
患者是否获知了他们的知情同意权?(图片来源:WHO/Eric Miller)
Thadeo Mac'osano是马拉维南部圣路加医院姑息治疗组的负责人,他被控在没有监督或批准的情况下独立进行化疗药物试验直到2008年9月。该临床实验的6名患者死亡,尽管还不知道他们的死是不是由这种药物引起的。
圣路加医院的负责人Anthony Chilembwe1月8日在法庭上作证说,Mac'osano提交报告之后,Chilembwe立即进行了调查,发现他没有得到批准,并对他进行了停职处理。
南非威特沃特斯兰德大学Steve Biko生物伦理中心的Jillian Gardner说,问题在于Mac'osano如何获得了化疗药物,以及这所医院是否没能教育病人他们拥有知情同意权。
但是PMPB的律师Ishmael Wadi说,Mac'osano所谓的申请是一封寻求财政援助以启动试验的信。

Unauthorized treatment of AIDS drugs test led to the ethical challenge
Whether the patient was informed of their rights to informed consent? (Photo source: WHO / Eric Miller)
Malawi sumba Philippines, a hospital technician was accused of conducting unauthorized clinical trials of drugs, critics argue that this case highlights around the study of patients with a series of ethical problems.
Thadeo Mac'osano is St Luke's Hospital in southern Malawi palliative care group, he was charged in the absence of supervision or approval of the independent test chemotherapy drugs until September 2008. The clinical trial of the six patients died, although they do not know the death is not caused by this drug.
Ethicists said the case demonstrates the need for a more comprehensive clinical trial management and supervision.
Mac'osano to the hospitals to submit his preliminary findings of the trial in October was arrested after he was suffering from AIDS and related cancer - Kaposi's sarcoma - the people tested.
St Luke's hospital on the 8th on Anthony Chilembwe1 in court, testified that, Mac'osano submission of the report, Chilembwe immediately conducted an investigation and found that he had not been approved, and he was suspended from their duties.
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Steve Biko Bioethics Center Jillian Gardner said that the problem was how to obtain a Mac'osano chemotherapy drugs, as well as whether the hospital failed to patient education they have the right to informed consent.
Mac'osano facing four charges, including without Malawi Drugs and Poisons Committee (PMPB) or the National Health Sciences Research Council (NHSRC) approval to conduct clinical trials; without proper licenses give patients drugs; as well as without informed consent of patients on the drug test. He said that all allegations pleaded not guilty.
PMPB according to preliminary findings, Mac'osano claims to have the medical research and ethics committee and the Ministry of Health's AIDS department submitted an application to carry out drug tests.
However PMPB lawyer Ishmael Wadi said, Mac'osano the so-called application is seeking a financial assistance to start the pilot's letter.
Gardner said that South Africa's regulatory bodies have an obligation to inform all applicants whether their applications have been approved or rejected, while applications Mac'osano apparently been ignored.
This case also demonstrates the need to ensure that funding for the Ethics Committee in order to enable them to correctly carry out the mission, but also "highlights the establishment of the importance of systems and procedures." Gardner said.
She said, "strange" is Mac'osano that he could not approve the drug test, but she pointed out that his application to the regulatory agencies meant that he was aware of the fact that basic research responsibilities.
All nine witnesses on January 28 to provide finished. The prosecution and defense lawyers 21 days to submit materials to the judge. About Mac'osano whether the trial should be the responsibility of ruling is expected to be announced April 7.