




  北京时间5月12日消息,据英国著名医学《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)杂志报道,比尔与梅林达盖茨基金会(以下简称“盖茨基金会”)是由比尔盖茨及其妻子梅林达共同创立的慈善组织,1994年成立以来所提供的全球卫生保健基金的数额惊人。





Authoritative medical journal criticized the Gates Foundation has "significant prejudice"
In addition to their investment flows to all the doubts, the Gates Foundation has also been little external oversight

At 8:34 on May 15, 2009

Beijing News May 12, according to British medicine "The Lancet" (The Lancet) magazine, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "the Gates Foundation") is by Bill Gates and his wife Melinda co-founded a charitable organization, since its establishment in 1994 to provide global health care fund alarming.

At present, the Gates Foundation an annual expenditure of about three billion U.S. dollars, so that the world began to rethink low-income groups to save more ambitious solution. Gates Foundation to the cause of global health has brought vitality, reliability and attractiveness. In particular, it opens the scientific community dedicated to the cause of global health of the new era. For example, more and more famous of the IMF, such as the United States National Institutes of Health, the Gates Foundation is the promotion, now began to assume a more serious illness to help countries out of the predicament of the people's responsibility.

Perhaps more importantly, the Gates Foundation on global health nurtured the cause of a new and responsible political commitment. Gates Foundation in many ways a great success. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization was first introduced in 1999, received from the Gates Foundation's donation of 750 million U.S. dollars, now has become a global health organizations to promote the cause of the most important object of the donation. In addition, the Gates Foundation of Seattle is located in the public health network and to assess the active support of the Institute have been thinking of the international decision-making and had a major impact, is an important global health projects and independent scientific oversight bodies.

However, in addition to their investment flows to all the doubts, the Gates Foundation has also been little external oversight. Last year, a survey reported that most of the Gates Foundation funds are donated to the organization of high-income countries, malaria and AIDS in the donation of a significant bias exists against tuberculosis, child health and nutrition of the relative shortage of inputs, At the same time, has never voted to the study of chronic diseases over a single penny. (孝文)

Source: Sina Technology

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2009-5-15    文章录入:nnb ]