卡梅隆和艾滋病共生 从白皮肤穷小子到维权斗士

卡梅隆和艾滋病共生 从白皮肤穷小子到维权斗士
2009年03月16日15:41  来源:南方人物周刊 作者:邓郁 
  卡梅隆 和艾滋病共生


  1997年10月21日早晨,从高等法院的公共休息室走向自己的办公室时,平时不费力气的两层楼梯成了南非法官埃德温•卡梅隆(Edwin Cameron)的生理极限:








  1980年代,人类刚刚发现艾滋病,视之为不治之症。33岁、前程似锦的南非人埃德温•卡梅隆就这样被“宣判”了。“我要死了”——他摆脱不了这个念头。漫长的煎熬就此启程 :开始是种种“类AIDS体征”接踵而来,如胸部感染、喉咙疼痛等;媒体对艾滋病死亡率的悲观报道加剧了他的恐惧感——尽管实际上他的病11年后才发作。







  当时很多人羞于承认自己感染或患病的事实,包括卡梅隆本人。这种煎熬到1998年才告一段落。那年圣诞节,36岁的南非妇女Gugu Dlamini因在电台公开自己是HIV感染者被社区同胞用乱石和尖刀袭击,不幸去世。3个月后,卡梅隆终于决定告诉世人:我也是一个艾滋病人。“如果Gugu都能说出来,我为什么不能?”





  1999年4月,他终于等到了一个合适的机会。当时宪法法庭法官John Didcott刚刚病逝,他的职位需要填补。根据规定,宪法法庭的司法人员叙用委员会(Judicial Service Commission)必须举行一个听证会,让4名候选人发表竞选演说。卡梅隆第一个发言,他借此机会向整个南非发出了他的声音——“虽然从法律和伦理上说我可以保持沉默,但我仍然选择在此宣布我是艾滋病人。……我希望我今天的决定有助于营造更开放和体贴的社会氛围,能够为所有的南非艾滋病人带来光明和可靠的医疗前景。”





  1986年,他与其他律师一道为著名的“Sharpeville Six”(被控在1984年9月的沙佩维尔骚乱中谋杀市政长官Dlamini的6名黑人)辩护。当时地方法官在证据不足的情况下一审判处6人死刑。法庭上的种族歧视和不公令卡梅隆如鲠在喉。他频频撰文、召开集会、面见国外记者,使此案最终引起国际社会的极大反响,为再审和缓刑赢得了宝贵的时间。

  1990年代,卡梅隆不遗余力地推动对同性恋者权益的保护。他毫不避讳自己的同性恋者身份,并与人合著了《偏离的欲望——南非同性恋者的生活》(Defiant Desire)一书。他还在立法、司法领域做了大量工作。在运用法律为HIV感染者和艾滋病患者维权方面,他是当仁不让的领军人物。1993年,卡梅隆领导创立了艾滋病法律项目(ALP),致力为HIV病毒感染者和艾滋病患者提供法律支持,对南非公共政策的制定和执行产生了巨大影响。
























  人物周刊 :您在书中提到,1980年代南非同性恋人群受到歧视。


























Cameron and AIDS symbiosis from white skin to穷小子rights fighter
At 15:41 on March 16, 2009 Source: Southern People Weekly Author:邓郁
Cameron and AIDS symbiotic

If a patient can be like me, the success of drug treatment, HIV on life expectancy would be no direct impact.
I think I can live up to 70,75, maybe 80 years old

October 21, 1997 morning, from the High Court's common room to his office when the effort costs are normally not become South Africa's two-tier staircase • Judge Edwin Cameron (Edwin Cameron) physiological limits:

All my physical strength are exhausted during the inter-legs, sweating profusely. Lung cavity is also filled in if the water, thirsty. No pain, only the lingering fatigue.

Have fear.

This is Cameron at autobiographical book "HIV witness" in the recall.

Rest against the wall when their body is very well informed Cameron knows that the moment can not be dragged on the afternoon would have him see a doctor. Even though doctors told him to be what he knows - in his body hidden for many years the onset of HIV.

"I hereby declare my people are AIDS"

In 1986, the first same-sex sexual contact, so that young Cameron infected with the HIV virus. The year at 15:00 on December 19, doctors give him a telephone call. Talk time is very short, but message is alarming. Cameron angry: "without warning, there is no plan, did not request, nor with my consent to such a sudden and fatal blow me unprepared. ... ... At any rate have the discretion of him about it, how to let me know, let me be more appropriate to accept. "

Night, he alone went to a downtown Johannesburg Bar. Want to buy him drunk, but only in return for very clear tingling. He had never felt so powerless.

