的影响。
  263名患者完成了该试验,两组的平均 CD4 T 淋巴细胞和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶水平均明显提高,平均体重增加了约1公斤,身体状况方面亦有明显改善,许多患者说食欲明显增加,可以走更远的路。
  英属哥伦比亚维多利亚大学的 Harold Foster 医学博士设计了该临床试验,其此前还撰写了一本以艾滋病病毒感染的营养治疗为主题的书。他认为人类免疫缺陷病毒致艾滋病是通过“劫持”细胞,“假冒”谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和“盗取”合成谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶所必需的色氨酸、半胱氨酸、谷氨酸和硒这四种营养素所致。他的临床试验和题为《艾滋病的真正病因》一书均是以此假设为前提。
  oster 博士认为,这些营养素的不足在很大程度上令艾滋病病毒感染者出现各种临床症状,如硒和谷氨酸的严重匮乏可令免疫系统迅速崩溃,而色氨酸不足可在疾病后期表现为心理障碍。在非洲大部分艾滋病流行地区,土壤中的硒均含量很低。该被称为“硒 CD4 T 细胞失控”(selenium CD4 T cell tailspin)的艾滋病发病理论是佐治亚大学的 E. W. Taylor 医学博士提出的。在非洲进行的另外二个小规模的临床试验也佐证了该理论。在这些试验中,艾滋病病毒感染者通过摄取 Foster 博士的假设理论中的四种主要的营养素而令身体状况获得了改善。

  美国全国免疫疾病和传染病研究所主任安东尼.福奇博士表示,这种手术如果用作临床治疗的话费用太高,而且风险过大,但还是值得鼓励。许特曼博士则表示目前不能过于乐观。他说:“艾滋病病毒很狡猾,不知道什么时候它们就会再冒出来。”Recent Progress of AIDS

First, nutrition therapy

According to "is molecular medicine" (Orthomolecular Medicine) report, a door from Kampala, Uganda, Ge hospitals clinical trials have shown that nutritional intervention can improve the infected with the human immunodeficiency virus from the quality of life and significantly slow down the AIDS incidence.
The trial to 310 patients were divided into 2 groups, one a day for a variety of vitamins and minerals with a total of 30 kinds of nutrients capsules; the other group of nutrients to the capsule containing the same, and for extra antioxidants, such as selenium , N-acetyl-L-cysteine, α-lipoic acid, to enhance the natural anti-retroviral enzyme glutathione peroxidase levels. Researchers also monitor the nutrients of CD4 T lymphocytes, weight and quality of life parameters.
263 patients completed the trial, two groups the average CD4 T lymphocytes and glutathione peroxidase were significantly increased, the average weight gain of about 1 kg, and physical condition has also improved appetite in many patients that a marked increase in the road can go farther.
Victoria University of British Columbia, MD, Harold Foster of the clinical trial design, the previously written to an HIV-infected treatment of the theme of nutrition books. He believes that human immunodeficiency virus-induced AIDS is through "hijacked" cells, "fake" glutathione peroxidase and "steal" Synthesis of glutathione peroxidase necessary for tryptophan, ammonia cysteamine acid, glutamic acid and selenium caused by these four nutrients. His clinical trials and entitled "The real cause of AIDS," a book is premised on this assumption.
Dr. oster, the inadequacy of these nutrients to a large extent the emergence of HIV-infected persons a variety of clinical symptoms, such as selenium and the serious shortage of glutamate may be the rapid collapse of the immune system, and the lack of tryptophan in the late disease manifestations as a psychological barrier. Most of the AIDS epidemic in Africa region, the soil content of selenium are very low. This is called "Se CD4 T cells out of control" (selenium CD4 T cell tailspin) theory is the AIDS of the University of Georgia, MD, EW Taylor made. In Africa the other two small-scale clinical trials have corroborated the theory. In these experiments, HIV-infected people, Dr. Foster through the uptake of the theoretical assumptions of the four major nutrients and the physical condition was improved.
Recent studies of the evidence once again of the HIV-induced abnormal immune system can be targeted to reverse the nutritional intervention, not receiving antiretroviral drug therapy in patients with nutritional interventions can be carried out in order to delay the onset of AIDS.

Second, stem cells, bone marrow transplant

According to U.S. media November 12, 2008 reported that at the same time suffering from a leukemia and AIDS patients to receive stem cells in bone marrow transplant, the body of the HIV virus could have all disappeared. The man was cured of the United States is a hematology expert Dr. Xu Teman, not AIDS experts. His bone marrow transplant in the preparation of the process reminds me a paper, article, said some people carry a mutant gene appears to allow them to have the innate ability to resist HIV, the genetic gene from both parents called "delta 32" that can hinder the AIDS virus on the human body attacks healthy cells. Dr. Xu Teman began to look for to carry this gene, but also with patients with type matching of bone marrow donors. 80 results matching the success of bone marrow donors, the first 61 people were detected with a "Delta 32" mutant gene. Matching to find suitable persons, the patients are still under the guidance of doctors prepared to carry out a series of matters. He took a number of strong drug effect, accepted the radiation therapy is aimed at the eradication of their own bone marrow cells were infected so that the loss of function of the immune system. In addition, after the end of surgery, Dr. Xu Teman also to the patients to stop taking anti-AIDS drugs, because the research team are worried that these drugs interfere with the growth of new bone marrow cells.
Immune diseases and the United States National Institute of Infectious Diseases Director Anthony. Dr. Fauci said that this surgery is used for clinical treatment, then the cost is too high, but the risk is too large, but should be encouraged. Dr. Xu Teman that can not be too optimistic. He said: "The AIDS virus is a very cunning, do not know when they will re-emerge." 


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