
2009年12月21日 09:41:12  来源: 南京日报  



























    我认为公众尤其是接触艾滋病隐私的艾滋病防治工作者,首先要学会尊重艾滋病人,尊重别人的生存方式,不要用我们的道德观去看待别人。艾滋病不是上帝对人类的惩罚,它不应该被赋予过多的情绪化色彩,它就是一种疾病,我们只要集中精力去对付这种疾病就好了,每个艾滋病人背后的故事不应该是我们探究的内容。(张桂 倪秀萍)
Strength of weak non-governmental AIDS Prevention in the Mainland, the Government should appropriate "let go"
December 21, 2009 09:41:12 Source: Nanjing Daily
She was a household name in Hong Kong, the crowd of AIDS, 10 years of volunteer service career, she has two-thirds of the time moving back and forth across the country, preaching AIDS.

She is the Director-General in Hong Kong AIDS Foundation, with Aizhu, UNAIDS officials, last month, has just won the State Minister of Health Chen Zhu, promulgated "China's AIDS Prevention Award for outstanding contributions to international cooperation." Recently, even the Aizhu Provincial Party School should be invited to the Nanjing region counties, departments of "decision makers" universal access to AIDS prevention knowledge, and accepted an exclusive interview with this reporter.

- Dialogue with the Director-General in Hong Kong AIDS Foundation Aizhu

Mainland non-governmental AIDS Prevention organization is loose, weak force

Reporter: I understand that you are located in Hong Kong AIDS Foundation, founded 10 years of operation was very successful and become Hong Kong's most influential non-governmental organizations, anti-aids. In contrast, anti-aids do you think civil society organizations in the Mainland, there is still a lack of what?

Even Aizhu: In the AIDS prevention and control, the non-governmental organizations tend to have more than a government department space in the world are like this within the scope. Far as I know, I think that mainland China, non-governmental organizations are also just the beginning stages of AIDS Prevention, is still immature, the lack of non-governmental organizations a unique position. Although I also see a lot of volunteer work very hard, but overall, their strength was weak.

Reporter: Why do you say?

Even Aizhu: Mainland organizations, civil society AIDS Prevention, a total of three forms: First, an international charitable organization set up offices in the Mainland, they are basically only "allocation" function; Second, the government departments to support the AIDS Prevention institutions that participate in who are mostly retired from government civil servants, who said it was non-governmental organizations outside, in fact entirely dependent on government funding, the AIDS Prevention and government departments on the concept of the same strain, can not truly non-governmental organizations play a unique role; 3 is purely spontaneous AIDS Prevention of non-governmental organizations, such bodies were the lack of a stable source of funding, lack of legal status, easy to fend for themselves. So up to now, the mainland do not have a national impact with non-governmental organizations, anti-aids.

Reporter: How to change this situation?

Even Aizhu: Hong Kong AIDS Foundation from the very beginning the legal status of the establishment of a fully independent, no worries about the sources of funding, this is our rapidly developing a very important factor. So, I think the mainland should be so non-governmental organizations are also anti-aids, first of all from the legislative level to ensure its legitimacy, so that it can be formally registered, raised funds to sustainable development; followed by government departments and civil society organizations should be a clear division of labor, Government should not attempt to grasp too much, because the Government has limited manpower to manage anything bad on what is control, but also crowding out non-governmental organizations can play a greater role in space.

Mainland authorities arrested too "many" and should seek the real effective interventions

Reporter: You mentioned the government department now grasp too much on AIDS prevention and control, for example, then?

Even Aizhu: For example, CDC. Mainland disease control staff in their departments much, but bear in HIV prevention and control too many things, even to places of entertainment to the nature of propaganda and anti-aids to carry out the waitress, give them condoms and so on. In fact, these concrete things can be done by civil society organizations, they can develop more volunteers to do better.

Reporter: I understand that these workloads have to enter the CDC staff appraisal objectives.

Even Aizhu: These are basically for them, "mission" had to complete, so often merely "doing" specific "to do the effect of" how, there is no energy to consider the matter. For example I once and the Mainland, along with a CDC staff to investigate Miss entertainment services condom use. Result, she was one there, first of all, the boss lady shouted all the services, so that they are lined up, and then one by one asked "Do you use condoms when you do in the service." One can imagine the end she got results very "satisfactory", and before leaving she made some condoms Miss You Ji each, and then Zhang Yu breath as the heavy hand of the work was completed one of the.

AIDS is a human face, not an object, to a person to accept a concept, a behavior, it was through, and his friends, obtain his confidence, it may exert subtle influence on him to accept.

Reporter: This is indeed a universal phenomenon.

Even Aizhu: So I think that the mainland government departments on the prevention and treatment of AIDS has reached a new juncture, that is, how will the fight against AIDS from the change in consciousness, go to behavior changes, the search for genuine and effective intervention initiatives.

Now, no matter what the officials, so long as it comes to AIDS, we have been aware of intervention is very important, but specifically how to do this, we are still rife, and people have yet to experience any creative AIDS Prevention. See people issued condoms to places of entertainment, we went to Fat condoms, I saw other people we went to open gay bar to open bar. For our situation, our public opinion environment, we should have more targeted work initiatives, and not stubbornly remain in the imitation stage.

AIDS is a disease, not God's punishment for human

Reporter: Mainland's AIDS prevention and treatment, you have other suggestions?

Even Aizhu: Whether a government department or non-governmental organizations, I think there is an urgent need to correct a common place, that is, pairs of people living with HIV do not attach importance to the protection of privacy. AIDS Prevention, first of all is to discover as much as HIV-infected persons, so as to remind them of self-protection, to contain the rapid spread. However, these people are willing to safely let out of testing, the most important thing is to protect their privacy. Mainland in this respect was inadequate.

One time, I talk about a CDC working with people who, in the middle, he received a visitor a few minutes just after the other visitors left, he and I said: "hey, that people who just crying you see it, Poor, to identify the AIDS. "casually revealed that the privacy practices of people with AIDS is incredible.

Reporter: In Hong Kong, the problem is how to solve it?

Even Aizhu: Hong Kong in the "Privacy Regulations" of the privacy of people with AIDS, there is legislative protection. From our Foundation, a person has been found through our service is living with HIV, his condition only the Foundation's Director General and two people know that the doctor concerned. If the leak to other people, that is violated.

Reporter: Mainland to strengthen the protection of privacy of people with AIDS?

Even Aizhu: We are also used in a trial with a moral vision to treat people with AIDS, AIDS, often regarded as a retribution or punishment.

I think the public and especially the privacy of exposure to AIDS prevention and care of AIDS, we must first learn to respect people with AIDS, respect for others means to survival, do not use our moral values to look at other people. AIDS is not God's punishment to mankind, it should not be given too many emotional colors, it is a disease, we can just concentrate on is like to deal with this disease, and the story behind each of AIDS is that we should not be explore the content. (Gui-Ni Xiuping)


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2009-12-21    文章录入:nnb ]
























T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究 





