


1. 前言

    读者欲明了许博士与波特博士对于竞争优势的种类之不同观点时,则须彻底明了竞争优势的定义。作者曾遍寻仍未见竞争策略大师哈佛大学教授波特(Michael Porter)博士在其多本攸关竞争策略与竞争优势的著作中给「竞争优势」下个妥适的定义作者给「竞争优势」下个妥适的定义竞争优势就是在某一特定的价值链之中,个人或组织所创造与保持的优异差异化(superior differentiation);其优异的差异化可以:()使其利益关系人(例如顾客、供货商、债权人、员工、投资人、以及/或者其它相关的个体)易于认定并接受其所提供的产品、服务、形象、以及/或者品牌名气而获得最大的满足,并且()使其所提供的产品、服务、形象、以及/或者品牌名气,能够胜过其它竞争者所能提供的价值或贡献。」毋庸置疑,竞争优势等同于优异的差异化。
2. 竞争优势等同于优异的差异化
个人或组织以各种活动来力图差异化(differentiates)自己时,其宗旨就是迫使自己达成优异的差异化(differentiation)例如哈佛大学教授波特(Michael Porter)博士说(53Porter, 1985: 119):「一个公司行号若能对其顾客提供独特性的产品或服务时,就差异化了自己而优于其诸竞争者。(A firm ‘differentiates’ itself from its competitors if it can be unique at something that is valuable to buyers.)差异化了自己而优于其诸竞争者,且能对其顾客提供独特性的产品或服务时,其就取得了竞争优势;此意殆无疑义
大美百科全书字典(The New Grolier Webster International Dictionary of the English Language, 1974: 279) 解释:「差异化,名词,是力图差异化(differentiating)的作为或步骤,或者是所造成结果的壮态;就生物学而言,差异化是指生物们发展成成熟的结构与功能时,其细胞、组织、或身体等之修补……。(differentiation, n. The act or process of differentiating, or the resulting state; biol. The modification of cells, tissues, and body parts as they develop into mature structure and function; ……)」例如,蚕儿于力图差异化(differentiates)自己并发展成成熟的结构与功能时,即吐蚕丝成茧;茧是丝产品的来源,而丝产品有经济价值与精美凉爽的价值。经济价值是可以计量的,而精美凉爽是定性的。蛹于破茧而出后,成为美丽的蝶;蝶力图差异化(differentiates)自己并发展成成熟的结构与功能时,即产卵。蚕卵于受精后又于惊蛰季节成为蚕儿。蚕儿的优异差异化使其有造蚕丝的竞争优势。由此例再观之,竞争优势的种类诸多,且不可被错误归类为低成本与差异化两种。
3. 许诗玉博士之差异化家族的树状结构分析说
一个公司行号的差异化,首先有祖父级(differentiation),其次才有父亲级(quantitative differentiation and qualitative differentiation),最后才有儿子级(lower costs, more competitive prices, cost leadership, higher quality, and the like)。此三级同属差异化家族,而它们分别代表不同的意义与价值。
优异差异化包括计量的差异化与定性的差异化。计量的差异化可再分出多种计量的差异化项目;定性的差异化可再分出多种定性的差异化项目。较高质量、较佳形象、与成本领导等等是非计量的(定性的)价值的表现;较低成本、较快交货、与较优惠价格等等是计量的(非定性的) 价值的表现。
4. 波特博士之竞争优势种类说
波特博士说(54Porter, 1985: 119):「一个公司行号若能对其顾客提供独特性的产品或服务时,就差异化了自己而优于其诸竞争者。(A firm ‘differentiates’ itself from its competitors if it can be unique at something that is valuable to buyers.)依照此意,一个公司行号既然差异化了(differentiates)自己,其最终的与主要的目的就是取得优异的差异化(differentiation)一个公司行号既然差异化了自己而优于其诸竞争者,其就具有竞争优势。
然而,非常遗憾的事是:波特博士强调(55Porter, 1985; O’Shaughnessy, 1996):「一个公司行号能够有两种竞争优势:低成本与差异化。(Porter stresses that there are two basic types of competitive advantage a firm can possess: low cost or differentiation (Porter, 1985; O’Shaughnessy, 1996).波特博士的这句话似是而非,而这种说法不合乎一切事实;上述许诗玉博士差异化树状结构分析可以立即证明举世差异化之当然之理。
4.1 波特博士之两种竞争优势学说之深层解析
1.     下列说法是合理的:
(1)     一个公司行号能够有两种竞争优势:计量的差异化与定性的差异化
(2) 一个公司行号能够有两种竞争优势:较低成本与较高质量。(只要在较高质量、较佳形象、成本领导、较低成本、较快交货、以及较优惠价格等同位阶项目任选两个皆可。)
2.     下列说法是不合理的:
(1) 一个公司行号能够有两种竞争优势:低成本与差异化。
(2) 一个公司行号能够有两种竞争优势:低成本与计量的差异化
(3) 一个公司行号能够有两种竞争优势:低成本与定性的差异化
3.     低成本、计量的差异化、以及差异化三者同属于差异化的这个家族;波特博士把儿子级的低成本与祖父级的差异化平起平坐地相提并论为两种竞争优势这一切显得不伦不类!
