研 制 情 感 计 算 机 的 逻 辑 思 路
仇 德 辉
摘 要
关键词:情感 价值 计算机
消费过程 劳动过程 生产过程
M= {μ1,μ2,……,μn }
合成情感:如果某事物由多个子事物所组成,则人对于该事物的情感称为各子事物情感的合成情感,用|Μ| 表示。显然,事物的合成情感是各子事物情感强度的函数,且与各子事物的价值规模有关。
情感合成定理:人的合成情感 |Μ| 等于其情感矢量Μ与规模矢量Χ之点乘,即:
|Μ| =Μ•Χ=Σ(μi•χi)
其中,X={χ1,χ2,……,χn}称为规模矢量(或规模矩阵),χi表示人对第 i 个子事物的规模系数,它反映了这个子事物的价值规模在整个事物的价值规模总量中的比重,反映了价值资源在不同子事物之间的分配比例。不难发现,只有当各个子事物的规模系数完全相同时,事物的合成情感才等于各个子事物强度的代数平均值。
价值增加 价值减少
过 去 留 恋 厌 倦
过去完成 满 意 失 望
现 在 愉 快 痛 苦
将 来 企 盼 焦 虑
利益相关性 利益正相关 利益负相关
正 向 负 向 正 向 负 向
过 去 怀 念 痛 惜 怀 恨 轻 蔑
过去完成 佩 服 失 望 妒 忌 庆 幸
现 在 称 心 痛 心 嫉 妒 快 慰
将 来 信 任 顾 虑 顾 忌 嘲 笑
6.3.1 本能意志系统。一个相对独立的本能行为通常只追求某一种价值事物,该事物的刺激信号通过激发本能行为在大脑相应区域中的兴奋灶,从而引发该本能行为的实施,则该事物对应的兴奋灶所产生的情感强度就是本能意志强度。由所有本能行为的意志强度构成的数学矢量就是本能意志强度系统;由所有本能行为的价值规模构成的数学矢量就是本能意志规模系统。本能意志强度系统和本能意志规模系统共同构成本能意志系统。
6.3.2 弹性意志系统。一个简单行为通常是由一个或若干本能行为按一定的逻辑关系组合而成,并以某一个特定的价值事物作为目标物。目标物的刺激信号通过激发简单行为在大脑相应区域中的兴奋灶,从而引发简单行为的实施。研究表明,该简单行为的意志强度(即弹性意志强度)等于各有关本能行为的合成强度,即等于各有关本能行为的强度矢量与其规模矢量之点乘。由所有简单行为的意志强度构成的数学矢量就是弹性意志强度系统;由所有简单行为的意志规模构成的数学矢量就是弹性意志规模系统。由弹性意志强度系统和弹性意志规模系统共同构成弹性意志系统。
6.3.3 知性意志系统。一个复杂行为通常是由一个或若干简单行为按一定的逻辑关系组合而成,并以某一个特定的价值事物作为目标物。目标物的刺激信号通过激发复杂行为在大脑相应区域中的兴奋灶,从而引发复杂行为的实施。研究表明,该复杂行为的意志强度(即知性意志强度)等于各有关简单行为的合成强度,即等于各有关简单行为的强度矢量与其规模矢量之点乘。由所有复杂行为的意志强度构成的数学矢量就是知性意志强度系统;由所有复杂行为的意志规模度构成的数学矢量就是知性意志规模系统。由知性意志强度系统和知性意志规模系统共同构成知性意志系统。
6.3.4 理性意志系统。一个超复杂行为通常是由一个或若干复杂行为按一定的逻辑关系组合而成,并以某一个特定的价值事物作为目标物。目标物的刺激信号通过激发超复杂行为在大脑相应区域中的兴奋灶,从而引发超复杂行为的实施。研究表明,该超复杂行为的意志强度(即理性意志强度)等于各有关复杂行为的合成强度,即等于各有关复杂行为的强度矢量与其规模矢量之点乘。由所有超复杂行为的意志强度构成的数学矢量就是理性意志强度系统;由所有超复杂行为的意志规模构成的数学矢量就是理性意志规模系统。由理性意志强度系统和理性意志规模系统共同构成理性意志系统。
6.4.2 确定总体规划。对应于确定的意志目标,可以选择某一个与之存在密切联系的超复杂行为来实现,而这个超复杂行为通常需要多个复杂行为按照一定的(类型、逻辑、时间和空间)结构方式来协调完成,意志目标的兴奋灶得到激发后,将对大脑额叶区的若干复杂行为的兴奋灶产生强烈的吸引力,并使之按照一定的结构方式组合成一个兴奋灶群,组合的原则是尽可能使其合成的兴奋强度达到极大值。此后,变换各个复杂行为的结构方式,形成另一个超复杂行为,相应地组合成一个新的兴奋灶群,并使其兴奋强度达到另一个极大值,如此反复多次,再在其中选择一个最大值的兴奋灶群,并优先接通与意志目标兴奋灶的神经联系,从而选定作为最佳总体规划。
主要内容 区分能量有序与物质有序,用“有序化能量”替代“负熵”; 区分能量交换与物质交换,从能量角度定义“价值”;
主要内容 解决价值概念系统的统一问题;
主要内容 从价值角度定义情感;
主要思想 情感变化的核心基础是事物的价值率,具体地讲,情感强度与事物的价值率高差的对数成正比。
主要内容 建立情感的矢量矩阵;
主要思想 情感计算的本质就是价值计算,编制情感软件的实质就是编制能够正确识别、辩证理解和准确表达主体所拥有的价值关系的计算机程序。
主要内容 建立情感内部逻辑系统;
主要思想 思维、情感和意志所对应的客观存在就是事物的事实关系、价值关系和行为关系;意志是一种特殊情感,情感是一种特殊思维。
主要内容 阐述意志的动力特性及其价值根据;
主要思想 建立人性化界面;
主要意义 建立人性化界面;
主要思想 情感与价值的关系在本质上就是主观与客观的关系,从而创立以“利益为本”的新型情感理论。
Grind to make the feeling feeling machine machine person of logic think the road
Grind to make the feeling feeling machine machine person of logic think the road
Qiu de-hui
The current robot almost can replace the logic thinking and abstract thinking that person‘s brain carries on any form, however can‘t carry on the real emotion thinking and the will decisions, some emotions that can imitate the person of most express the way, thus constituting the person and basic sex difference between robot.This text passes to carry on the reformation to" consume to spread the structure theory", establishing an