杭州男性艾滋病人是女性的10倍 老年梅毒患者增多 杭州男性艾滋病人是女性的10倍 老年梅毒患者增多 市疾控中心性病艾滋病防治所所长陈树昶说,在10月28日“世界男性健康日”期间发布这个数据,是想给部分男士提个醒:抱着侥幸心理过不洁性生活,是要吃苦头的。 据2008年统计,杭州的性病、艾滋病发病人数,男性超过女性。具体情况是:艾滋病病毒感染者中,男性是女性的5倍多;艾滋病病人中,男性是女性的10倍;1期梅毒病人中,男性比女性多160人。 此外,从近几年性病艾滋病的监测结果看,杭州梅毒发生率有一定程度升高,梅毒发病人群有3个特点—— 门诊中,梅毒患者以男同性恋、发生过一夜情的人居多; 老年梅毒患者有所增多。这在前些年较少见,过去梅毒患者多为年轻人和性乱人群; 隐性梅毒患者增多。梅毒传染性高,是群发性疾病,隐性梅毒患者平时看不出异常,极可能将病毒传染给性伴侣。 陈所长说,现在杭州各家医院扩大了梅毒检测人群,如皮肤性病科病人、泌尿外科病人、妇科门诊病人、孕产妇、住院手术或输血病人等。 陈所长说,一旦发现自己患了性病,一定要在医生指导下及时治疗,不要遮遮掩掩。 来源:都市快报 作者:记者 张姝 通讯员 施水泉 Hangzhou male AIDS patients are women aged 10 times the increase in syphilis patients [ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2009-10-29 文章录入:nnb ]
( 2009-10-28 10:03:20) 稿件来源:都市快报
(2009-10-28 10:03:20) Source: City Express
Yesterday, Hangzhou Center for Disease Control publication, "in 2008, Hangzhou, STD case" Statistics: The incidence of STD and AIDS groups, males more than females.
City, CDC director of STD and AIDS prevention and treatment Chenshu Chang said that in the October 28 "World Men's Health Day" during the release of this data is to provide some men reminder: holding chances too dirty sex life, is to peril.
According to 2008 statistics, Hangzhou, venereal disease, the number of AIDS cases for men than women. The specific circumstances are: HIV-infected persons, men are five times more than women; AIDS patients, 10 times as many men as women; a syphilis patients, 160 more men than women.
In addition, from the past few years to see results of the monitoring of STD and AIDS, Hangzhou, to a certain extent the incidence of syphilis increased incidence of syphilis has three characteristics of the crowd --
Clinic, syphilis patients were male homosexuals, who mostly occurred in one-night stands;
Elderly patients with syphilis has increased. This is rare in previous years, in the past syphilis and sexual disorder, mostly young people;
Increased in patients with latent syphilis. Infectious syphilis is high, mass disease, patients with latent syphilis usually do not see the exception, is very likely to transmit the virus to sexual partners.
Chensuo Chang said that now Hangzhou various hospitals expand syphilis testing populations, such as patients suffering from skin and venereal disease, urology patients, gynecological outpatients, maternity, hospital surgery or blood transfusion patients.
Chensuo Zhang said that once found themselves suffering from sexually transmitted diseases must be timely treatment under the guidance of a doctor, not secretive.
Source: Urban Express Author: Zhang Shu's correspondent Shi springs
T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究