
2009年11月29日 03:12 来源:新京报 

  2009年11月,由云南大理市卫生局出资、10多名防艾志愿者负责经营的以同性恋为主体顾客的酒吧即将正式营业,卫生局和志愿者们计划通过酒吧的平台对更多潜在的艾滋病患者进行“同伴教育”。今年“世界艾滋病日”的主题是“普遍可及和人权”(Universal Access and Human Rights)。本月24日,卫生部部长陈竺在上海表示,同性性行为所引起的艾滋病传播已经占到传播总数的32%。















  □记者 郭铁流 摄影报道

The establishment of municipal government injection of Dali in Yunnan gay bars (Photos)
At 03:12 on November 29, 2009 Source: The Beijing News

November 25, the local homosexual gathering places, while the ancient city of Dali in the two small woods gay (above). Volunteers dedicated to gay men condom distribution (bottom).

Gay AIDS Prevention activities room. Come to participate in the activities of gay men chatting in the corridor side of the sun, after a long period of hard, and now they have a strong sense of identity activities room.

In November 2009, from Yunnan, Dali City Health Bureau funded more than 10 volunteers for AIDS Prevention operations to homosexuality as the main customers of the bar will soon open for business, health boards and volunteers are planning a platform through the bars of potential for more AIDS patients, "peer education." This year's "World AIDS Day" the theme of "universal access and human rights" (Universal Access and Human Rights). On the 24th of this month, Health Minister Chen Zhu in Shanghai, said same-sex sexual behavior caused by the spread of HIV transmission has accounted for 32% of the total.

November 25, is the ancient city of Dali, Yunnan, a fairground scene days, the streets were not wide of the people from the surrounding countryside filled. The ancient city of Side with a forest, 3322 male Wangshen Chu walked. Colt hand holding a plastic bag standing forests between the cross-road, every one person came up with the dialect he chatted a few words, and then out of the pocket some of condoms distributed to them, for those who are not familiar with, pony also open the box to tell them to use.

"Men with the intervention in men with"

Gay colt is the exclusive distribution of condoms, and these were mostly gay men in rural areas, they are by country fair days to participate in this intimate gathering. Of them are older than 70, only a small less than 20, the formation of the secret places of history has been three years. 25-year-old colt, also from rural areas, is also a homosexual, it is volunteers, are "AIDS Health Promotion Dali City, Dali good friend of the Working Group", the same day issued a pony more than 20 condoms.

Dali City Second People's Hospital doctor Zhang Jianbo, Dali City, AIDS Health Promotion is the founder and leader. Gay men volunteer to do this development, access to their hidden meeting places, to other gay men condoms ZHANG Jian-bo working method is referred to as "men with men and with the intervention," he says, there is no way to stop their sexual behavior will only make it safer these acts.

On the 24th of this month, Health Minister Chen Zhu in Shanghai, said sexual transmission has become the main way of HIV transmission in China. In particular, homosexual sex, it caused the spread of AIDS has accounted for 32% of the total transmission. Led to the spread of AIDS, homosexual acts, the vast majority from among gay men.

"Snowball plus thus led"

Dali City gay men in HIV-prevention work was started in 2003. ZHANG Jian-bo recalled that, at the beginning of the most difficult problem is to find these "gay." He spent a year still can not find "gay" in the shadow. A chance, he would a "suspected comrades" of secondary school students into his office, closed the door, he said fool knows his identity and explains he did not malicious, just want to do in this group of AIDS prevention and control work. First surprised and then deny the other end to understand the purpose of Zhang Jianbo only said they would cooperate. Breakthrough opens, the group surfaced.

ZHANG Jian-bo said that this kind of work the form of "snowball plus allows for deeper investigation." A few years later more than 1,800 people who mastered the basic situation of homosexuals, but also formed the backbone of a more than 10 volunteer groups, set up a special studio, on a regular basis is called "peer education" activities. At the event, through play, training and other methods to attract them to participate, and many gay men from rural areas, were invited to come in first contact with the AIDS Prevention Knowledge.

"Universal accessibility and Human Rights"

In mid-2009, the work of the meeting in Dali City, AIDS Prevention, "AIDS Health Promotion Dali City, Dali good friend of the Working Group" proposed to be created by a gay bar as the main idea of the customer, plans to bar coverage of a platform to attract more intervention and more people. This project has been demonstrated, the city reported to be passed, the health bureau invested 120,000 yuan, from the volunteers location, decoration, design and operations. Now bar has the soft opening will be December 1, "World AIDS Day," officially opened.

This year's "World AIDS Day" the theme of "universal access, and human rights", the theme has been interpreted as, we hope to more people, more channels to understand the prevention and treatment of AIDS-related knowledge, and more related to population effective protection.

November 27, "China AIDS Survey of Discrimination Report" released in Beijing, the report surveyed more than 2,000 Chinese infected with HIV experience discrimination. The report showed: The survey indicated that 40 percent of infected persons had been subjected to AIDS-related discrimination, more than two-thirds of family members because of their infection status discrimination. Chinese Vice Health Minister Huang Jiefu said, "for AIDS patients and infected persons to understand and care, the elimination of HIV-infected persons and AIDS prevention and control of the patient's discrimination is a key link."

Note: The edition of the homosexuals were involved in an alias

□ reporter Guo Tie stream photo coverage


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2009-11-29    文章录入:nnb ]
























T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究 





