Theory of Finance I
Theory of Finance II
Advanced Corporate Finance
First half of the course: Statistics & Financial Econometrics (SAFE)
Second half of the course: Statistics & Financial Econometrics (SAFE)
Portfolio Management and Financial Analysis
Corporate Finance
International Finance
Advanced Options Theory
Mathematical Techniques in Finance
Risk Management
Fixed-Income Securities
Computing for Optimal Decision Making
The MSc Finance is an intensive one-year course designed to bring participants to the cutting edge of practical issues, in all the key areas of expertise in markets and corporate finance. The course is more quantitatively based than many other finance courses and is similar to those at the top European and US schools.
The five compulsory core modules cover the techniques and ideas used in asset pricing and corporate finance. These include an analysis of cash markets (e.g. equity, bonds and foreign exchange) derivatives markets such as futures, options and swaps and corporate finance (e.g. the valuation of companies, real options, mergers and acquisitions). The mathematics of stochastic processes and the relevant statistical techniques are also covered and integrated within the finance content. Our aim is not just to ‘kick start‘ an individual‘s career in finance but, also to enable them to acquire valuable skills which can be utilised as they rise through the corporate hierarchy
In the three elective courses, participants can either gain a deeper knowledge of derivatives and their use in risk management, or extend their knowledge of issues in corporate finance or increase their expertise in portfolio management.
南安的F&E Program:
Corporate Finance 1**
Economic Analysis*
Preliminary course in mathematics and statistics*
Quantitative Methods in Finance*
Stock Markets and Equity Derivatives 1**
Stock Markets and Equity Derivatives 2**
One of
Corporate Finance 2*
Financial Risk Management**
One of
Derivatives Securities Analysis**
Mathematical Models of Finance*
* These units are taught by the Department of Economics.
** These units are taught by the School of Management.
南安的F&E是由该校的经济学院和管理学院联办的,根据2002年Times的排名,南安在Economics上是和LSE并列第6的,可见南安的经济学实力非同小可。。。。而该F&E Program也确实是不错,金融方向上的课程都很实在(注间是实在,就是非常的practical)如Corporate Finance,Stock Markets and Equity Derivatives,Financial Risk Management,Derivatives Securities Analysis,Finance等外,还有工具学科:Preliminary course in mathematics and statistics,Mathematical Models of
Finance,Quantitative Methods in Finance后两门基本是金融工程方向上的,本人对南安的F&E program的评分仅次于帝国而高于LSE和曼大。。。
偶以为,要学好金融学,一定要有较好的Quantitative Background,像线性代数、微积分、数分、统计学、概率学、随机过程等知识是一定要好好掌握的,