The 1980s, human beings have just found out AIDS as an incurable disease. 33 years old, very best for the future of South Africa • Human Edwin Cameron was thus "sentenced" the. "I was going to die," - he could not shake off the whole idea. Long suffering on this departure: start are all kinds of "AIDS-type signs," Worse still, such as chest infection, sore throat, etc.; media coverage of AIDS mortality pessimistic exacerbated fear him - even though in fact his illness for 11 years after the attack.

From that day on, for several years under卡梅隆默默this can not be the truth to outsiders. Later, he slowly told a close friend and family. But he has reservations: "I really did not say the cause. 'AIDS' the word is still too big, too frightening, too meaningful, too - the ultimate."

Large-scale spread of HIV was first in North America, but most infected people, the highest incidence of poverty in Africa are places. Today, there are about 30 million Africans carry HIV virus or have become AIDS. Infected persons in South Africa accounted for 11 percent of the total population to 12%.

August 1986, South Africa Chamber of Mines announced Organize 300,000 blood test results of male miners, of which about 800 are infected with HIV. Which 800 miners were deported to the country of origin.

The case stirred up Cameron for HIV-infected people the impulse to fight for labor rights. From then on he had played a "double life": public occasions he was running for vulnerable groups of human rights lawyer, in private he and HIV Get along with day and night. Struggle with prejudice and injustice at the same time, Cameron is also the soul and its own deep sense of shame contest. He is aware that discrimination not only from ignorance, from social customs, but also suffered from the infection itself.

Cameron House has bit more than 30-year-old gardener Gladwell (a pseudonym), after 8 years to get along, they have long pro-such as family members. Cameron noted that by the end of 2000 the physical deterioration Gladwell asked him whether he would go a doctor. Gladwell insist that this is only a tuberculosis. However, over the past few months, Gladwell eat "pill" did not play any role.

Cameron has since moved because of the public. More than half a year later, he was informed that the message: Gladwell has died at his home in Zimbabwe. His spiritual sense of the word, nor to accept the help of Cameron. For him, the shame of AIDS than the disease itself and the ensuing difficult to face death.

At that time, a lot of people ashamed to admit their truth infection or illness, including Cameron himself. This suffering come to an end until 1998. Christmas Day that year, 36-year-old Gugu Dlamini South African women in public radio that he is HIV-infected persons were community compatriots with stoning and knife attacks, the tragic death. 3 months later, Cameron has finally decided to tell the world: I am also a person of AIDS. "If Gugu can say it, why should not I?"

Cameron is lucky. He has substantial income and high status, and relatives have been understanding and support. Crux of the matter is he is still an appropriate time to obtain the appropriate medication.

On him prior to the onset of one year, American scholar David Ho invented the United antiviral therapy, can control HIV replication in vivo. This give Cameron the chance to bring a new lease on life. In November 1997 from the start taking ARVs (antiretroviral drugs) 4 weeks later, his physical condition has been greatly improved.

The bottom of hundreds of thousands of sick people do not have him this lucky. In South Africa, universal access to antiretroviral treatment is to prescribe both solid fortress: the national government's denial, indifference; intellectual property rights given to the protection of the international pharmaceutical giant. Faced with these two forces, being sick and judges aware of their duty-bound to Cameron: "First of all, are announced by AIDS drugs to control this truth, then I will do everything we can to me to my moral appeal, outpourings of emotion and specific approach to fight with them. "

In his view, open "their own experiences" is a society-wide consensus to stimulate a powerful act. But in the end select what kind of occasion and means to be honest, can we achieve this purpose, allowing the world to focus on those in urgent need of medical treatment of poor people who AIDS, Cameron, where appropriate, for a long time.

April 1999, he finally had to wait until a suitable opportunity. At that time, the Constitutional Court Judge John Didcott has just died, his position needs to be filled. According to regulations, the Constitutional Court of the Judicial Service Commission (Judicial Service Commission) must hold a hearing, so that four candidates made a campaign speech. Cameron's first speech, he took the opportunity to the whole of South Africa sent his voice - "Although from a legal and ethical that I can remain silent, but I still choose to announce AIDS are my people. ... I hope ... my decision today will help create more open and considerate of the social atmosphere for all people of the South African AIDS bring a bright and reliable medical prospects. "

Even though this position has not been, but one-sided public opinion to give Cameron a positive response. Unfortunately, until today, he would still only take the initiative to open their own AIDS identity of public officials in Africa.

