


http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年07月16日04:05  大洋网-广州日报
  本报讯 (记者任珊珊)记者从昨天举行的全省皮防系统性病艾滋病高危人群干预工作会议上获悉,广东将整合全省医疗机构性病、艾滋病防治力量,最迟将在明年启动流动人口性病艾滋病行为干预行动。这也是广东近年来针对流动人口开展的最大规模干预行动。




Guangdong will launch the largest mobile population AIDS interventions
07 years http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 on 16 day 04:05大洋网- Guangzhou Daily
By (任珊珊reporter) from the province yesterday's paper system of STD and AIDS prevention interventions in high-risk groups meeting was informed that the province of Guangdong will integrate medical institutions of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS prevention and control forces, the latest start in the next year, the floating population of STD and AIDS behavior interventions. This is also a floating population in Guangdong in recent years carried out for the largest intervention.

Preliminary statistics show that in the before and after intervention, entertainment female practitioners partner with non-fixed, fixed partner condom use when having sexual intercourse, respectively, 7 and 27.7 percentage points, syphilis, condyloma, Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases lower infection rates have different ranges, of which the highest chlamydia infection rate declined 13 percentage points.

STD prevention and treatment of skin provincial director of the Center for Yang said that this year the focus of STD and AIDS interventions will focus on four categories of people. First, managers will strive for high-risk places, including the "Mummy", and other service centers, such as the boss, "key" to intervene in support for the work.

Improve the "F Street Station" and other employees with the lowest set of rates is urgent. "F Street Station" group the lowest condom use, sexually transmitted infection is very high.

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2009-7-16    文章录入:nnb ]



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