


"Literature to Society's Contribution" article/Gong Zuwu the literature is writer's authentic product. The literature also has fictionalizes but is not certainly realistic. Cannot cause the reader altogether 呜. Only has the authentic work, can produce altogether 呜. I believed the literature comes from the life real portrayal. The writer essentially creates the literary work to be real, the literature should correctly guide the reader. Upward promotion. The literature because is advantageous to society's development and the progress. Literature initiative civilization. The literature also is reader's spiritual food. Some good literary works let our humanity move towards the civilization. The literature also is our new China 5000 historical culture and the precious wealth. A generation of writer, the writer has created the innumerable literary work for us, bright culture. Poetry and artistic work. Has made the tremendous contribution for our humanity. The literature impelled society's development, with progress! The literature let us understand the society. The literature has also made the tremendous contribution to the society. The literature contributes very in a big way to the society!

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