

http://news.QQ.com  2009年06月12日14:28   南方周刊   

高耀洁女,山东曹县人,生于1927年,1954年毕业于河南大学医学院。河南省第七届人大代表、九三学社成员、妇科肿瘤病专家。多年来费近百万元印刷防艾宣传资料、救助艾滋病患者和艾滋孤儿,被媒体誉为“中国民间防艾第一人” 。80高龄的高耀洁依然心忧防艾工作。


1996年她发现因输血感染艾滋病的病例,意识到血液传播艾滋病的严重性,她自费进行艾滋病防治和救助工作。在6年多时间里,她走访了河南省100多个村庄,见过1000 多个艾滋病患者;自费出版《艾滋病、性病的防治》一书,免费发放30万册,仅此一项支出就达40多万元。由她主办编写的《预防艾滋病的知识》报也已经出 版15期,印数达53万份。

2001年,“全球卫生理事会”授予她当年“乔纳森·曼卫生及人权奖”,她将2万美元奖金和1 万美元赠款,全用来加印《艾滋病性病的防治》一书。联合国秘书长安南称赞她是一位在中国农村从事预防艾滋病宣传教育的女性活动家。2002年她被美国《时 代》杂志评为“亚洲英雄”、被《商业周刊》授予“亚洲之星”称号;2003年上半年,又获得“亚洲的诺贝尔奖”——亚洲拉蒙-麦格塞公共服务奖; 2004年当选中央电视台“感动中国”2003年年度人物;2007年,赴美接受了世界妇女权利组织“生命之音”年度“全球女性领袖”奖。

Gao Introduction
06 years http://news.QQ.com 2009 on 12 day Southern Weekly 14:28

Gao: Female, Shandong Caoxian who was born in 1927, 1954, graduated from Henan University School of Medicine. The Seventh National People's Congress of Henan Province, Society members, experts in gynecological tumors. Over the years, at their own expense of nearly one million AIDS printing promotional materials, help AIDS patients and AIDS orphans, by the media as "the first person of Chinese Folk AIDS." 80-year-old Gao is still work心忧AIDS.


In 1996 she found that blood transfusion AIDS cases, aware of the seriousness of blood-borne AIDS, she self-financed AIDS prevention and rescue work. In 6 years, she visited more than 100 villages in Henan Province, met with more than 1000 patients with AIDS; at their own expense, the publication of "AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases prevention and control" of a book, free distribution of 300,000, the cost alone of more than 40 million. Prepared by her host, "the prevention of AIDS" has been published at 15, printed 53 million copies.

In 2001, "Global Health Council," she was awarded "乔纳森曼Health and Human Rights Award," she will be 20,000 U.S. dollars and 10,000 U.S. dollars prize money grants, all used to print "AIDS prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases," a book . UN Secretary General Kofi Annan praised her as a prominent figure in China's rural areas is engaged in propaganda and education on AIDS prevention for women activists. She was the United States in 2002 "Time" magazine's "Asian Heroes", by "Business Week" award "Star of Asia" title; the first half of 2003 and the "Nobel Prize of Asia" - Asia Ramon - Michael G Public Service Award; CCTV election in 2004 "moved China" Person of the Year in 2003; in 2007, the United States to accept the world of women's rights organizations "Vital Voices" year "global women leaders" award.




[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:197    更新时间:2009-6-12    文章录入:nnb ]