     Cameron has a lot of body tags: human rights lawyer, the High Court judges, social activists, children's welfare and AIDS funding village people.
Mandurah in the "living witness" to the preamble of South Africa praised him are "heroes", Cameron has modest to say that "I not deserve any glory. ME is not a straight line growth."

He was born in a poor house. Take part in the "World War II," the father relied on alcohol to make ends meet after the half. At 7 years old when he fast, his father has once again lost his job due to alcohol abuse, grief and indignation of his mother left with no alternative, and at his father after the divorce, the church accepted a friend's recommendation to Cameron and two daughters, Laura (Laura) and Jane (Jean) to the "children's homes." Shortly afterwards, 12-year-old sister Laura died in a car accident a result of accidents. Living in a children's home 5 years later, Cameron's mother, trying to put her son transferred to a first-class public schools. So that saved him from the poverty of his skin. "I know I am smart, have talent, but only because I was white, I have performance and mining conditions of these endowments. In the 1960s and 1970s, and this is a穷小子develop their own capital."

While studying at the school, Cameron hungry to study law, English, Latin and Greek, after their helicopter Oxford fellowship. In 1983, with multiple degrees, outstanding smooth Cameron became a solicitor. However, under an atmosphere of apartheid a bright future not have interest in him.

In 1986, he and other lawyers to work together for the well-known "Sharpeville Six" (was charged in September 1984 at the Sharpeville riots in the murder of Municipal Chief Executive of the six black Dlamini) defense. At that time, the judge places the case of lack of evidence at trial the next 6 people to death Department. Court on the racial discrimination and injustice such as the Cameron stuck in throat. He frequently wrote to convene meetings, to see the foreign journalist, so that eventually the case caused a great deal of international repercussions, and suspended for a retrial and won valuable time.

During the 1990s, Cameron spared no effort to promote the protection of the rights of homosexuals. He did not care about their gay identity and co-author of the "desire to depart from - South Africa homosexuals Living" (Defiant Desire) one book. He also legislative and judicial fields to do a lot of work. In the use of law as the HIV-infected people and AIDS activist, he is doing my leader. In 1993, Cameron founded Leaders AIDS Law Project (ALP), is committed to HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients to provide legal support for the South African public policy formulation and implementation had a tremendous impact.

On the one hand, Cameron and resolutely safeguard the privacy of AIDS. At the famous 1993 case McGeary, a doctor at a golf course in South Africa to the peer said he's sick of AIDS patients. Doctor charged in the District Court of the patients lost the case, because Cameron's help, in the Court of Appeal victory. Cameron has also passed laws prohibiting the Government to promote enterprise in the employment of labor rights violations before the Detect HIV.

On the other hand, he also promoted the protection of the law may be infected with the weak. Cameron 1996 South African Law Commission in charge of AIDS. During this period he contributed to the Government's "deliberate spread of HIV virus," the policy questions raised on the sexual abuse of persons (such as rapists) Detect HIV mandatory.

South African President Thabo Mbeki came to power to pursue "collective deny" policy. He questioned the accepted scientific conclusions, and take the lead in boycotting ARVs (antiretroviral drugs) for the treatment. Tens of thousands of newborns at birth if one pin such cheap branded drugs, may be spared, but they are deprived of this opportunity. Cameron and other people of insight at the open intervention and resistance, the South African Constitutional Court for final adoption decree, ordered Mbeki government started a national plan of action through advocacy and treatment of HIV mother-to-child inter-cut dissemination.

In addition, Cameron is the founder of the South African National AIDS Commission. The organization called on the Government to give immediate positive response to the AIDS crisis. Under his leadership, one aimed at preserving all the benefits AIDS Charter of Rights, as well as "the ANC" AIDS prevention and control plan acceptable to the drafting.

Fall 2008, should be invited to UNAIDS, Cameron came to visit China.

追访him on a certain day, he morning at 8:00 to do the European Chamber of Commerce Speech, and then go佑安hospital visits, afternoon and some NGO, civil society forum, after dinner at Peking University Institute of Politics and Law for the report after The End was one domestic social activist拉去Cafe communicate. The whole day down, Cameron腰杆straight spirits, it seems that I do not know what tired. Afterwards, he smiled and said, "the day you interview me, I am not you read me back the pills to eat it? I actually forgot to take medicine. You a duty on the negative. Ha ha."