unify to turn all newly, mathematics turns to turn the worth theories with natural science:Unify the axiology, the angle definition value concept that is from the energy, from the physics angle understanding value theories, know the whole social science, again according to the basic principle of" emotion of objective essence is worth the relation is in the person‘s brains of subjective reflection"," emotion calculation in essence is worth calculation", established" the mathematics emotion learn", from the worth angle definition emotion concept, analyze the emotion phenomenon, announce to public the emotion regulation, build up the mathematics model of the emotion, and built up the internal logic system of the emotion internal logic system and wills on the foundation, if match with again to identify the system, the emotion expression system and wills to adjust to control the system with the emotion, can draw up an emotion software and the will software, thus provided the basic logic way of thinking for the creation of the emotion computer and the emotion robot.
Attach:Research to manufacture logic Chien‘s diagram of the emotion robot
1, The reformation" consume to spread the structure theory"
19The century exists two kinds of development view that basically stand opposite.The A kind the of the with the thermodynamics the second the laws the for the basis the of the degeneration view, the it the thinks the that the energy the is the consumed the to the spread the to the make the cosmos the tend in" the the hot 寂 ", the structure the tend the in perish, the system the tend in the have no preface; The Another the is the a the kind the of the with the reach the 尔 the text the Theory the of the Evolution the as the basis the of the evolution view, the it the thinks the that the as a the result the make the of the living creature the evolution the living the creature category the divides continuously, the structure the has the preface continuously, the function enhances continuously.The physicist the 普 benefit" the the consume to spread the structure theory" the of the high the 津 the foundation the think the that the an the and the outside the and the current the materials the exchange the and the have the energy the commutation the and the keep the off the equilibrium the 态 the not the line system, the can produce the a kind the of stable the from the organization structure( the the namely consume to spread the structure), the a creation the of that the each main the factor of system moderates the action and concerns with the effect, make system continuously to divide sex, organization and have the preface direction to evolve.The living creature is consume of a kind of typical model to spread the structure, the mankind are a kind of to consume to spread the structure highly and flourishingly.
