
标签: 克鲁格曼  滞胀  龙政宏 
          滞胀,停滞性通货膨胀(Stagflation)又称为萧条膨胀或膨胀衰退。通俗的说就是指物价上升,但经济停滞不前。 克鲁格曼提出了自己对于滞胀这个问题的理解。
                                                  The stagflation myth
  Via Dean Baker, Robert Samuelson declares — as a simple fact — that

 通过Dean BakerRobert Samuelson的声明——作为一个简单的事实——那就是

Johnson’s economic policies, inherited from Kennedy, proved disastrous; they led to the 1970s’ “stagflation.”


Wow. I didn’t know that. Neither, as far as I know, did any economist who has actually studied the issue.


Seriously, this is a standard bit of conservative propaganda. Ever since Reagan, conservatives have been using the evils of stagflation to denounce liberal economic policies. Yet mainstream economics — even at Chicago — has never made that connection.


Stagflation was a term coined by Paul Samuelson to describe the combination of high inflation and high unemployment. The era of stagflation in America began in 1974 and ended in the early 80s. Why did it happen?


Well, the textbooks basically invoke two factors. One was a series of “adverse supply shocks”, mainly the huge runup in the price of oil. The other was excessively expansionary monetary policy, especially in 1972-3, which allowed expectations of inflation to become entrenched. (Ken Rogoff — a Republican, by the way — attributes that expansion to the desire of Arthur Burns to see Richard Nixon reelected.)

当然,教科书在根本上诉诸于两个因素。一方面是一系列的供给过剩的不良反应,主要是石油价格凶猛地高涨。另一方面是过度扩张的货币政策,特别是在1972-91973年,被认可的预期中的通货膨胀变成了现实。(顺便提下一个共和党成员Ken Rogoff,把扩张归因于Arthur Burns渴望看到Richard Nixon被重选)

The appearance of stagflation was a win for conservative economics, but it was conservative monetary economics that was partly vindicated: Milton Friedman’s assertion that there is no long-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment turned out to be correct, and is now part of the standard canon.


But where is the Great Society in all this? Nowhere. The claim that stagflation proved the badness of liberal ideas is pure propaganda, which not even conservative economists believe.


PS: all this comes in the middle of a column whining about favorable press treatment of Obama. Did Samuelson complain equally about the loving treatment Bush received for several years after 9/11? Somehow I don’t remember that …

