2009十大科技领袖 盖茨第三奥巴马上榜
2009年06月28日13:41 来源:比特网 作者:《环球科学》
近日,美国最重要的科普杂志、创始于1845年的《科学美国人》(Scientific American)杂志评出了2009年度的十大科技领袖.他们向我们证明:建立一项公共卫生计划,或者经营一宗绿色生意,所需的不仅仅是高效行政和优秀公关.运用创造力克服机构和官僚的重重阻碍,不仅是为了采用新技术,更是为了推广对改善医疗服务和环境至关重要的创新程序方法.
萨德尔 Wafaa El-Sadar
多 达1/3的艾滋病人患有肺结核,在同时患有这两种疾病的人群中,有1/2最后死于肺部感染。
萨德尔领导的研究项目的目标就是,迅速降低这一比例。萨德尔是 哥伦比亚大学国际艾滋病护理和治疗项目(ICAP)的主任。不久前,她在ICAP和撒哈拉以南地区的近400家医疗中心之间发起了一项合作计划,目的是抑 制艾滋病/结核病在这一地区造成的祸害。截至2008年12月,这些非洲医疗中心已经甄别出超过10万例患有肺结核的HIV感染者,并发展出一系列配合使 用的方法,在治疗结核的同时预防传染。
这位生于埃及的内科医生专注于研究HIV流行 的方方面面,这些工作让她在2008年获颁声誉卓著的麦克阿瑟奖(MacArthur Fellowship)。1988年,她加盟哈莱姆中心医院,任传染科主任。此后,她就致力于推广一种全方位的、以家庭为基础的艾滋病护理模式。此外,她 还推广了一个旨在将艾滋病的母婴传播降至最低的计划,8个国家的数千名妇女从中获益。
斯科特 Eugenie Scott
19 世纪的生物学家托马斯·赫胥黎(Thomas Henry Huxley)由于为达尔文的思想辩护而被称作“达尔文斗犬”。他在21世纪的传人是一位自称“达尔文金毛犬”的女性。作为非盈利机构“美国科学教育中心 ”(NCSE)的领袖,尤金妮亚·斯科特一直是提倡在美国公立学校的课程中保留进化论的著名人物。斯科特于1986年出任NCSE的执行董事。一年后,美 国最高法院在“爱德华兹对阿奎拉德案”中作出裁决,判定在公立学校中教授“创世论科学”(creation science)为非法行为。
1980 年,斯科特还是美国肯塔基大学的一位体质人类学家。当时她对试图调和生物、地质等学科与圣经字面解释的“创世论科学”产生了兴趣。她还在列克星敦领导过一 次草根运动,旨在阻止当地的公立学校教授创始论。2005年,她在划时代的“奇兹米勒对多佛案”中提供免费咨询。琼斯(John Jones)法官裁定,“智能设计论”是一种创世论,按照宪法不得在公立学校中教授。
2009 年3月,得克萨斯州教育委员会投票否决了一个提案。该提案要求教师在科学课上无须考虑达尔文理论的“优缺点”,这一主张源于改头换面兜售创世论的行为。 NCSE此前曾大声呼吁,虽然创世派使用了不同的言辞,但诋毁达尔文理论的意图并没有改变。进化论的反对者一再变换说辞,达尔文金毛犬还有许多机会来维护 学校教授进化论的权利。
盖茨 Bill Gates/布隆伯格 Michael Bloomberg
这 次合作源于一项迄今已累计达1.25亿美元的国际募款项目。该项目由布隆伯格于2006年发起,旨在推广一系列禁烟政策。新注入资金(2.5亿美元来自布 隆伯格,1.25亿美元来自比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会)的用途是,向儿童和成人教授烟草危害、保护个人不受二手烟侵扰、帮助烟民戒除烟瘾等。该计划还将为 税务和健康官员提供培训,帮助他们制定有效的禁烟指令。此外,它还会监测全球烟草的使用,并对控制策略做出评估。合作方包括世界卫生组织(WHO)、美国 疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)和世界肺基金会(WLF)。工作中心是在烟草需求旺盛的孟加拉、中国、印度、印尼和俄罗斯。
■ 群英会
●布雷迪(Todd Brady)
●阿加西 (Shai Agassi)
●林哈特(Robert J. Linhardt)
他 查明了一种受到污染的药物致人死亡的原因。2008年1月,受污染的肝素(heparin)在美国引发多人死亡。事发后,美国食品及药品监督管理局 (FDA)委托林哈特找出元凶。结果林哈特不但顺利完成任务,还设计出了一种预防此类惨剧重演的方案。该研究代表了肝素在挽救生命、而非剥夺生命方面取得 的巨大进步。
●威尔森(Bryan Willson)
他 促进了发展中国家清洁能源技术的推广。世界上有近一半的人口,依赖能效极低、能耗极高的室内炉灶来烹饪三餐。威尔森的研究团队已经用一台简易化油器和一间 隔热室解决了这个问题,售价仅10到40美元。比起传统炉灶,它的排放量减少了80%,使用的燃料更少,加热食物的速度更快。
●奥尔森(Kristian Olson)
●纳吉(Andras Nagy)
他 找到了用成熟细胞培育干细胞的实用方法。纳吉和同事利用转座子,将转化所需的4个基因引入小鼠和人类的细胞。纳吉加入4种基因后,许多成熟细胞立刻转化成 了干细胞。即便在基因移除之后,这些细胞仍然保持了多能的特性。有史以来,纳吉和同事首次制造出了道德、安全和高效的胚胎干细胞。
●奥巴马 (Barack Obama)
2009 top ten technology leaders list Obama Gates III
At 13:41 on June 28, 2009 Source: Bit Network Author: "Global Science"
Recently, America's most important popular science magazine, founded in the 1845 "Scientific American" (Scientific American) magazine's 2009 top ten of the leaders in science and technology. They have to prove: the establishment of a public health plan, or operating a Green business were required not only highly efficient administration and good public relations. using creativity to overcome the many institutional and bureaucratic obstacles, not only to the introduction of new technology, but also to promote the improvement of medical services and the innovation environment is essential procedures method.
1 against the ravages of HIV
Al-Sadr Wafaa El-Sadar
New York, Harlem Hospital Center, Chief Physician传染科
Up to 1 / 3 of people suffering from tuberculosis, AIDS, both at the same time suffering from the disease population, 1 / 2, died of lung infection.
