(2009-07-24 06:50:17)
本报讯(记者刘红 实习生梁素艳)记者23日从省疾控中心获悉,我省第二轮11个艾滋病综合防治示范区正式启动,这将有效地促进我省的艾滋病防治工作。
Hebei Province, 11 AIDS prevention and control demonstration zones start
(2009-07-24 06:50:17)
By (reporter Liu Hong Liang Suyan intern) 23 reporters from the provincial CDC was informed that the province the second round of 11 AIDS prevention officially launched the demonstration zone, which will effectively promote our province's AIDS prevention and treatment work.
It is reported that the second round of demonstration areas including the central focus of the construction of two demonstration areas (national) and the nine provincial-level demonstration zone for AIDS prevention and treatment. The former were Yongnian County, Handan and Baoding City Anguo. The latter for the central government and provinces to build the demonstration zone, namely non-polar county Shijiazhuang, Xingtai Lincheng County, Hengshui Jizhou City, Cangzhou盐山县, Qingyuan County, Baoding, Zhangjiakou Xuanhua District,隆化县Chengde, Tangshan Luanxian, Qinhuangdao Beidaihe District.
[ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2009-7-24 文章录入:nnb ]
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