



2009年07月02日 10:09 来源:中国新闻网 
 中新社温哥华七月一日电 (尹琳)一种艾滋病疫苗已经在加拿大通过了动物安全性测试,研究者们正等待批准开始在美国进行人类测试。

  位于加拿大东部的西安大略大学微生物学教授康永(Yong Kang,音译)在这个领域已经工作了二十年之久。他表示,这种疫苗进入人类测试阶段是个重大里程碑。




AIDS vaccine, a new animal testing in Canada
At 10:09 on July 2, 2009 Source: China News Net
China news agency, Vancouver, July 1 (Yin Lin) - An AIDS vaccine has been adopted in Canada, animal safety testing, the researchers are awaiting approval to start human testing in the United States.

Canada is located in the eastern part of the University of Western Ontario professor of microbiology Kang (Yong Kang, who) have been working in this field as long as twenty years. He said that this vaccine to enter human testing phase is a significant milestone.

Kang hopes to soon from the United States Food and Drug Administration approval to make this an AIDS vaccine in humans for toxicity testing and a two-stage clinical trials. If these three tests can be successful, the vaccine will be the application of the next decade.

According to the United Nations in 2008 to a global AIDS report shows that in 2007 a total of 33 million people worldwide suffering from AIDS, which killed two million people. The past, there have been dozens of AIDS vaccine in animals have been tested, of which several have been tested in humans, but no success.

According to the media here reported today, with South Korea's Kang, a professor of pharmaceutical companies to set up in Ontario, Canada Division, funded laboratory of experimental and commercial vaccines. The vaccine is currently the Washington area in the United States the production of a laboratory. The latest laboratory tests showed the vaccine in animals has no negative effects. If approved, the 40-50 test positive for HIV virus, the volunteers will be accepted in the United States toxicity testing. (END)

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:197    更新时间:2009-7-2    文章录入:nnb ]



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