Because consuming to spread the have of structure preface to turn is larger with the environment to change into the price without the preface, its whole effect is still toward wear the direction that have no preface‘s turn development, still obey the thermodynamics the second laws.The Consumed the to the spread the structure the theory the to the put the forward the come from the thermodynamics the angle the at the beginning of, the 弥 the matched the ditch the of the 鸿 the between the social the science the and physics the to the some extent, the but the this the kind of the 弥 merge the ill success, must as to it‘s carry on four important reformations.
1.1The The distinction" the the energy contain preface" and" the the material contain preface", the act for" the negentropy " in" have the preface to turn the energy"
The Consume to the spread the structure theory the to think, the self- moving the process the of the general the physics the system the is the material the sport the to the is the tend the in the to have the no the preface the to turn continuously, the it the distinguish the basis is:" the Function of negentropy "( the namely the specific value of the energy and temperature) will increase self- movingly.( The namely" the negentropy increases the principle") the tiny the view the physics the meaning the of the function the of the negentropy the is the it the reflected the system directly the to the exercise the without the preface the to the turn the degree the or the materials to the distribute the even the to turn the degree the in the material, the growth(the or reduce) the of the negentropy value the mean the system to the have no the growth that the preface turn( the or have the preface to turn) the degree in the material sport, this produce an understanding mistake area, confuse" the the energy contain preface" with basic difference of" the the material contain preface".The In fact, the material is an energy to carry the body, the core contents that the sport and the varieties of the material the express is the sport and the conversions the of the energy, the growth( the or reduce) of the negentropy value is in essence what to reflect is the energy sport to have no the preface to turn continuously.( The or the have the preface to the turn continuously) the function of the negentropy is the appearance function the of the system, the negative the negentropy the or positive the negentropy the is the system the energy the contain the preface turn the development the of appearance result, the not the external world the move because, the describe with" the negative the negentropy flow" of push in order to the system energy contain preface turn the progress of outside motive source is nonexistent.The negentropy is the specific value of the energy and temperature, the outside motive source of the change system temperature is an energy, the outside motive source of the value of the change negentropy also can be an energy only.See from the philosophy essence, energy is the sport scale that measures all different materials dissimilarity sport form unify the objective dimensions, it also is to measure the material of without the preface turn the sport scale and have the preface to turn the sport scale to unify the objective dimensions, among them in order to measure the material of without the preface turn the sport scale to unify the objective dimensions in order to have no the preface to turn the energy, in order to measure the have of material preface turn the sport scale to unify the objective dimensions for have the preface turn the energy, so-called" have the preface to turn the energy" be can according to the energy that the request of corpus existence and development carry on sport and convert, it be equal to the specific value of the energy and the freedom degree, or be equal to the energy with valid the product of the utilization.For animal but speech, the main form that has the preface to turn the energy is a food;For plant but speech, the main form that has the preface to turn the energy is the sunlight that make use of.The In fine, the consume to the spread the structure has the preface the to turn the of core the contents is the energy the contain preface turn, the not the material contain the preface turn, the it imply the exertive the core function of" the negative negentropy flow" the to have the preface the to turn the energy, the so describe the outside the motive source the that the system has the preface to turn in" the have the preface to turn the energy to" act for" the negative negentropy " realistic and science.
1.2Different from" the information exchange" for have the preface to turn of influence of the distinction" the energy exchange" and" the material exchange", from the energy angle definition value
Consume" the negative negentropy " the that the spread the structure the theory‘s elaborate, the considered the energy to the exchange the only the for have the influence the that preface turn, the have the no the influence that the considers the material commutation the and the informations the to exchange, the thus the produce the an understanding the mistake area, the limit at the tiny the view realm the of the living creature the member to the investigate to have the preface to turn the form most low levelly, can‘t enter the social realm of mankind to investigate the higher layer contain preface turn the form.In fact, although many non- energies characteristic( contain the information characteristic) of the material don‘t have to have the characteristic that the preface turns the energy directly, the same will have preface to the system to turn the progress creation influence, they pass to exchange with the material of the system exchange and can turn the energy creation to act for, make up, improve and strengthen the function towards having the preface with information, can fold to become on the whole the certain quantity contain preface turn the energy, expand the preface to turn the energy with the formation.There is preface turn energy with expand the preface to turn the energy common the composing broad sense contain preface turn the energy, and define it as to" worth".Also is to say, at synthesized to consider the energy of the system and the external world to exchange, the material exchanges to exchange with information to the influence that the system has the preface to turn after, the system contain preface be had the preface by the energy to expand have the preface for the function, measure the system contain preface turn the scale to unify the objective dimensions from have the preface to turn the energy to expand for the broad sense have the preface to turn the energy.( namely worth)
1.3The distinction" the function contain preface" and" the structure contain preface", act for" three quantities of preface" with" the value rate".
