Great change in 10
In 10 culture/ Gong Zu Wu is former after with 10 I, ask
self about to the mirror every day? I have made these years
some what? Past events always emerges in me before self's
eyes. Why human being always likes to recall bygone days.
Great change in 10 , the rural area hometown, have already built many new houses.
Traffic is exchanged fast also convenient and rapid. After I thinking of 10 may what change to
happened in the hometown after all. In 10 because of in 10 time is very long, time is also very
short. I believe in on axiomatic Chinese 9,600,000 squares land. The step reforming has been
accelerated. Urbanize the countryside developing having been accelerated. Rural area the
hinderland change is burning with the city all in making a big fuss. People's quality has been
improved, science and technology has improved. New science and technology replaces old science
and technology. Exquisite mobile telephone in everybody's hand 90's, momentary call machine
being in popular , already becoming. In 10 great change jumps up socially one large number of
excellent youth having appeared. 21 centuries have already entered the knowledge-base economy
times. In 10 great change , we live in network times. In 10 time is very long , in 10 time is
also very short! In 10 does our human being have several woollen cloth in 10? Going over that
time minute and second does not stop. Run a race against time also capture no, time in 10
years. Young generation friend, let us go to do a few meaningful things in limited time! Time
is very short because of 10. My believe in , advanced science and technology, is able to
replace old science and technology forever. That the invention sum is created is that human
being conquers nature , the disaster writes the story not being over forever. In 10 great
change , time in 10 are very long, great change in 10 , time in 10