

General overview over water resources
The “water topic” will become one of mankinds’ biggest problems within the next decades.
Just 2,6 to 3% of the water resources available on earth are fresh water and the largest part of these 3% is also difficult to access. Furthermore worldwide water resources are dwindling and over all you shouldn’t forget that population of the world is still growing. The majority of humans will suffer water shortage and water pollution in the future. Of course globalization and climate change will keep on intensifying these problems.
Smart precious metals investors can profit from this development as silver is usuable in water processing.
Where is silver needed in water processing?
Well, the white metal has the ability to clean drinking water of harmful bacteria and moreover silver helps to stop algae pollution in important rinsers in sewage plants.
All in all can be said that the use of silver in water processing currently still is in the early stages of development but it’s likely to become more important.
Why is water processing so important?
This application is about to become very important as worldwide pollution increases through toxic heavy metals.
Next to heavy metals, mercury, lead and cadmium it’s especially chrome and zinc which have flown into the waters in the meantime.
Toxic pollution on the one hand as well as water shortages on the other hand urge mankind not to steer clear of the water processing sector.
Alone in the US about 40 million people drink contaminated water. But Europe as well has problems with the quality of the drinking water.
The situation in China concerning fresh water resources is the most menacing of all:
- the most heavily populated country – representing 20% of the entire world population – only processes6% of the global fresh water resources --->these 6% are heavily polluted to a large extent
-700 million Chinese have to drink water with insufficient quality
-400 of the 600 biggest Chinese cities suffer lack of water
- according to experts about 90% of the Chinese cities have either contaminated ground water reservoirs or reservoirs which get exploited extremely heavily.
- the impoverished population in the rural areas of the country increasingly has to deal with water pollution as well.
- in the coming decades a strong increase of temperature is to be expected in China and in the rest of the world and that is why the lack of water will become bigger another time.
To sum up one can definitly say that it’s evident that the Chinese government will have to invest in multiple water processing units in the coming years because water contamination causes immense economic damages.
But also other countries will increasingly invest money in water processing as water shortage and pollution are going to become the worlds biggest future problems.
The trigger for future wars won’t be oil anymore, but water!