Consume to spread the structure theory to put forward to describe to consume to spread to have the preface to turn the degree structurally with" three quantities of preface", thus produce an understanding mistake area, confuse" the structure contain preface" with the essence difference of" the function contain preface".In fact, so-called" have the preface" that consumes to spread the structure should be a function up of" live" to have the preface, not structure ascend of" die" to have the preface," three quantities of preface" can use only to describe to consume the structure of spread the structure contain preface turn the degree, only systematic value rate( namely worth of growth velocity) then can the accurate reflection system of internal and each main factor is on the function of concern with the function, then can be accurate to describe its function contain preface turn the degree, it is decide the system existence and developments of three quantities of decisive characteristic.
1.4Distinguish analyse" the function characteristic" and" the structure characteristic" of information, re- know the essence of information
Consume to spread the structure theory and the information theorieses to all think, the objective purpose of the information lies in removing the indetermination on the structure, thus producing an understanding mistake area, confuse" the structure characteristic" of the information and the essence difference of" the function characteristic"s.In fact, any living creature absorb objective purpose of information and the dissemination information is not for the sake of abstract meaning ascend of remove its" indetermination" on the structure, but lie in really raising own function characteristic, strengthenning own existence and developping the ability, the essence of the information should comprehend from its function characteristic, but can‘t comprehend from its structure characteristic.The The amount of information calculation formula the that the 维纳 the put forward the can carry the on the calculation the to the form the amount the of the mold the of the information the actually the and only, but can‘t carry on the calculation to the function amount of characteristic of information.In fact, the structure characteristic of the information is to remove the indetermination, its function characteristic is a value rate that changes the thing, so essence of information should be change the thing of value rate.
2.The foundation" unify the axiology"
To consume to spread the structure theory to carry on the reformation after, unify the axiology to spread for the foundation even road.The main purpose that unifies the axiology lies in unifying the worth theories within different social science realm, and make it connected up properly with the basic justice of the natural science, raising its mathematics to turn the degree, thus making social science and natural sciences merge into an integral whole.
2.1The logic of the concept system unify
Different from the value engineering learn etc. at rightness" value" comprehension top eachly keep on carry, each courses contain own concept system and the generous character methods, is same course inner part to also have academic group of current philosophy, political economics, economics, resolve the concept system to unify sex problem is to resolve to be worth the theories premise that a series are self-contradict, is also a key that resolves the whole social science a series antinomy.
Such as front say, for the assurance corpus," the broad sense contain preface turn the energy" that thing have is a value.If the thing is a corpus, so it is a kind of value of special appearance to" the broad sense contain preface turn the energy" that the assurance corpus have, calling it as that the labor be worth, it is a kind of special use value, since come from the use value, and then is the headspring of the use value, is a kind of use value that can create the new use value.From here, the value can is divided into the use value and labors to be worth two kinds of basic appearances, reflecting two kinds of contrary function relations respectively:The former reflected the objective thing‘s function relation toward person, the latter reflected the person‘s counter-effect relation toward objective thing, but the value then reflected objective thing and the person‘s interaction relations.Notice," value" here and" labor value" concepts are already to bring into the concrete category from the abstract category, differing from the political economics obviously to their abstract definition.
The use value and labors are worth is belong to an in a specific way the thing of category is, be the basic motive source of social existence and development of mankind, both are distinct mutually, interaction, and with labor potential for in lie or transfer the form to convert mutually, carry out the value growth, together promote mankind social development and progress, the concrete process is as follows:The living data use value is in the labor potential that" consume process in" converts the behavior, the labor potential releases out and converts into the labor to be worth in" labor process", laboring the value at" production line in" with produce the data use value creation to concern with the function to adjust the function harmoniously, and transfer the product with it together and with same quantity, producing the certain value to increase in value at the same time, namely:
Consume the process Labor the process Production line
Living data use value- → Labor the potential-
2.2The unify of different type value generous character
The concrete form of the use value thousand bad ten thousand do not, and exist diverse sex of the indetermination, a body characteristic of the corpus characteristic and lie the body characteristic variable to change sex and lords objective not synchronization etc. problem, but combine the shortage to explain that the use value can‘t carry on to unify the generous character.
