

    互联网名称和数字地址分配机构 (ICANN) 第35届国际公开会议将于 2009 年 6 月 21 日至 26 日在悉尼希尔顿酒店隆重召开。会议的完整时间表以及一周内要举行的每个会议的摘要,均可在ICANN悉尼会议网站 (http://syd.icann.org) 上获得。



    该会议上可能讨论两个主要问题:新通用顶级域名(gTLD) 和国际化域名(IDN)。关于新gTLD流程的状态及IDN快速跟踪流程的研讨会将在星期一举行。


    在支持组织 (AC)/ 咨询委员会 (SO) 联合会议中,来自ICANN下属机构的代表将讨论ICANN流程中咨询委员会、支持组织、政策制定人员和董事会成员的角色和职责,该会议同样被列入星期一的议程。


    包括:国家代码域名支持组织 (ccNSO) 技术日 ( 星期一 );“ 增强对机构的信心 ” 研讨会 ( 星期三 );“ 域名系统 (DNS) 滥用 ” 讨论会 ( 星期四 ); 和董事会公共参与委员会的公开会议 ( 星期三 ) 。


    日程表中还列入了两晚的社会活动。星期一晚上将在希尔顿酒店举办鸡尾酒会,随后是在悉尼的滨水区举办的“餐厅之夜”,其中多家餐厅将为ICANN 会议的与会者提供20% 的特别折扣。

    星期三晚上,将在悉尼的海外旅客集散中心(世界奢华型班轮码头)举行庆祝会,届时大家将饱览悉尼港著名的悉尼歌剧院和悉尼大桥的壮观景色。 Argyle 酒吧将举办晚会后续活动。


    如果您无法亲身参加此次会议,但仍希望在线了解会议的各项活动,您将在会议官方网站 (http://syd.icann.org) 上找到大量的远程参与工具。大多数会议会以现场直播、多语音频流、网上聊天室和可下载的演示文稿的形式呈现。

    主要会议室及所有ccNSO活动将使用Adobe Connect软件进行现场直播,该软件使您不仅可以听到并看到每次会议室内正在进行的会议情况、还可以看到演讲者发言文稿、实时听打文字文本并同时在聊天室内进行互动。

    您想要访问互动的会议,只需转至指定的会议网页,单击链接即可启动该网页(请注意:此系统可能对某些Linux 用户不起作用) 。


    如果您希望于星期四在公共论坛中提问,请访问我们的在线问题论坛 (http://syd.icann.org/public-forum) 。


    有关悉尼本身的其他信息,包括向大会主办方提建议、行程和签证问题、交通以及旅游忠告,均可在悉尼会议网站(http://syd.icann.org  上获得。


    ICANN 员工


    下面是ICANN技术总监(CTO)Johnl Crain先生在6月23日下午14时50分给笔者提供的一张会议现场相片:




    英文原文:Two-Week Countdown to Sydney!

                  8 June 2009

ICANN's 35th International Public Meeting is just two weeks away. The conference will be held 21-26 June 2009 at the Hilton Sydney.

A full schedule for the meeting, including a synopsis of each session being held throughout the week, is available on the ICANN Sydney Meeting website at http://syd.icann.org.


Two main issues will likely dominate the conference: new generic Top-Level-Domains (gTLDs), and Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs). Workshops on the status of the new gTLD process, as well as the IDN Fast-Track process, will take place on Monday.

A Joint AC/SO Meeting, in which representatives from ICANN's constituent groups will be discussing the roles and responsibilities of Advisory Committees, Supporting Organisations, Policy Staff and Board Members in ICANN's processes, is also on Monday's agenda .

Other highlights include: the ccNSO Tech Day (Monday); an Improving Institutional Confidence Workshop (Wednesday); a forum on Abuse of the DNS (Thursday); and a public meeting of the Board's Public Participation Committee (Wednesday).

Social events

Two evenings of social events are also written into the calendar. Monday night will see a cocktail reception at the Hilton, followed by "restaurant night" on the waterfront in Sydney where several restaurants will offer a special 20% discount to ICANN Meeting attendees.

On Wednesday, a Gala Event will be held at Sydney's Overseas Passenger Terminal — where the world's luxury liners dock — with a spectacular view across Sydney harbour to the famous Opera House and Bridge. An after-party will be held at The Argyle bar.

Remote participation

Are you unable to attend in person, but still wish to follow events online? You will find extensive remote participation tools on the meeting website at http://syd.icann.org. Most sessions will have live, multilingual audio streaming, web chat rooms, and downloadable presentations.

The main room and all ccNSO events will be broadcast live using Adobe's Connect software, which allows you to not only hear and see what is going on in the room but also see the presentations, a real-time text tran***, and interact in a chatroom at the same time.

To access the interactive room you just need to go to a given meeting's webpage and a single link will launch it (please note: this system may not work with all Linux users).

For sessions outside those two rooms, visit the session's specific webpage from the schedule and you will be able to choose from listening to audio feeds in multiple languages, to interacting in live web chatrooms and/or downloading speaker presentations.

If you wish to ask a question in the public forum on Thursday, visit our online question box at http://syd.icann.org/public-forum.

General information

Other information regarding Sydney itself, including suggestions on things to do, travel and visa issues, transportation, and tourist advice are all available on the Sydney meeting website at http://syd.icann.org.

We look forward to seeing you there.



   12:34 2009-6-23 写于北京