


《长城在线》 2009-4-9 PM 02:48:00



    2009年 3月份,承德县项目办认真 开展好反歧视宣传工作,希望通过反歧视宣传,进一步消除大众人群的恐惧、歧视心理,为HIV感染者营造一个良好的社会氛围,项目办分别在上谷乡集市、下板城集市、高寺台镇集市、上板城镇集市等乡镇举行以“艾滋病病人是我们的朋友”为口号的反歧视宣传活动。在红红火火的集市上,宣传人员利用人们做生意闲暇时间、购物者采买的闲暇时候,将写有艾滋病防治知识的宣传资料送到他们手中,现场讲解艾滋病相关知识,解答群众提出的相关问题,同时嘱咐他们将艾滋病相关知识带给身边的每一个人。此次宣传活动共计发放宣传单1300多份,宣传小册子200多份,解答群众问题50余人次。


( 稿件来源: 承德县艾滋病项目办 )( 编辑: 张丽敬 )
To allow AIDS patients and infected people live in as we do under the bright blue sky

"Great Wall Online" 2009-4-9 PM 02:48:00

     In order to enable people to enhance public awareness of AIDS prevention, treatment set-infected AIDS patients and the scientific attitude, to create a society as a whole to reduce AIDS and discrimination of persons infected with the good atmosphere.

     In March 2009, Chengde County, project to do serious work to carry out good propaganda and anti-discrimination, I hope to pass anti-discrimination advocacy groups to further dispel public fear, discrimination psychological, for HIV-infected people to create a good social atmosphere, the project in the Office of Rural Valley Market, City Market under the board, high-Temple Town Market, market towns, such as on the township board meeting to "AIDS patients are our friends" as the slogan of the anti-discrimination campaign. In the market is booming, the publicity people using their spare time to do business, to those who buy the leisure time to reading knowledge of AIDS prevention information to their hands, on-site on the AIDS-related knowledge, to answer the relevant people problems and asked them to AIDS-related knowledge to everyone around them. The campaign paid a total of more than 1300 copies of fliers, more than 200 copies of brochures, answer the question of more than 50 million people.

     Publicity through the anti-discrimination, in order to reduce AIDS-infected patients and family members, neighbors, colleagues, friends and community discrimination against them, accept them into the family, schools, units and communities, so that they can have a good living environment, so that they, like us live happily in the same Blue Sky.
(Article Source: Chengde County AIDS Project Office) (Editor:张丽敬)




[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:198    更新时间:2009-4-10    文章录入:nnb ]