2.2.1Objective standard of the use value judgment:Judge thing‘s essence dint for the objective standard of the corpus use value is corpus.( The for personal to say that is personal labor ability, the for collective to say that is a collective productivity, the say for the society that is a social productivity) the use value can is divided in to live the data use value and produce the data use value two major type, both aim at different mankind‘s corpus, serve in the different and objective purpose, as a result have the different and objective judgment standard:Among them, the life data is is a service in personal consumption process, its use value is to take personal labor ability as objective judge the standard;Produce the data is a service in collective or society of production line, its use value is with collective productivity or social productivity for objective judge the standard.
2.2.2The living data use value unifies the generous character:The person onlies have after certainly consume living data, just may have the latent labor ability, living the main body of the data use value the quantity of the labor potential that it convert now up.The person‘s labor potential can is divided into four kinds of basic types:WEN BAO3 LEI4, health and safe type, self-respect develops with person‘s, ego and carries out the type by one‘s own.The theories prove that among them, the basic function of a labor potential of empress lie in before raise a the type or ex- several typeses labors the potential of utilization, or before lower a type or before several typeses labored the potential of expiration rate, if a labor potential passes to lower" the physiology life expiration rate" to raise the utilization that WEN BAO3 LEI4 labored the potential, the self-respect and a labor of person potentials passed to lower" the social life expiration rate" to raise the labor potential and healths and safe types of WEN BAO3 LEI4s labored the potential of utilization, the ego realization and developped a labor potential to pass to lower" the reasonableness life expiration rate" by one‘s own to raise WEN BAO3 LEI4 the labor potential, health and a labor potentials and self-respects and person‘ses labored the potential of utilization.Namely after ex- labor potential that a labor potential all can fold to become the certain quantity on the whole, because WEN BAO3 LEI4 the labor potential can use the biochemistry that" standard food" contain and can describe again, the living data use value of all types all take personal labor ability as the objective judgment standard, fold on the whole" standard food energy" of become the certain quantity, thus can carry on unifying the generous character, and the generous character unit is an energy unit:Burnt ear.
2.2.3Produce the data use value unifies the generous character:Produce the end body of the actual effect of the data use value now for it direct or the living data use value of the indirect production, it is in the production line not produce the value to increase in value directly, just transfer its use value by depreciation with same quantity product, then produce the use value of the data can with life the data use value carries on unifying the generous character together.
2.2.4Labor to unify the generous character worthly:The labor value is convert by the labor potential since then, but labor the potential to be convert by the life data use value since then, can prove, the labor value is decided by the social necessary repair consumption quantity of the living data use value.( The brief name for" the social necessity compensates the quantity") the research enunciation:Labor the value quantity and labor strength, labor complications, labor the well-trained degree, labor time, work and rest rate, consume the well-trained degree, basic life level etc. changes of the quantity to exist the particular function relation.Then the labor be worth also can with life the data use value carries on unifying the generous character together.
The The On the 综 say, all value of form can carry on unifying the generous character.
2.2.5Worth generous character dimensions:The worth basis dimensions is a standard food energy( the generous character unit is" burnt ear"), the second dimensions is some noble metal( such as gold, silver...etc., the generous character unit is" gram"), the third dimensions is a legal currency.( such as renminbi dollar, yen, US$...etc., the generous character unit is" dollar")
2.3Deduce a broad sense law of value
According to consume to spread the structure theory, can release three rules and a regulation one by one in order:
2.3.1Biggest have the preface to turn the rule:Any consume to spread the structure and will raise with maximum limit to have the preface to turn the scale ownly, then enlarge own worth total amount with maximum limit.
2.3.2Biggest value rate rule:When the worth quantity that own is certain, any corpus will raise own value rate with maximum limit.( namely the unit time inside produce and be worth the quantity and devotion to be worth the specific value of the quantity)
2.3.3The selectivity inclines to the rule:The bad value of the value rate and corpus average value rate of the thing, decide the corpus to its choice tendency, when the current is big in the latter, the corpus will extend the worth scale continuously;When the current is small in the latter, the corpus will contract the worth scale continuously;Only when both are equal, the value that corpus would maintain original throws in the scale.
