12)Crest(顶饰) - An embroidered motif like an emblem, an insignia or a Coat of Arms. See Emblem. (一种类似徽章,勋章或武器的外套的绣花花边,见徽章) Cross-Stitch(十字针) - Needlework stitch forming an X. See picture.? Computerized Cross Stitch(组成X形的刺绣针。见图片。电脑化十字针。) Cut Line(切线): See Guide Stitch.(见导向针) Cut Work(雕绣) - Embroidery one or more layers of fabric with one or more layers cutaway, exposing the under layer(s) of fabric or leaving a void. See picture.? Cut Work on cuffs, hem and at neckline. (也称补花绣,是一种将其一层或多层布料剪贴绣缝在服饰上,显示织物底层或只留下空白的刺绣形式。其绣法是将贴花 布按图案要求剪好,贴在绣面上,也可在贴花布与绣面之间衬垫 棉花等物,使图案隆起而有立体感。贴好后,再用各种针法锁边。)
13)Feather Stitch(羽毛针) - A type of stitch in which short stitches project at right angles from a main line of stitching formed similarly to coiling. Also known as ray stitching. (一种针型,短针从一条主要针组成的线上凸出成直角,它的形成与卷绕相似)
14)Festoon(花彩针) - A type of stitch. An apparatus to make reinforced edges on scallops, etc., for a strong cutting edge. (一种针型。在扇贝形纹布上生产增强边的一种设备,如,用于坚固的切除边。
15)Flat Embroidery(平绣) - Embroidery (usually on cut panels or patches) that is framed in hoops exclusively on the top of the embroidery machine's hook assembly. (在绣框(不包括绣花机器顶部的钩子组合)中成型的绣花(通常用在剪切板或补丁上)
16)Flocking(植绒花纹) - The decoration of a fabric with a design or lettering using an adhesive and powder through a stencil. Also known as suedene or imitation suede.(一种通过蜡纸用胶粘或者粉末将字母或图案的放到织物上去的装饰。也叫绒面革仿制品或者仿造羊皮。
17)Lock Stitch(锁针) - 1) Commonly referred to as a lock-down or tack-down stitch, a lock stitch is formed by three or four consecutive stitches of at least a