民警“清毒” 查出艾滋病患

民警“清毒” 查出艾滋病患


民警“清毒” 查出艾滋病患

2009年08月01日04:03  来源:
  医生正对嫌疑人抽血检查。 信息时报记者 郑启文 摄


  信息时报讯 (记者 童丹 实习生罗婷 通讯员黄岳林)前天开始,越秀警方组织警力在流花地区集中开展“清毒”行动。昨日上午,警方对传唤的16名嫌疑人进行检测,发现16名被查人员均是“瘾君子”,其中7名患有艾滋病、肺结核等恶性传染疾病。患病者将被收治,而吸毒者将被送强制戒毒。





【来源:信息时报】 (责任编辑:和讯网站)
Police "sterilization" found suffering from AIDS
At 4:03 on August 1, 2009
Doctors suspect are blood tests. Times reporter Zheng text message photo

Information Times (Reporter correspondent Luo Ting黄岳林intern童丹) started the day before yesterday, the police organizations, police Yuexiu Liuhua concentrated in the "sterilization" operations. Yesterday morning, the police summoned the 16 suspects were tested and found that 16 officers are under investigation as "drug addicts", in which seven people with AIDS, tuberculosis and other malignant diseases. Patients will be treated, and will be sent to compulsory treatment of drug addicts.
Started the day before yesterday, the police organizations, police Yuexiu Liuhua concentrated in the "sterilization" operations, after the relevant pre-lock suspicious摸查take control measures. As a result of these suspicious not only drug-related, most patients with infectious diseases or serious. 8 o'clock yesterday morning the whole, Yue Xiu Plaza, the police station in the police inventory of the 16 staff (including two women) to carry out the screening. This reporter has learned that the screening of the 16 staff most of them have a criminal record.

Yesterday at the scene, police were dispatched Yuexiu nearly 30 police officers to maintain order, and 12 medical personnel, inspection items include measurement of body temperature, blood pressure, chest according to the lung, blood tests and urine tests. Most suspects were able to exercise self-discipline health care professionals to meet law-abiding test carried out in accordance with the order. Two police and 15 security were put on protective suits to enter the Management Services, to maintain order.

According to test reports show that 16 officers are under investigation as "drug addicts", in which seven people with AIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, malignant were treated, and the remaining staff are sent to compulsory treatment.

【Source: Information Times (Editor: and the hearing site)

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2009-8-1    文章录入:nnb ]



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