




  1、口腔细菌及传染病  牙龈出血是主因。你的牙龈出血,那么就可能传播口腔及血液系统的疾病,并且牙龈出血即表示牙龈或者牙周状态的粘膜屏障破损,也容易感染对方的口腔细菌及传染病。要知道,皮肤及粘膜屏障,是保护人体的第一次层屏障,和铠甲一样,耐防止外界的污染、感染等等!


  2、口腔溃疡  这类人和上面的情况一样,也是存在之类的问题,并且有些严重的溃疡会和肿瘤相混淆。


  4、传染口腔细菌 牙列不齐、歪牙、暴牙的人这类人牙列不齐,容易堆积细菌及结石,口腔细菌数量相对很多。

  5、系统性疾病 牙龈萎缩的人,牙龈呈灰暗色。牙龈萎缩本身就是牙龈或者牙周疾病的表现。牙龈晦暗,不是牙结石太多,炎症较重,就是有血液系统疾病或者其它系统性疾病,也是需要注意的。





Eight most vulnerable to infection kissing disease!

Oral health, oral fresh, you can enjoy the sweet kiss. However, experts recommend oral cavity, the following eight kinds of oral problems easily transmitted diseases through kissing.

1, oral bacteria and gingival bleeding is a major cause of infectious diseases. Your gums bleeding, then it may be the spread of oral and blood system diseases, and that gingival bleeding gums or periodontal status of the mucosal barrier is damaged, is also susceptible to other oral bacteria and infectious diseases. Need to know, skin and mucosal barriers, is to protect the body's first barrier layer, and the same armor, resistant to the outside world to prevent pollution, infection and so on!

AIDS is the most intuitive example. If you clean the oral mucosa intact without damage, the other side the same, the actual kissing and AIDS is also relatively safe.

2, this type of oral ulcer and the case of the above, but also the existence of such problems, ulcers and some serious confusion and the tumor.

3, each from the gum infection cause pain. Gingival swelling and pain that have inflammation of the oral pathogens themselves more, thus increasing the risk of cross contamination.

4, transmission of oral bacteria missing dentition, askew teeth, the people暴牙such persons missing dentition, easy accumulation of bacteria and calculus, the number of oral bacteria is relatively a lot.

5, systemic disease of the human gingival atrophy, gingival呈灰dark. Shrinkage of gums or gum itself is the performance of periodontal disease. Dark gums, teeth are not too severe inflammation, there is blood diseases or other systemic diseases, but also need to pay attention.

6, bad breath of people have bad breath. Bad breath is actually a manifestation of oral diseases, such as gingivitis, periodontal disease. The actual causes of bad breath is caused by the large population of bacteria and chemicals such as acid indomethacin-yan, and the smell of sulfur and so on there.

7, tooth decay bacteria have infected people. Wormhole is a large number of bacteria to hide.

8, the spread of gingivitis and periodontal disease in people. Actually said in front of the bad breath, bleeding gums, sore gums, etc. Most of these two manifestations of oral diseases, in particular to say here that it is common to stress and importance. Gingivitis, periodontal disease, oral mucosal barrier integrity is not essential, that is, their first loss of protective barriers, it will not only spread the disease to each other, self-will can easily be infected.

These eight kinds of people, there are a large number of oral bacteria, kissing will "exchange" of these bacteria. If a party to carry infectious virus, the other to catch up with bleeding gums or mouth ulcers, which compared the risk of these infectious bacteria through the mouth gingival bleeding, ulcers wound into the blood, it is easy to spread the other side.




[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:199    更新时间:2009-5-5    文章录入:nnb ]