男子乞讨真奇特 开场白竟自称“艾滋病”
(2009-6-9 11:04)
本报讯(记者 谷雨)昨天下午,在民治路开童装店的范女士店里,竟然来了一位自称是艾滋病患者的男子,向她讨点钱治病,该男子的突然出现,可把范女士吓了个不轻。
了进来,以为是顾客来了,她忙起身迎接。“你好,我是艾滋病患者,请您奉献点爱心给点钱吧!我要去医院治病。 ”对方这样的开场白,一下让她惊呆了。范女士说,见此情景,她连忙推说自己店里生意不好,让他去别的地方乞讨。然而对方听了,非但没有离去,相反还要撩起衣服给她看他身上溃烂的地方。“我当时真快要被吓死了,连忙拿了一元钱给他,他才离去。 ”范女士说,这个乞丐从她的店里走出去后,又去了另外一家店行乞,再到下一家时,看到守店的是男店主,他竟然直接跳过这家店,再到下一家行乞。见此情景,她连忙拨打了110报警,等民警赶到现场时,该乞丐早已无影无踪了。
Really strange man begging even opening the self-proclaimed "AIDS"
(2009-6-9 11:04)
A (Reporter Guyu) Yesterday afternoon, the road opened by the people wear in the Miss Fan Shop store, even to claim to be a man with AIDS, to discuss some money to her medical treatment, the man suddenly appeared and can be Miss Fan had threatened not to light.
At 2 pm, Miss Fan of children's wear store in their own sit. At this time, a more than 30-year-old carrying a slim black briefcase of the man walking
In., that is the customers come, get up to greet her busy. "Hello, I am living with AIDS, love your dedication to the money at it! I'm going to hospital treatment." Each other such opening, she was shocked about. Ms. Fan said见此scene, she quickly pushed the store say that they were not doing good business, let him go begging elsewhere. However, after listening to each other, not only did not, contrary to her clothes, but also lifted him to see a place to fester. "I was really going to be scared to death, quickly took a dollar to him, he left." Ms. Fan said that the beggars from her after going out of the store, went begging another shop, and then under a time, see Shou-shop owner is a man that he should skip the shop, next to a beg.见此scene, she hastened to call the 110, and police rushed to the scene, the beggars have long trace.
(xinyu Gusu from Evening News)