At a discussion meeting佑安hospital, Cameron on the patients and doctors to conduct one-on-one counseling and treatment is deeply admire: "AIDS in South Africa too many people. Basically, everyone knows how AIDS is a matter, any home may has 12 members are sick. We can not do so face-to-face, delicate appease and treatment. "

At noon that day, he and Doctor, Patient representatives ate take away packages. The meeting was informed that a young volunteers have been infected with HIV14 years, he take the initiative to go across the hand: "You look very healthy."

AIDS is a treatable

People Weekly: Why did you select in 1999 as a forum at a public message with AIDS?

Cameron: I chose a job close to my public platform. I am not just talking about the disease, and HIV are on the society of discrimination. I want to convey to the public a positive message: AIDS is treatable, it is just more than a disease.

The day of my career is very important, but I think this matter is even more important. AIDS in Africa is a very broad coverage of infectious diseases, on tens of millions of people infected, and most unable to obtain timely medical treatment. When others are still in dire straits, I still "odds", which I can not accept.

People magazine: published message, you prepared to deal with the outside world a ready response吗?

Cameron: To tell the truth my heart is full of fear. But beyond my expectations, they give me hug and praise ... I think ... that this is because everyone has been eager to have public figures to come forward. However, regrettably, has not been the second in Africa, government officials admit (he is HIV-infected persons). Mandurah public his only son, suffering from AIDS message.

People magazine: Do you think this is why?

Cameron: This is because discrimination still exists. U.S. is not accustomed to before the public referred to their own "隐疾." Even if the cancer or diabetes, at the media and the public to speak out before, or will find difficult. AIDS has been especially true. Since you may condemn him / her sexual practices, sexual morality. The final analysis, the discrimination is from the people of sexual and moral judgments. But HIV is a virus, not a moral judge.

People Weekly: Did you feel alone?

Cameron: Yes. Some of my friends actively involved in the AIDS community groups and activities. As a judge, I am not at liberty to participate in 11. I keep in touch with them from time to time the phone. We are United, but often there is loneliness.

People magazine: As a "privileged" white people, why would the poor afflicted by AIDS, the plight of blacks identify themselves with the bottom?

Cameron: In Africa, the prevalence of these diseases are because of poverty. Other infectious diseases, malaria, pneumonia, because of poverty, because poor environment, the spread of a more formidable. If you are poor, you have no doubt the probability of infection and illness is much greater, but also more vulnerable to AIDS because deaths. Poverty in Africa, one of the most serious problem. So I have to in order to reduce drug prices and shout. This is because the disease can be controlled, but a lot of people because the slippage of poverty, loss of treatment time.

People magazine: childhood, when the unfortunate experiences of your growth has what kind of impact?

Cameron: I can be classified as South Africa, the so-called "privileged few", because I was white. However, in the white in me is also a small number of molecules, because my poor, who, in the "children's homes" grow up, my childhood life is not easy. Even so, because my skin color or "gain" a lot, I read all the way are reputable schools. Since these experiences as adults, I will be very sensitive politically, I hope through my efforts to promote social equity and justice.

     Now the drug is no longer a problem

People Magazine: In your book you mentioned that the 1980s South Africa Gay people are discriminated against.
How serious the situation?

Cameron: In South Africa, homosexuality, particularly lesbian, usually facing the threat of violence. South Africa, the rate of sexual assault was high. Man a lot of women think they can do whatever they want. In many villages, female homosexuals if their own identity publicly, men will use violence to let off steam.

1994, South Africa at the provisions of the Constitution and other Gay people enjoy equal rights. Since then, a lot of other provisions to ensure the implementation of this law, including same-sex marriage. South Africa is the world's approval of same-sex marriage, one of the five countries. Therefore, on the one hand this is a given Gay accommodate a lot of countries, but on the other hand, discrimination and prejudice still exist. Provisions in the law does not mean that society has on the bias was dispelled empty.

Weekly figures: the poverty line people of South Africa how to use condoms? They have money to pay it? Or habits that they do not like to use?

Cameron: Westerners from their perspective, which a lot of accusations, they say, "Why South Africa does not take people safer sexual practices?" I think this concept is very problematic. Take smoking, for example. Medical scientists has published the 1951 article, saying that smoking causes cancer. Has nearly 10 years, no one put what he said seriously, apart from several of his colleagues. Until the 1960s people began to accept this thesis, and the United States the proportion of smokers from 20% ~ 30% to 10% was spent near half a century. What I mean is that the medical profession launched these advocacy, sports, usually take a long time to change people's concepts. Easy to ask the South African people to change their sexual behavior, but also a misunderstanding of human behavior.

