孕产妇今起免费查艾滋 广州市卫生局网站昨天公布了《广州市预防艾滋病母婴传播工作实施方案》(下称《方案》)。通过《方案》,到2010年,广州将让九成婚前保健人群、孕产妇分别进行预防艾滋病母婴传播咨询,艾滋病病毒抗体检测率分别达到85%以上,并把母婴传播的儿童艾滋病感染率比今年下降50%。 据悉,目前广州市艾滋病感染者中通过性传播途径的比例逐年增多,2008年还统计出30%的感染者系女性。专家介绍,感染艾滋病病毒的女性如果怀孕,如不采取任何施,病毒传染给孩子的几率为1/3。 越秀区:越秀区妇幼保健院 海珠区:海珠区妇幼保健院 荔湾区:荔湾区妇幼保健院 天河区:天河区妇幼保健院 白云区:白云区妇幼保健院 黄埔区:黄埔区疾控中心 花都区:花都区妇幼保健院 番禺区:番禺区妇幼保健院 南沙区:南沙区黄阁医院 萝岗区: 广州经济技术开发区医院 广州经济技术开发区红十字会医院 从化市:从化市妇幼保健院 增城市:增城市妇幼保健院 [ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2009-10-3 文章录入:nnb ]
http://gd.news.sina.com.cn 2009年10月01日08:13 金羊网-新快报 新快报讯(记者 李斯璐)今天起,广州的孕产妇到市内指定的13家妇幼保健机构(名单见右表)进行早孕建册保健(即首次围产保健)时,都可享受到免费检测艾滋病服务。
http://gd.news.sina.com.cn 2009 Nian 10 Yue 01 Ri 08:13 Jinyang Wang - New Express New Express News (Xinhua Si Lu) today, and Guangzhou to the city designated by pregnant women 13 women and children health-care institutions (see list right table) in early pregnancy to build copies of health (ie, the first Perinatal Care Unit), you can enjoy free testing AIDS services.
Guangzhou City Health Bureau Web site announced yesterday the "Guangzhou City, the dissemination of the implementation of mother to child HIV prevention program" (hereinafter referred to as "Program"). Through "program" in 2010, Guangzhou will allow Jiucheng pre-marital health care groups, pregnant women were HIV mother to child transmission prevention counseling, HIV antibody detection rate above 85%, respectively, and to mother to child transmission of HIV infection for children than this year dropped 50%.
It is reported that Guangzhou people living with HIV through sexual transmission ratio increased year by year, 2008 was also the statistics of 30% of those infected are female. According to experts, women infected with HIV, if pregnant, if not to take any facilities, the chance of transmitting the virus to their children is 1 / 3.
Yuexiu District: Yuexiu District Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Haizhu District: Haizhu District Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Liwan District: Liwan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Tianhe District: Tianhe District Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Baiyun District: Baiyun District Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Huangpu District: Huangpu District CDC
Huadu District: Huadu District Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Panyu District: Panyu District Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Nansha District: Nansha District Huangge Hospital
Luogang District:
Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Hospital
Red Cross Hospital, Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone
Conghua City: Conghua City Maternal and Child Health Hospital
By city: by city MCH
T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究