


http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年04月17日02:17  华龙网-重庆晚报
  来自九龙坡区法院 昨日上午,九龙坡区法院第2法庭开庭审理一起未成年人盗窃案。被告小强父母刘勇夫妇早上6时就从潼南老家出发,赶到法院等候。“两年没看到儿子了。”刘勇告诉记者,2007年3月,儿子小强突然失踪,家人苦寻两年无果。






  昨上午,了解到小强的情况后,共青团重庆市委权益部决定,为小强及家人做心理辅导,并委托市12355青少年服务台副主任周奕全程负责。周奕表示,将为小强提供三方面的援助:一是提供免费的法律援助;二是通过团委协调尽可能从轻处罚,减免罚金;三是帮助联系疾控中心为小强作心理辅导。 (涉及隐私,文中人物均为化名)

  记者 王非非



Good-bye son has been missing for two years in patients with HIV
04 years http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 on 17 day DragonSoft 02:17 - Chongqing Evening News
Jiulongpo District Court from the morning yesterday, the District Court No. 2 Jiulongpo trial court with a minor theft. Accused parents Xiaoqiang Liu Yong and his wife and 6 am starting from Tongnan home, went to court to wait. "Did not see the son of two years." Yong told reporters in March 2007, the son suddenly disappeared Xiaoqiang, family苦寻two years to no avail.

Before trial, the contractor李光林case Xiaoqiang parents told prosecutors: "Xiaoqiang suffering from AIDS." Liu Yong and his wife at a loss: "This is not really you?" My Heart Tongnan County village of the town Baolong Liu Yong that the first two days Xiaoqiang drop out of school early in 2007, to a Motorcycle Caiyuanba market as apprentices. "Start at home is also often linked, in March, not the audio suddenly." Motorcycle rushed to the market, Liu Yong, the answer is already saying goodbye Xiaoqiang.

In addition to the media, published notice of missing person, Liu Yong to Caiyuanba rent, while the "Bang Bang" while looking for Xiaoqiang. Liu Yong, anxious to find sub-see, it was cheating, he said, as long as the money can help him search, after the money had disappeared. "Cheated out of a few thousand dollars, we have not lost hope, I believe the total could be found."

February 1 this year, the District Prosecutor's Office hosted the Jiulongpo minors with theft - 1 November, 2008 at 2 pm, along with Xiaoqiang蒋某某,吴某某,马某and others, in the Yang Ping Street, Suning Appliance walk next to a newspaper, the breaking stole cash, cigarettes, mobile phones, a total of more than 1300 yuan. After that, more than 170 yuan Xiaoqiang share. Prosecutors questioned found Xiaoqiang said that he has been reluctant to address the family. "Are there any facts one wishes to hide?" By repeatedly asked to tell the Xiaoqiang facts.

In fact, in 2007, the Motorcycle market Xiaoqiang after an apprenticeship, gradually fascinated by the network, in the instigation of friends, he often Caiyuanba find "Miss." Early in March, more than Xiaoqiang a sudden high fever, via Web inquiries, and found similar symptoms and AIDS. Worried about losing their family members, the evening of March 11, Xiaoqiang Department employees walked out from. Then, he has been running away from home in the main city, and a number of partners with children during the day to steal, to snatch at night to spend the night on the Internet. Diagnosis by a doctor to confirm the Department of Xiaoqiang AIDS.

Xiaoqiang understand the situation, the members of our legal team news, the same law firm for Chi Xiaoqiang to provide legal assistance free of charge. In view of the circumstances of the crime Xiaoqiang minor, special circumstances, the Prosecutor and the counsel at the same time urge the Court suspended its application. Court sentencing judge did not. After the trial, said Liu Yong, hoping to at an early date to see the doctor with Xiaoqiang. "Even if they go bankrupt." But think of the house there is a high school daughter, Liu Yong said: "how do we?"

Yesterday morning, Xiaoqiang that situation, the interests of the Department of Chongqing Municipal League decided to do Xiaoqiang and family psychological counseling, and 12,355 young people commissioned by the city desk ZHOU Yi, deputy director in charge of the whole. ZHOU Yi said Xiaoqiang will provide assistance in three areas: First, to provide free legal aid; Second, as far as possible, through the Communist Youth League Committee to coordinate a lighter sentence, a fine relief; Third, contact CDC for help for psychological counseling Xiaoqiang . (Relating to privacy, the characters are not his real name)

Feifei Wang

Web Editor:甘健





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