2.3.4Broad sense law of value:The value rate of the thing surrounds the average value rate top and bottom motion of the corpus.
2.4Deduce other social regulations from the broad sense law of value
2.4.1The variety regulation of the merchandise value rate:The value rate of the merchandise surrounds the social average value rate top and bottom motion.
2.4.2The variety regulation of the merchandise and currency:The value rate of the merchandise surrounds the value rate of the currency top and bottom motion.The current is big in the latter, then appearing the supply falls short of demand, meeting enlargement produce and sell the scale;The current is small in the latter, then appearing to supply exceeds demand, will contract produce and sell the scale.
2.4.3The etc. price of the merchandise and currency exchanges the regulation:( namely" the merchandise law of value")The commutation comparison( namely price) of the merchandise and the unit currency surrounds its production cost( namely devotion value and produce the product of time) its specific value top and bottom motion.
2.4.4Etc. of the human relations association price regulation:The person and persons provide the association activities, such as product, service and information...etc. mutually, at will pay a production cost of equality in principle.Exchange with merchandise to compare, the production cost that human relations association etc. the price process has the following characteristics:For many times big scope, many contentses, long time of, multilayers of accumulation etc. price.
2.4.5The productivity and productions relate to the antinomy sport regulation:The value rate that produces the relation surrounds the average value rate top and bottom motion of the productivity.The current is big to promote the development of the productivity in the latter, the production relation that the former belongs to the forerunner,;The current tests after is small in, the former belongs to the production relation for fall behind, obstructing the development of the productivity.
2.4.6Self-contradict sport regulation of economic foundation and superstructures:The value rate of the superstructure surrounds the economic basal and average value rate top and bottom motion.
3, The foundation" the mathematics emotion learn"
The main purpose of the foundation" the mathematics emotion learn" lie in the emotion theories establishment in unifying the axiology foundation, and carry on mathematics analysis to the emotion, research to manufacture to provide the theories for the emotion robot according to.
3.1Emotion and the value relation
The emotion learns to think, the relation of the emotion and value is the subjective and objective relation in essence, expressing in a specific way at:Take value as the foundation while is an emotion, the basic appearance of the emotion and change the scope to be decided by to be worth the basic appearance of relation and change the scope;Two is an emotion to the worth adverse effect, the emotion can obstruct, suppress, induct, transfer or enhance the person to some extent to the worth demand;Three is a person at drive affectively under, can exert the recoil to the value, the occurrence that make increase in value;Four certainly is an emotion to have opposite and independent.The motive characteristic( such as strength, stability, time...etc.) of the emotion can deviate the worth variety characteristic to some extent.
3.2Objective essence of the value
The development of mankind‘s society main the performance increases for the economy, political the progress prospers the etc. with culture, its core contents is a society value of growth.According to unify" the biggest value rate rule" of the axiology, the person should decide the taking or rejecting attitude to it, basic position and behavior mindsets according to the value rate of the thing:The value rate of the thing is more big, the person is more affirmative and supports and develops it, whereas more negative, oppose and limit it, namely the value rate of the thing is in development direction and basic destinies that decides that thing basically, it will reflect by all means to come in the person‘s brains, becoming the particular and subjective consciousness, this is the value.
Value:The objective value rate of the thing is in the person‘s brains of subjective reflection value, namely subjective value rate.
The reason that the person values and likes the some thing, is because of him is big to the subjective value rate of that thing in its objective value rate;The reflection for short and shallow of taste is at present, the subjective value rate of the thing of partial and low level benefits relation is wanted to be big in its objective value rate.
3.3Objective essence of the emotion
The According to unify" the medium value value rate boundary axioms" the of the axiology: The Judge the a the thing the is the an the alignment the prosperous the still the alignment the 衰亡 , the judge the is the a the person the is the to the tend the near the or the deviate the from the in the some thing, the judge the worth the resources the is the to the throw to the in still the take out the to leave the in the some thing, the as long as see whether the objective value rate of that thing is big or not medium to be worth the value rate( the or average value rate) in the corpus, in fine, the bad( the call it as" the value rate is high and bad") value rate of the thing and the medium value value rate of the corpus is a count for much and worth characteristic three measure, decide the person by the root to basic" position, attitude, the principle and the behavior mindsets" s of that things, as a result will reflect by all means to come in the person‘s brains, become the particular and subjective consciousness, this is the emotion.