4.     如果波特博士所说「一个公司行号能够有两种竞争优势:低成本与差异化的论说可以成立时,那么下列不合道理的说法是否亦可比照一一成立?
5.     如果一个公司行号能够有两种竞争优势(即低成本与差异化)为真时,那么波特博士把每个定性的差异化(如较高质量、较佳形象、成本领导等等)与其它每个计量的差异化(如较快交货与较优惠的价格等等)置于何地?
4.2 The improper classification of types of competitive advantage
In my opinion, any wrong classification of types of competitive advantage (CA) will make people confused and make related things messy in academic studies or business analyses.For example, Porter stresses that there are two basic types of competitive advantage a firm can possess: low cost or differentiation (Porter, 1985; O’Shaughnessy, 1996). As a matter of fact, Porter’s classification of types of CA is totally wrong, and a justification follows. Porter (1985, page 119) argued: “A firm ‘differentiates’ itself from its competitors if it can be unique at something that is valuable to buyers.” Logically, to “differentiate” is to mark off by superior differentiation. After all, “differentiation or superior differentiation” is the final weapon for which a firm “differentiates” itself from its competitors to strive. The weapon is used to conquer competitors and serve stakeholders so as to result in business performance, achieve business objectives, and reshape business visions. Therefore, “superior differentiation” is the CA of the firm. A firm needs good implementation to “differentiate” itself from its competitors. After good implementation, a firm may increate, sustain, and monitor many types of CA (i.e. superior differentiation or differentiation). The concept of differentiation is particularly troublesome because it is possible to differentiate in a number of different ways (Campbell-Hunt, 2000; Jenkins, 2005). Now that a firm differentiates itself in a number of different ways, superior differentiation comes in many flavours. For facilitating reasoning and analysis, differentiation (i.e. it ranks as a grandfather in the classification of CA) can be classified into many flavors: (1) quantitative differentiation and qualitative differentiation (i.e. they rank as fathers in the classification of CA), or (2) efficient differentiation and effective differentiation (i.e. they rank as fathers in the classification of CA). Quantitative differentiation is composed of many “quantitative attributes” such as lower cost, more competitive prices, faster delivery time, and the like (i.e. they rank as sons in the classification of CA). Likewise, qualitative differentiation is composed of many “qualitative attributes” such as cost leadership, price leadership, the quality of products, good reputation, excellent brand images, and the like (i.e. they also rank as sons in the classification of CA). In the same way, efficient differentiation is composed of many “efficient attributes” such as lower cost, more competitive prices, faster delivery time, and the like (i.e. they rank as sons in the classification of CA). Likewise, effective differentiation is composed of many “effective attributes” such as cost leadership, price leadership, the quality of products, good reputation, excellent brand images, and the like (i.e. they also rank as sons in the classification of CA). Obviously, it is very logical that low cost is one of types of quantitative or efficient differentiation and that cost leadership is one of types of qualitative or effective differentiation. Apparently, Porter has misplaced both “low cost (which ranks as a son)” and “differentiation (which ranks as a grandfather)” into the same classification level for 25 years or so. It goes without saying that either low cost or cost leadership is cost differentiation, and cost differentiation is one of types of differentiation. Product differentiation (Porter, 1998) or quality differentiation is also one of types of differentiation.
