唱衰美国经济是最无聊的经济学游戏. 美国经济长期稳定健康发展的基础如下:
第一, 美国的自然资源如土地,石油,煤,森林等等的使用和开采还不到百分之二或百分之二十. 如果美国,加拿大和澳大利亚全面放开粮食生产, 全世界人民还担心粮食涨价没有饭吃?!想想吧, 美国的货币都请(用)加拿大的树林来印啊. 还想想吧,美国开采了多少自己的石油? 美国还在买进石油战略储备啊.
第六,只要还有人类社会的局部的和全球的战争冲突, 美国的军事工业(含通讯,飞机,坦克,导弹,军火,运输等等)从来没有衰败的时候.
第七, 美国的社会和政治民主有效地遏制了权贵资本腐败的程度.
第九, 美国的社会福利(教育,卫生,医疗,社保等等)也在追赶欧洲和加拿大的福利资本主义.其实,这种福利资本主义才是马克思的真正意义上的社会主义. 记住:马克思说过:只有资本主义的充分发展才能进入社会主义! 看现实: 中国在教育,卫生,医疗,社保等等福利上的政府开支还不到国民收入的百分之六,而许多欧洲国家和加拿大在这些福利上的政府开支已经达到国民收入的百分之六十! 而美国也超过了百分之二十六.如果中国政府在社会福利上的开支占了国民收入的百分之十八, 我们和谐社会才有了真正的样子.否则,我们在空谈社会福利的和谐.
第十,任何时候都承认资本的本质是剥削. 资本的剥削的程度靠收入再分配和社会福利来减少.中国现在的资本的剥削程度是世界上最高的之一.美国资本的剥削程度是世界上中等水平.而许多欧洲福利资本主义国家和加拿大的资本剥削程度是最低的.
斯坦恩夹特的新书(2008年刚出版)<<财富的战争>>: 全球化的真实故事,或者说为什么平的世界已经摧毁了---此为副标题.
中国人来了,大家怎么还不警惕啊? 印度人也来了,欧美怎么办?
此书为什么不谈毛泽东也是搞<财富战争>? 毛主席搞原子弹不也是准备<财富战争>?难道就邓小平会搞<财富战争>? 那毛主席号召备战备荒为人民是什么?那毛主席就不知道搞重大经济建设,军事建设,社会建设,政治建设,心灵深处洗脑建设?毛主席不也把帝国主义和蒋家王朝搞得心里发毛?
(1)Rethinking globalization;(重新思考全球化)
(2)It's the rules and regulations, stupid;(关键是游戏规则,白痴)
(3)Let's level the playing field;()
(4)It's time to think about job protection;(是考虑就业保护的时候了)
(5)The social welfare state is dead;Long live the social welfare state!(让社会福利国家活长命百岁)
(6)The grand design: A journey to the United States of the West (最伟大的设计:把西方国家全部团结起来去建立一个西方合众国,不要只搞一个美利坚合众国,通过这种办法对付中印).
Gabor Steingart's The War for Wealth is an interesting look at the future of globalization that looks back at the economic history of the world and makes some warnings/projections of what the future holds. The subtitle of this book is The True Story of Globalization, or Why the Flat World is Broken. It will make you think twice about buying something that was 'Made in China'.
In a nutshell, this book warns about the rising economic power of China. It talks of how so many leaders are all wrapped up in the 'war on terror' that they are letting China, as well as India, economically grow in leaps and bounds while American and European countries lose money. Steingart warns that if we don't start being careful, China will overtake the rest of the world as the leading economic power. His concern is that Chinese human rights violations are only going to get worse as the country further industrializes, and that the rest of us who enjoy those cheap 'Made in China' products are contributing to the kind of problems we'd never tolerate in the United States.
In the early parts of this book, the author goes into a good bit of detail about the history of China and India. He writes about how internal problems kept these countries from growing for centuries, and it wasn't until fairly recently that they started to put things back on track. While it took so long for these countries to get their act together, the result has been expeditious economic growth. He cites China as being a major contender in the electronics market, but also mentions how they are notorious for stealing technology. As for India, anyone who has ever had to call in for tech support to Dell or BellSouth knows how things are going there.
In the end, I found The War for Wealth to be quite compelling. It presents an interesting look at the future of the world economic status, and the author concludes with the suggestion that America and Europe must unite in order to strengthen forces. He supports this with a speech from President John F. Kennedy, given on Independence Day in 1962, and mentions how important Kennedy's suggestion is today, now more than ever.