


2009年04月17日 15:11:48  来源:新华网 
    新华网纽约4月16日电  英国葛兰素-史克和美国辉瑞两大著名制药企业16日宣布,将合作成立一家新公司,专门研制和销售抵御艾滋病的药物,期望以较少投资在抗击艾滋病的药物市场上获得领先优势。






Glaxo - Smith Kline and Pfizer pharmaceutical companies joined hands to set up AIDS
April 17, 2009 15:11:48 Source: Xinhua
     Xinhua New York, April 16 Xinhua British Glaxo - Smith Kline and the United States, the two well-known pharmaceutical company Pfizer on the 16th announced that it would set up a new company dedicated to the development and marketing of drugs against AIDS, with less investment expectations in the fight against AIDS drug market advantage.

     London-based Glaxo - SmithKline currently has several drugs against AIDS on the market, some of which is about to expire patent drugs. The New York-based Pfizer is developing new drugs to fight AIDS.

     According to the two sides issued a joint statement the same day, the two companies will integrate its AIDS drug-related resources, is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of this year to form the new company.

     The newly established enterprises will have 11 sales in the market for AIDS drugs, is expected to occupy 19% of the expected global market share, second only to the U.S. company Gilead Science and Technology of market share. Currently, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Abbott Laboratories Inc., Merck & Co., Inc. are also AIDS drugs in research and development and marketing to compete.

     Market analysts believe that Glaxo - Smith Kline and Pfizer co-operation shows that pharmaceutical companies are increasingly focused on research and development focus on several AIDS drugs, and pay more attention to control R & D costs, a number of industry competitors to cooperate in the search for now in order to share the risks and costs of drug research and development.





[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:200    更新时间:2009-4-17    文章录入:nnb ]