
http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年02月06日01:38  海峡都市报
  N本报记者 涂明

  本报讯 “这瓶人血白蛋白有艾滋病毒?!”4日,福州市民刘先生在家中用HIV病毒检测试剂板给买来的一瓶人血白蛋白检测,发现检测结果呈阳性,不禁大声惊呼。原来,他买来这瓶人血白蛋白,就是准备给自己注射的。






Human serum albumin with HIV?
02 years http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 on City Channel 06 Day 01:38
N reporter Tu-ming

By "this bottle of human serum albumin have HIV?!" On the 4th, Fuzhou people at home with Mr. Liu HIV virus detection reagent plate to buy a bottle of human serum albumin detection, found that test results were positive, one can not help exclaimed loudly. It turned out that he bought this bottle of human serum albumin, that is, to prepare their own injections.

Fortunately, this is just a false alarm. Yesterday, the provincial CDC testing said Mr. Liu, bought the bottle no problem with human serum albumin is detected him wrong.

Mr. Liu, a hospital in Fuzhou has over 50 years of age. Recently, he has a cold, fever. "I feel like the body recently relatively weak, you would like to enhance the immune system", by chance, a patient suffering from leukemia has recently passed away, leaving a number of human serum albumin. 4, Mr. Liu spent 680 yuan from each other and the families that bought a bottle of 50 ml of human serum albumin, would like to give their own injections, so as to enhance the body immunity.

Mr. Liu said that the home is now ready injection, worried that this bottle has the issue of human serum albumin (In fact, this bottle of human serum albumin from the hospital). With their own medical knowledge, he got hepatitis B virus and HIV virus detection reagent.

First detection of hepatitis B virus detection does not, but the HIV antibody rapid diagnostic reagents board (colloidal gold method) was used to detect the result is: human serum albumin-positive. Mr. Liu吓出immediately in a cold sweat.

With doubt, Mr. Liu took this bottle of human serum albumin to the Fujian Provincial CDC advisory. The Center staff on this bottle of human serum albumin re-testing, the result is negative, meaning that there is no HIV virus. Is this how the case? Mr. Liu told the center's experts, he is in strict accordance with the testing procedures to do, from the refrigerator, remove human serum albumin and the HIV antibody rapid diagnostic reagent plate, and started testing.

Soon, the experts discovered that the problem lies: with this reagent plate to detect the existence of serum albumin HIV, the need to conduct at room temperature, and Mr. Liu removed from the refrigerator as soon as the two analysis, results of natural error .