2009年01月16日 20:23:18 来源:新华网
新华网堪培拉1月16日电 澳大利亚一名感染艾滋病病毒的男子因蓄意将艾滋病病毒传染给同性恋伴侣,16日被法院判处18年零9个月监禁。
Australian men were deliberately spreading AIDS virus MISDEMEANORS
January 16, 2009 20:23:18 Source: Xinhua
CANBERRA, January 16 Xinhua Australia a man infected with HIV because of the deliberate HIV transmission to homosexual couples, 16 were sentenced to 18 years and nine months imprisonment.
According to the Australian Associated Press reported that a Melbourne court迈克尔尼尔this year, 50-year-old guilty of 15 crimes, including two of rape and eight crime of deliberately spreading AIDS virus.
Reported that Neil had boasted he would AIDS virus to 75 individuals, and one of his sexual partners, said he will be AIDS virus to other people "are a great meet."
Judge David Parsons said Neil crime until arrested when stopped, but his offense means no remorse.
Neil has three sons and four grandchildren, infected with HIV in 2000. Neil's lawyer, said Neil into a nervous breakdown after a divorce, and since 1992 had homosexual life.
January 16, 2009 20:23:18 Source: Xinhua
CANBERRA, January 16 Xinhua Australia a man infected with HIV because of the deliberate HIV transmission to homosexual couples, 16 were sentenced to 18 years and nine months imprisonment.
According to the Australian Associated Press reported that a Melbourne court迈克尔尼尔this year, 50-year-old guilty of 15 crimes, including two of rape and eight crime of deliberately spreading AIDS virus.
Reported that Neil had boasted he would AIDS virus to 75 individuals, and one of his sexual partners, said he will be AIDS virus to other people "are a great meet."
Judge David Parsons said Neil crime until arrested when stopped, but his offense means no remorse.
Neil has three sons and four grandchildren, infected with HIV in 2000. Neil's lawyer, said Neil into a nervous breakdown after a divorce, and since 1992 had homosexual life.