Emotion:A subjective reflection for produce of the person‘s objective value rate to the thing be worth, then the subjective value rate is high to differ.
The function process of the emotion:When the value rate of the thing is high bad big in zero, the person usually will produce just to emotion, various activity that to regulate the person inclines toward that thing, and extend its worth scale continuously, the value rate of that thing is high bad will immediately but descend, just can die down toward the strength of the emotion;Whereas, when the value rate of the thing is high and bad small in zero, the person usually will produce the negative emotion, various activity that to regulate the person is deviate from in that thing, and contract its worth scale continuously, the value rate of that thing is high and bad and will rise( but its bsolute value let up) immediately, the strength of the negative emotion can die down.
The value is a person to the absolute sex understanding of the worth characteristic of thing, the emotion is a person to the opposite sex understanding of the worth characteristic of thing, it takes the essence power( or medium the value value rate) of person‘s oneself as the basis to according to the thing.The person‘s medium value the value rate is an opposite and stable quantity, so the emotion system and the value systems are all usually" parallelism" varieties of.
3.4The emotion strength three greatest lawses
The physics of the external world stimulate or the chemistry stimulate the reflection that can cause the person to correspond to feel the organ( eye, ear, tongue, skin...etc.), The the psychology point out, the it stimulates the strength and the feeling strengths to obey" the the laws of 韦伯 ", then the logarithms of the feeling strength and stimulate strength becomes the direct proportion.The physiology process that the creation of the emotion is a kind of special incitement and feeling, it is the incitement signal with the worth characteristic of the thing, with brain of conduct and actionses such as net structure and the edge system etc. mainly feel the machine.Theories certificate:
3.4.1The emotion strength is the first laws:The emotion strength and the value rate high and bad logarithms of the things become the direct proportion.
3.4.2The emotion strength is the second laws:The emotion strength descends with the growth of the function scale of the thing.
3.4.3The emotion strength is the third laws:The emotion strength with keep on time become negative the index number function relation.
3.5The eight greatest motive characteristics of the emotion
The motive characteristic of the emotion mainly includes eight aspects, such as strength, stability, delicacy, layer, effect, periodic, cycle time and difference...etc., it is in the variety characteristic that is decided by the worth relation basically, but certainly also have opposite and independent.
3.5.1The strength the of the emotion the is the person the to the thing the produce the of the choice the tendency degree, the its the objective the purpose the lie the in the taking the person‘s the medium the quality the value( the or average value rate) as the to the according the to the 基 the orders the to identify the thing the of the value rate size, the it is the most the important motive the of emotion characteristic, the deciding the person‘s thinking, behavior and the physiology activities to drive the dint size chiefly, and strongly the check and supervision wear affective other motive characteristicses, the emotion strength three greatest lawses are coming to a decision basically the emotion strength change of basic scope.
3.5.2The stability of the emotion mean the person chooses the fluctuation of the tendency to the thing, it is an emotion the second importance motive characteristic, when the person‘s emotion stability is is big in its worth stability, usually expressing to come to a deadlock for the thought, the behavior is foolish to guard etc. weakness;When the person‘s emotion stability is is small in its worth stability, usually expressing for unfaithful and pleased enjoy impermanent etc. weakness.The stability of the emotion mainly is decided by the nerve to regulate to regulate the opposite comparison of these two kinds of meanses with body fluid, the nerve regulates the advantaged person to have the higher emotion vivid, the body fluid regulates the advantaged person to have the higher emotion stability.
The emotion the character mean the person the is in the emotion the activity the motive characteristic the difference express, the it mainly the is decide the by the strength and the stabilities of the emotion, the as a the result can the is divided the into four the kinds of the basic types: The Easy the excitement the of the person the of the many the bloods the quality the type( the stability is low but the strength is high) the but the and the then the fade away easily, the person the of the gall the quality the type( the stability is high and the strength is high) is the easily the excited the and not the easy the to the fade away, the person the who suppress the 郁 the quality type( the stability is low and the strength is low) the represses easily the but fades the away this kind of to repress easily again, glue the liquid quality type( the stability is high and the strength is low) of person repress easily and not easy fade away this kind of to repress.