Research project led by Moqtada al-Sadr's goal is to rapidly reduce the proportion. Sadr is the Columbia University International AIDS care and treatment programs (ICAP), director. Not long ago, she ICAP and sub-Saharan region, nearly 400 medical centers launched a cooperation program aimed at inhibiting HIV / TB in the region caused by the scourge. As of December 2008, the African Medical Center has identified more than 100,000 cases of tuberculosis with HIV infection and the development of a series of methods used in the treatment at the same time to prevent the spread of tuberculosis.
The Egyptian-born physician of the study focused on all aspects of HIV pandemic, which in 2008 she was awarded the MacArthur Award reputable (MacArthur Fellowship). In 1988, she joined the Harlem Hospital Center, he was appointed director of传染科. Since then, she is committed to the promotion of an all-round, home-based care model for AIDS. In addition, she also seeks to promote a mother to child transmission of AIDS to a minimum the plan, the eight countries to benefit from several thousand women.
Another al-Sadr to participate in research, will ultimately guide the doctors to determine the best course of AIDS treatment. From 2001 to 2006, she and other researchers with ever presided over the largest study of AIDS treatment: antiretroviral therapy strategy (SMART). The study reached an important conclusion: Long-term antiretroviral therapy in patients with longer survival, but also more healthy. At the moment, al-Sadr was committed to universal access to this experimental therapy: in 2008, in the ICAP with the help of sub-Saharan Africa 1 / 10 AIDS patients received antiretroviral therapy.
2 Darwin's golden dogs
Eugenie Scott Scott
California, the United States executive director of Center for Science Education
19th-century biologist Thomas Huxley (Thomas Henry Huxley) as a result of the defense of Darwin's ideas are known as "Darwin's bulldog." His successor in the 21st century is a self-proclaimed "golden dogs Darwin" females. As a non-profit organization "The United States Center for Science Education" (NCSE) leader Eugene妮亚斯Scott has been a public school in the United States to promote the course to retain the famous theory of evolution. Scott in 1986 as executive director of the NCSE. A year later, the United States Supreme Court in the "Edwards for阿奎拉德case" would make a ruling, found in the public schools teach "Creation Science" (creation science) for the illegal conduct.
In 1980, Scott University of Kentucky or the United States, a physical anthropologist. At that time, she tried to reconcile the biological, geological sciences and the literal interpretation of the Bible, the "Creation Science" interest. Lexington, she also led a grass-roots movement to stop the local public schools in the founding of a professor. In 2005, she was an epoch-making "of the Dover case奇兹米勒" provided free of charge. Jones (John Jones) judge ruled that "intelligent design" is a creation of, in accordance with the Constitution may not be taught in public schools.
In March 2009, Texas Board of Education rejected a proposal to vote. The proposal requires the teachers in the science classes there is no need to consider Darwin's theory of the "advantages and disadvantages of" selling the idea stems from the creation of a new form of behavior. NCSE had loudly called for, although the use of the Creator to send a different language, but the intent to discredit Darwin's theory has not changed. Opponents of the theory of evolution has repeatedly transform rhetoric, there are many dogs Darwin golden opportunity to safeguard the rights of schools to teach evolution.