South Africa, people did not like to use condoms, but some people have used to prevent HIV infection must also played a role. In Europe, a lot of people do not wear condoms when having sex habits, but they were smaller probability. In Africa, unprotected sex infections likely to lead to much larger. So in fact each of the local pattern of sexual behavior is not very different, but people's resistance, the probability of disease is very different.

People magazine: When you announced that after their own people are AIDS, "because I did not have AIDS, dying, I just symbiotic and AIDS," this is popular. Why do you emphasize "symbiosis"?

Cameron: I want to emphasize AIDS can be controlled, to treat sexual. Even if research and treatment of AIDS doctors, not much aware of this. Express my medication for 12 years, in good condition. I enjoy hiking, often by bike. It is generally agreed that AIDS should be fragile, poor status. Is not the case. Antiviral drugs can help us live a healthy, energetic. I myself is a good example.

People magazine:贵不贵these drugs?

Cameron: I eat this month are about 40 U.S. dollars can also be lower. This medicine is readily available in China, also have. But I just started taking the stage, the drugs are expensive too outrageous, business reasons are: to use the profits to develop new drugs to save more patients. Absurd! You buy 30 million dying disregard African HIV-infected persons, but also claim to treat other people. This is totally untenable. Later, they consciously wrong, changed his attitude. We should know that the cost of pharmaceuticals is very low, companies are shameless漫天要价. Someone once said, no way to solve our 30 million people in Africa's AIDS problem. Now the drug is no longer a problem, the biggest problem is the Government. Mbeki simply refused to admit AIDS is a viral infectious disease caused.

I can live 70,75, maybe 80 years old

People magazine: and the government strategy to deal with you about it?

Cameron: We should fight against, but also there is a compromise. Sometimes in a number of Speech, of assembly, the process of activity, I am very aggressive, but my personality is not aggressive, non-deadly kind of not.

People magazine: opposition to the Government give you trouble it?

Cameron: Since openly oppose Mbeki on AIDS issues at the policy of my career has been basically stalled. (Of course now he has to leave, and a lot of people said that maybe I had the chance for promotion.) Some politicians have frequently made veiled criticisms of me. Encountered in public members of the cabinet or government dignitaries, occasionally someone and I do not want the same room, but most people will still be treated with courtesy.

People Magazine: You both sick and judges of double identity, how to ensure that their treatment at the fairness of the case?

Cameron: It depends on the specific case may be. If this is the case regarding the treatment of AIDS, I will not take part. But people involved in AIDS-discrimination case I will not sit idly by. On if you should not because a judge is black and the prohibition of racial discrimination cases heard him, right?

People Magazine: At Beijing University and students communicate, your report focused on the question of judicial independence. But there is no active-site interaction, you accidentally吗?

Cameron: I am glad you ask this question. In fact, China University of Political Science at Beijing University and I emphasize the importance of the independence of the judiciary. Speaking students not related to this topic did not mention anything related issues. In fact, this is very important. If South Africa does not have an independent judiciary, we can not challenge the president's AIDS policy, the Government must not agree to the infected persons free of antiviral drugs. I do not want to talk about AIDS, I hope the Chinese students to explore and social institutions, the judicial system on this issue can play a useful role.

People magazine: You have been on the HIV virus detection cautious. It is understood that the Chinese minority in the hospital, doctors give patients at moving some less surgery, patients will be required to do HIV testing, the purpose is to ensure the safety of Doctor. You feel sick in the protection of privacy and the protection of security of the Doctor how to balance?

Cameron: HIV detection problem has always been a dilemma, it may give people the results are positive about the social discrimination. For the protection of medical workers that the intent of testing, in my opinion is wrong. Detect any time have to be patient-centered. Surgery lead to infection of medical staff is extremely unlikely, it should be by universal and thoughtful preventive measures to avoid such a possibility.

People magazine: We heard that, in general AIDS patients infected with HIV from the beginning, you can live 20-30 years. From the end of 1986 up to now you have lived for 22 years ... ...

Cameron: Now doctors have a more positive view - can live longer.

If a patient can be like me, the success of drug treatment, HIV on life expectancy would be no direct impact. I think I can live up to 70,75, maybe 80 years. (Laughs) I did not get as long as sudden illness, such as heart attack or fatal cancer.

Weekly figures: China's HIV-infected people and AIDS, in particular, are also living in fear and shame in the people, you have any suggestions?

Cameron: the virus can use drugs to deal with us, and I want to convey to the patient a "signal of hope": We have to overcome misconceptions and attitudes, so that everyone knows that AIDS is not terrible, it can be controlled with drugs of. The most important thing is to allow patients to receive treatment.