Porter and Millar (1985; Porter, 1998) pointed out that in any company information technology has a power effect on competitive advantage in either cost or differentiation. Porter (2001, page 70) indicated again: “If average profitability is under pressure in many industries influenced by the Internet, it becomes all the more important for individual companies to set themselves apart from the pack – to be more profitable than the average performer. The only way to do so is by achieving a sustainable competitive advantage – by operating at a lower cost, by commanding a premium price, or by doing both. Cost and price advantages can be achieved in two ways. One is operational effectiveness – doing the same things your competitors do but doing them better… The other way to achieve advantage is strategic positioning – doing things differently from competitors, in a way that delivers a unique type of value to customers.” Since 1985 or so, Porter has still done his wrong loop about two basic types of CA: low cost or differentiation. As a matter of fact, the only way to do so is by creating, sustaining, and monitoring many types of sustainable competitive advantage – by achieving them in a more efficient way (e.g., lower cost, better price, and the like), by obtaining them in a more effective way (e.g., better on-line support of customer services, more useful channel management, and the like), or by gaining both. Cost and price advantages can be achieved by a firm in only one way: it “differentiates” itself from its competitors so as to mark off by “superior differentiation” for its stakeholders, not for its buyers only. If there is no operational efficiency at all, the so-called operational effectiveness can make little contribution to the CA of firms because CA contains both effectiveness and efficiency. On the other hand, Porter’s strategic positioning needs to be anchored to the consideration of both efficient differentiation and effective differentiation. Moreover, it is apparent that simply making strategic positioning does not provide a durable CA because strategic positioning or strategy can do nothing by itself. In addition to strategies, a firm needs other related ingredients to be mixed. Implementation is like a huge mixer that blends all related ingredients such as environmental factors, business resources, strategies, organizational culture, entrepreneurial spirit, profound leadership, enthusiastic attitude, comprehensive plans, perseverance, management philosophy, and others. Firms can achieve their missions, goals, and objectives only when they are able to create, sustain, and monitor many types of sustainable competitive advantage (i.e. superior differentiation) through implementation.
Why does that superior differentiation really occur? Herb Kelleher, who founded Southwest Airlines, not only wanted to give his customers the lowest possible price, but he wanted to give them the best possible service (Blanchard, et al., 2004). Because Wal-Mart used “differentiation” to manage its future, it has aggressively defined differences with Kmart; shoppers are consistently more satisfied with Wal-Mart (Tucker, 1998). Nowadays, firms are busy building “superior differentiation” into their plans (Trout and Rivkin, 2000). Existing functional strengths can, of course, often be successfully exploited to gain the desired differentiation (Ohmae, 1982). Otis Elevator uses remote diagnostics as a way to differentiate itself (Trout and Rivkin, 2000). Still, those who fail to “differentiate” their product or service in the mind of consumer won’t stand a chance (Trout and Rivkin, 2000). In order to survive and succeed, a firm “must” possess superior differentiation (i.e. CA). Superior differentiation is also composed of cost differentiation, product differentiation, quality differentiation, and other kinds of differentiation. Superior differentiation is the unique type of CA. However, unfortunately, Porter (1985, page 119) pointed out: “Differentiation is one of the two types of competitive advantage a firm may possess.” It should be noted that the improper classification of Porter’s two basic types of competitive advantage a firm can possess (Porter, 1985; O’Shaughnessy, 1996) not only has made people confused, but it also has made related things messy in management theory and management practice. Since 1980 or so, Porter’s followers have treaded in the steps of the aforesaid improper classification of Porter’s two basic types of CA. As the old Chinese saying goes, “If it deviates a little bit at the starting point, then it’ll miss by a thousand miles at the ending point.” Therefore, such an incorrect classification has multiplied a far-reaching impact on the development and application of CA.
In my conclusion, old concepts, views, and systems must be updated, corrected, or abandoned so as to make the great progress of all human beings. As for an example, Peters and Waterman (1982, page 42) explained: “An old but excellent example is the Ptolemaic view of the universe (which held until the sixteenth century) that the earth was at the center of the universe, and the moon, sun, planets, and stars were embedded in concentric spheres around it. Elaborate mathematical formulas and models were developed that would accurately predict astronomical events based on the Ptolemaic paradigm. Not until Copernicus and Kepler found that the formula worked more easily when the sun replaced the earth as the center of it all did an instance of paradigm shift begin.” It is quite apparent that, in the field of business management, a lot of old concepts, wrong views, and obsolete systems have neither led to a right direction for modern business management nor resolved many management problems; therefore, the justification of this article tries to remedy those shortcomings and insufficiencies of the proposed problems so as to make potentially valuable contributions to both the academic and business world.
5. 拨乱反正已刻不容缓
依据许诗玉博士的潜心研究所得之不同观点,波特博士在其1985年所著之Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance一书中,错把低成本逐出差异化家族三十年了。低成本早应认祖归宗,而且差异化家族长老早该把低成本找回纳入差异化家族
6. 结语
优异差异化就是竞争优势的别名。优异差异化的种类包括计量的差异化与定性的差异化;计量的差异化可再分出多种计量的差异化项目;定性的差异化可再分出多种定性的差异化项目。较高质量、较佳形象、与成本领导等等是非计量的(定性的)价值的表现,而较低成本、较快交货、与较优惠价格等等是计量的(非定性的) 价值的表现。它们都同属差异化家族,而它们分别代表不同的意义与价值。
53Porter, 1985: 119
54Porter, 1985: 119
55Porter, 1985; O’Shaughnessy, 1996
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------(1974) The New Grolier Webster International Dictionary of the English Language, The English-Language Institute of America, Inc.
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