

5年内每人每年救助1000元发布时间:2009-02-25 05:31
  荆楚网消息 (湖北日报) (记者晓安、实习生张莹、通讯员胡晓云、毕波)昨日,中国温暖“12·1”爱心基金——中国移动关爱行动湖北分项目在汉启动,将连续5年对我省13个项目县的300多名艾滋病致孤健康儿童进行资助,每人每年资助1000元。
     More than 300 children orphaned by the HIV health funding
5 years 1,000 yuan per person per year relief Published :2009-02-25 05:31
   Jingchu Net News (Hubei Daily) (Xiaoan journalist, trainee Ying, Hu Xiaoyun correspondent, BI Bo) yesterday, China's warm, "12.1" love fund - China Mobile Hubei care operations sub-item in the Han started, will continuously 5 years on 13 projects in our province, more than 300 counties in the health of children orphaned by AIDS for funding subsidy of 1,000 yuan per person per year.
      The charity Care for action by the National Women's Federation, China Mobile, China Children and Teenagers Foundation, co-sponsored to help AIDS orphaned children find loving families, organizations twinning assistance for families caring for funding and training to further improve the children orphaned by AIDS learning and living environment; by launching sites, set up an information platform for children orphaned by AIDS to provide more timely and effective assistance. Funding targeted at one or both parents died of AIDS in the minors.