3 to promote anti-smoking campaign
Gates Bill Gates / Bloomberg Michael Bloomberg
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Chairman / New York City Mayor
Than cholera, AIDS and tuberculosis combined fatal, the number of deaths each year more than any other of a cause of death. It soon spread alarmingly, especially in developing countries. 2008, co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates joint media tycoon Michael Bloomberg and politicians, together launched a project of 375 million U.S. dollars, in the global fight against tobacco --- the lethal factor.
This collaboration has been derived from a total of 125 million U.S. dollars of international fund-raising project. The project is funded by Bloomberg launched in 2006, aims to promote a series of no-smoking policy. New injection of funds (250 million U.S. dollars from Bloomberg, 125 million U.S. dollars from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) are used to children and adults, Professor of tobacco hazards, the protection of individuals against intrusion of passive smoking, and so on to help smokers kick the habit. The plan will also provide tax and health officials to provide training to help them develop effective anti-smoking instructions. In addition, it will monitor global tobacco use and to evaluate control strategies. Partners including the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Lung Foundation (WLF). Work center is a strong demand for tobacco in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia and Russia.
Bloomberg is also a smoker, I was, but the term of office as Mayor of New York City, he has established a reputation for anti-smoking crusader. Gates Foundation has always been known to attack infectious diseases, in the fight against tobacco is just the entry. With the input of funds and personnel to join Bloomberg and Bill Gates is expected to build the necessary political will to stop smoking and the birth of the appropriate policies to help rid the world of this dreadful habit.
■ The function
IT leaders fast time
● Brady (Todd Brady)
California, manager of Intel's business environment
He makes a chip to improve the environmental footprint will be the focus of the work. In his assistance in the global business community, Intel gained the reputation of a pioneer in environmental protection. This year, Intel plans to the opening of its first green building homes. It can collect the data center of the heat emitted by the computer used for the construction of internal heating. Brady also promote environmental protection through a lot of resolution.
● Agassi (Shai Agassi)
California, land the company founder and president of
He designed a sophisticated program the charge, perhaps for the electric-powered car paved the way for the future. He is assembling a new road infrastructure. Motorists will be able to pre-order a certain mileage, once the batteries run out, will be able to exchange points convenient location TM. Short-distance commuters driving or shopping may be in the measurement site powered parking charge.
●林哈特(Robert J. Linhardt)
U.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic, biocatalysis and metabolic engineering professor
He identified a risk of contamination of the drug caused the causes of death. In January 2008, contaminated heparin (heparin) caused more deaths in the United States. After the incident, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioned to identify the main culprit林哈特.林哈特not only the result of the successful completion of tasks, but also designed to prevent such a tragic repetition of the program. The study represents the heparin in saving lives, rather than the deprivation of life of the great progress made.
● Wilson (Bryan Willson)
Colorado State University professor of mechanical engineering
He promoted in developing countries promote clean energy technologies. Nearly half the world's population, rely on very low energy efficiency, high power indoor stove for cooking three meals a day. Wilson's research team has been using a simple interval carburetor and a hot chamber to resolve the issue price of 10-40 U.S. dollars only. Compared to traditional stoves, which reduce emissions by 80%, use less fuel, heating food faster.
● Olsen (Kristian Olson)
Boston Medical technology and innovation leader in the integration of Center
He saved the newborn in developing countries. 2008, Olsen together innovative medical technologies and integration center (CIMIT) launched a project to demonstrate a price of 7 U.S. dollars only ventilator. Through this ventilator, medical personnel will be able to carry the gases to the newborn population. The project was launched in 2004 following the tsunami in South Asia.
● Nagy (Andras Nagy)
Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada Senior Fellow
He found the use of mature cells to cultivate stem cells a practical approach. Nagy and colleagues using transposon will be required into the introduction of four genes in mouse and human cells. Nagy joined the four kinds of genes, many mature cells immediately converted into stem cells. Even after removing the gene, these cells can still maintain a number of characteristics. Ever, Nagy and colleagues created the first time, ethics, safety and efficiency of embryonic stem cells.
● Obama (Barack Obama)
President of the United States
Office at the beginning, it set off the dramatic changes in science policy. He abolished the disadvantage of the existing science policy, and to appoint an outstanding scientific community as an important public figure. He withdrew to the embryonic stem cell research ban on federal funding. Special Envoy on Climate his commitment will be pressing the United States, scientific and pragmatic attitude to act accordingly.
Source: "Global Science" ( "Scientific American" Chinese Version) feeds