白岩松赴四川为防艾滋病基地授牌 拒谈自杀事件 白岩松为青艾小屋授牌 四川新闻网记者11月3日成都讯(记者蒋亮)11月3日,中国青少年艾滋病防治教育工程形象代言人白岩松专程来蓉,为青艾工程全国首家基地落户成都大学授牌。行色匆匆的白岩松只在会场上就社会各界应努力加强艾滋病防治发出呼吁,随即乘坐专车离开了现场,而未能有机会就之前网络上突然风传其自杀消息一事作出回应。 之前的10月27日晚,网络上突然传出央视主持人白岩松自杀的消息。次日,有媒体刊发了对这一事件的报道。报道称白岩松曾对此事作出过回应,说自己不上网而不知此事。 11月3日,为庆祝青艾工程全国首家基地落户成都大学,白岩松专程来蓉参加活动并将青艾工程首家基地牌匾授予成都大学。得知白岩松来校的消息后,成都大学学子们争相涌向会议地点学术报告厅,希望一睹这位央视著名主持人的风采,以至于活动组织者不得不紧急采取措施控制入场人数。 活动过程中,身着黑色西装打着领带的白岩松显得精神抖擞,看起来没有受到网络传言冲击的样子。白岩松说,青艾工程是一项由民间组织举办的公益慈善项目,希望成都大学发挥好全国首家基地的龙头作用,在做好性教育和艾滋病防治教育的同时,一定要做得透明公开,这样才能取得支持者的尊重和信任,动员更多社会资源来支持这件好事。白岩松还特别赞赏了汶川一小能在特大地震后还坚持青少年的性教育,称其为全国中小学青艾工程的推行树立了榜样。 记者获悉,作为中华慈善总会和中国教育学会共同发起的公益慈善项目,青艾工程主要是通过与学校的接口挂牌成立青艾校屋,从而给学校提供一个加强性健康教育的平台,以此解决多年来我国应试教育思维模式造成对于性教育禁锢和排斥的状况。 当天,成都市金牛区二十所学校及汶川一小同时挂牌青艾小屋。会后,白岩松匆匆离开了现场,未能向与会媒体记者就就之前网络上突然风传自杀消息一事作出回应。 Bai Yansong went to Sichuan as a base for anti-AIDS awarding refusing to speak of suicide [ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2009-11-4 文章录入:nnb ]
At 03:59 on November 4, 2009 Sichuan News Network Article
Ai Qing Bai Yansong cabin for awarding
Sichuan News Network reporter November 3, Chengdu News (Reporter Jiang Liang) 11 3, the China Youth AIDS Prevention Education Project spokesman Bai Yansong image came Lai Rong, Ai works for the green base of the country's first opened in Chengdu University of awarding. Busy-looking only in the meeting room, Bai Yansong on community efforts to strengthen AIDS prevention and control should be an appeal, then take the shuttle bus left the scene, but not have the opportunity to network prior to the sudden rumors regarding its response to a suicide message.
On the evening prior to October 27, the network Suddenly there is a CCTV host Bai Yansong to commit suicide. The next day, the media published a report on this incident. Bai Yansong reported that the matter had made response, saying that they are not online but I do not know this.
November 3, to celebrate the Qing Ai engineering base in the country's first opened in Chengdu University, Bai Yansong made a special trip to participate in activities and Lai Rong-Qing Ai project awarded first base for a plaque at Chengdu University. Bai Yansong come to the school learned the news, Chengdu University students are competing to flock to the venue of academic lecture hall, hoping to see the famous CCTV host his style, so that the organizers had to take urgent measures to control the admission number.
Course of the activity, dressed in a black suit and tie Bai Yansong seems full of energy, it appears the network has not been hit like rumors. Bai Yansong said the Ai Qing project is a non-governmental organizations organized by the charity project, and want to play a good Chengdu University's first base in the country the leading role in doing a good job of sex education and AIDS prevention education at the same time, we must do transparent and open, in order to obtain the respect and trust of supporters, and mobilize more social resources to support a good thing. Bai Yansong also appreciates in particular a small number of Wenchuan after the earthquake in big also insist sex education of young people, saying that Ai Qing primary and secondary schools across the country set an example for the implementation of the project.
Reporter learned that, as China Charity Federation and the China Education Association co-sponsored charity project, Green AI works mainly through the interface with the school inaugurated Qing Ai school house, which the school provides an enhanced platform for sexual health education, thereby solve the exam-oriented education mode of thinking in China for many years for sex education in detention and exclusion caused by the situation.
The same day, Chengdu, Sichuan Jinniu District 20 schools and a small hut at the same time listed Ai Qing. After the meeting, Bai Yansong hurriedly left the scene, failed to participants before the media on the network news regarding the sudden rumors of suicide response.
T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究
T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究