武汉艾滋病心理关怀门诊 “恐艾”患者占九成
2009年02月03日 10:31 来源:荆楚网-楚天都市报
肖劲松说,“恐艾”症是一种因强烈恐惧产生的心理障碍,伴随焦虑、抑郁等多种心理症状和行为异常。这是由于患者对艾滋病的临床表现和传播途径的片面认识和错误理解造成的。(记者陈媛 通讯员高翔)
Wuhan AIDS outpatient psychological care, "fear of AIDS" patients accounted for九成
At 10:31 on February 3, 2009 Source: Jingchu Net - Chutian Dushi Bao
To help eliminate the fear of AIDS, a professor at TU Gui proposal, Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital December 1 last year, opened the AIDS outpatient psychological care. The patient did not expect肖劲松responsible person, in the two months of service received more than 50 patients,九成is in good health but worried that she had AIDS, the total of "fear of AIDS" patients.
Students Xiao Wang (a pseudonym) with a sexual relationship between friends, and soon developed symptoms of fever, body weakness and other symptoms. He investigated the Internet, feel the early symptoms of AIDS are very similar, that they must have had AIDS, although related to the hospital examination ruled out the possibility of HIV-infected, but he does not believe that almost despair of life, so the beginning of the three came to this patient, hoping to lift the psychological fear of AIDS.
肖劲松said, "fear of AIDS," Disease is a result of fear generated by a strong psychological barrier, accompanied by anxiety, depression and other psychological symptoms and behavioral abnormalities. This is because patients with clinical manifestations of AIDS and routes of transmission of one-sided understanding and errors caused by the understanding. (Xinhua correspondent Chen Yuan Gao Xiang)