这次ICANN第35次(悉尼)会议有一个引起大家关注的人事变动就是一位接手原总裁兼CEO(澳大利亚人)Paul Twomey的新总裁兼CEO是谁。
2009年06月25日14:26 来源:搜狐IT 是国内最早报道此事的媒体:
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2009年06月25日14:26 来源:搜狐IT
搜狐IT消息 北京时间6月25日消息:据国外媒体报道,美国政府此前负责网络安全的高官罗德·贝克斯托姆将有可能担任ICANN新总裁兼首席执行官。
如果获得任命,贝克斯托姆将接替澳大利亚人Paul Twomey。Paul Twomey是ICANN第三任总裁,也是任职时间最长的总裁,他仍将工作到年底,以和新总裁完成交接。
ICANN是美国商务部授权的国际域名和IP地址管理机构,随着互联网国际化,其他国家纷纷呼吁让ICANN脱离美国政府的控制,成为一个或由联合国管理的国际机构。分析人士表示,如果和美国政府关系密切的贝克斯托姆担任总裁,将有违各国的愿望。(令狐达 责任编辑:刀影) ( http://it.sohu.com/20090625/n264756583.shtml )
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Rumor: Rod Beckstrom Next ICANN CEO
- Jun 10, 2009 9:30 AM PDT
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Sources indicate former director of the US Homeland Security Department's National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC), Rod Beckstrom, will be replacing the current ICANN CEO, Paul Twomey, who announced his resignation earlier this year. Milton Mueller in a blog post on the IGP website writes: "This is still unconfirmed by ICANN but comes from well-informed sources. We also hear that David Eisner, the CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service under G.W. Bush and former VP at AOL, was also in the running." Beckstrom recently made headlines for his sudden resignation from his post at NCSC, criticizing the lack of funding from the NSA and its move to try to "rule over" the NCSC.
Note: Michael Eisner corrected to David Eisner above. NSA to NCSC.
Other sources: UPDATED Jun 15, 2009 9:18 AM PDT
Update on the Search and Appointment of a New President and CEO of ICANN ICANN, Jun.14.2009
Related topics: Internet Governance
笔者一直关注ICANN新总裁兼CEO是谁的信息,通过Skype与MSN向在会上的参会人士,其中ICANN ALLC 副主席Vanda Scartezini(巴西专家)6月25日下午告诉笔者: yes! look for Rod Beckstrom, at the google you will see his face. he will take place on stage tomorrow morning at Board meeting.
显然,当时Rod Beckstrom作为候任新总裁CEO己参事了,只是须要走一个董事会确认流程。
在网上,有关于Rod Beckstrom的维基百科是瑞士参会专家Werner给笔者的,网址为:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_Beckstrom
下面是巴西专家Jorge从现场拍的2张Rod Beckstrom在董事会确认流程中作演讲时的近距离相片:
Rod Beckstrom在董事会确认流程中作演讲-1( 摄影: Jorge )
Rod Beckstrom在董事会确认流程中作演讲-2( 摄影:Jorge )
在Rod Beckstrom在董事会确认流程中作演讲时,听打文字资料显示他很谦虚,一连数个“我对***不了解(I'm not an...)”的表述,对照他的工作资历(见维基百科上介绍)让人对他这种技术官员背景的人另眼相待!
有关他上任的快讯见下列网址:《ICANN宣布新总裁兼CEO上任》(http://www.dnsnews.cn/1/2009-06-26/623.htm )
Rod Beckstrom Named ICANN CEO
Global Entrepreneur, Analyst and Author
26 June 2009
Internet founders and leaders are joining industry executives and government officials in praising the selection of Rod Beckstrom as the new Chief Executive Officer and President of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
"Rod Beckstrom has exactly the sort of strong personal and technical background that ICANN needs, as we enter a period of unprecedented growth and change for the Internet," said ICANN's Board Chairman Peter Dengate Thrush, in announcing the appointment. "In addition to his cyber security expertise, he's been a successful CEO of a global enterprise, done NGO work and volunteer work and a bestselling author. It's an extreme understatement to say we are enthused."
Beckstrom is the former Director of the U.S. National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC), where he formed an effective working group of leaders from the nation's top six cybersecurity centers spanning the civilian, military and intelligence communities.
The announcement of Beckstrom's selection as CEO occurred at the conclusion of ICANN's 35th international meeting in Sydney, Australia.
"The importance of the Internet as a free flowing source of information is being underscored right now by the events in Iran," said Beckstrom. "It shows the power of human expression through a free and open Net."
Beckstrom's international perspectives and expertise in organizational analysis frame much of the praise surrounding his appointment as ICANN CEO:
- "Rod's extensive technical and commercial expertise is world class, and I can think of no one better positioned to lead ICANN's critical mission as the Internet's role in society continues to increase in scope and importance." – Eric Schmidt, Google Chairman and CEO.
- "Rod Beckstrom is strikingly well-prepared to undertake a new role as CEO of ICANN. His experience in industry and government equip him for this global and very challenging job." – Vint Cerf, considered the "Father" of the Internet.
- "I am pleased that ICANN elected Rod Beckstrom to serve as its next CEO, and look forward to working with him in the years to come. He is an intelligent and thoughtful individual who will provide the right kind of leadership for the organization." – Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee.
- "I can think of no one more prepared to take this role on than Rod Beckstrom." – David Dorman, Chairman of Motorola Inc.
- "Rod has thought deeply about organizations and the Internet. He will bring experience, energy and ideas to a job at the center of the digital revolution." – James Lewis, Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.
- "Rod Beckstrom is an outstanding choice to head ICANN. He understands people, institutions, and technology. He can bring constituencies together and has inspired important collaborations around the world. He recognizes both the potential and the challenges for ICANN. And has stood up for the civil liberties of Internet users with courage and foresight." – Marc Rotenberg, Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
- "Rod Beckstrom's unique blend of experience as a high-tech entrepreneur, public servant and leading international thinker are just what ICANN needs as it enters the next phase of its development. VeriSign looks forward to working with Mr. Beckstrom and his staff as they tackle the issues critical to the Internet community and Internet users." – Mark McLaughlin, President and Chief Operating Officer of VeriSign.
- "I'd liked to extend my congratulations to Mr. Beckstrom for his appointment as President and CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). His background as an Internet entrepreneur and in cyber security will be an asset for ICANN as it continues to promote competition and enhance the stability and security of the global Internet. I look forward to working with him, as we continue our efforts to make ICANN a more stable, accountable, transparent, and, most importantly, fully independent global organization." – U.S. Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine).
Beckstrom has been an active participant in the non-profit arena, serving on the board of trustees of the Environmental Defense Fund and the Jamii Bora Trust, a micro-lending group based in Nairobi, Kenya with more than 210,000 members.
A co-author of four books, Beckstrom's most recent, The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations, details how diverse and untraditional organizations, can become virtually selfperpetuating, regardless of the status of their respective leadership.
"The Internet has changed the way the world communicates and conducts commerce," said Beckstrom. "And in no small way, this multi-stakeholder, bottom-up organization has been and will continue to be at the core of the Internet's on-going evolution. Quite simply, the proof that ICANN works, is that the Internet works."
( http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-26jun09-en.htm )
有关ICANN的新总裁兼CEO人选已经揭晓,上任总裁兼CEO的Paul Twomey将以高级总裁(Senior President )身份协助Beckstrom把工作承接,一直到2010年1月1日为止,这是Paul Twomey博士从2003年3月担任ICANN总裁兼CEO以来的“最后一班岗”。
11:54 2009-6-29 写于北京家中