3.5.3The delicacy of the emotion mean that the person‘s worth relation toward thing change of feel the intelligent degree.Would be lower for higher person of the accuracy of the small and worth feeling usually for the accuracy of the important and worth feeling, namely the stronger person of the emotion delicacy usually will be partial to for farsightedly be worth, overall situation be worth, graveness the reflection ability of the value weak, reflect the ability and adjust for the macro view of the emotion the ability of control will differ some.
3.5.4The layer of the emotion mean that the thing that emotion point to has the stronger and worth extensity, overall and farsighted.The person‘s emotion system have very complicated, tight but have the layer structure of the preface, of each layer has the strict logic to pass into the relation, and each layer can is divided into the function direction again contrary of two kinds of be worth the form.Relation between each layer emotion is:The high emotion build up at the low level emotion foundation on, can is counter-effect to the low level emotion creation, opposite have in the low level emotion higher can move sex, larger difference, better share, stronger development potential and more opposite and independent sex.
3.5.5The effect of the emotion is an emotion conversion that points the person to get rid of the dynamical motive characteristic for the behavior.Usually the circumstance rain, higher person of the emotion effect, its emotion strength is lower, namely" the thunder voice is small, the raindrop is big";Lower person of the emotion effect, its emotion strength is higher, namely" the thunder voice is big, the raindrop is small".
3.5.6The periodic of the emotion mean the motive characteristic of the emotion along with horary of variety but present the periodic variety, it is objective to move because come from the worth periodic variety of relation, it can make the brain nervous system dismiss some of no account emotion activities, raising the accuracy and the usefulness of the emotion activity.The main performance of periodic of the emotion is in five aspects:Emotion day period, the emotion a period, emotion month period, emotion year period, emotion life span period.
3.5.7The cycle time of the emotion is time that points the emotion development in proper order, it includes two meanings, mankind on meaning the time sequence of the emotion evolution, two mean the time sequence that the individual emotion develop.The process that the development of mankind‘s emotion is a to evolve continuously, correspond a ground of career five different layer:Tend the temperament feeling, rigid emotion, flexible emotion, sense emotion, reasonableness emotion.The development cycle time of the individual emotion mainly is decided by the development cycle time of the individual value relation:The negativity emotion compare the affirmative temperament feeling to appear more early, the low level emotion compares the high emotion to have the initiative the development, the individual temperament feeling compares the social temperament feeling to have the initiative the development, to the growth but growths that the emotion of the others compares the stability to own emotion has the initiative the development, the emotion along with the ages, the person appears the extreme temperament feeling and allergic temperament feeling easily in the transitional period( awkward age and menopause).
3.5.8The difference of the emotion be point not of an age, sex, physiology characteristic, geography position, social status, occupation post, the compatriot seniority of person have the different and worth relation variety characteristic, as a result have the different emotion motive characteristic.
3.6The emotion adjusts the way for control
The brain is convenient to adjust the net structure that the physiology organization of control the emotion" size"( impromptu courageously strength) is the brain stem, adjusting the edge system that the physiology organization of control the emotion" direction"( impromptu courageously property) is the brain hemisphere seamy side in order to.
The emotion adjust the way for control contain nerve regulate the different from endocrine gland vegetable have emotion of different from body fluid regulate( contain the hormone to regulate) two kinds ofly, and with nerve regulate for predominance, among them nerve regulate to be applicable to the short date, random, vivid temperament feeling, body fluid regulate to be applicable to the long-term, assurance, the stability emotion, and body fluid to adjust to control the function.
3.7Affective movement procedure
3.7.1Induct of emotion.The person‘s emotion usually onlies have at the thing takes place the worth function would express out, at the peacetime, all irrelevant emotions will be dead silent down, and be a kind of special" knowledge" memory in the brains, person and thing once the occurrence is direct or the worth function of the indirectly, this kind of special" knowledge" will be stir up but be in use, this process is to induct affectively.
3.7.2The feeling of the emotion.The eye is a kind of to accept the information contents most, the scope is most wide, the speed is quick most, the interference is minimal, the comprehensive sensories apparatus most strongly, from here produce of emotion is most abundant, extensive, quick, accurate and deep.The person passes the outline characteristic of observe the face, can understand the mental quality, ability structure, level of deucation and the occupation posts of the others mostly and synthetically, but this is not the assurance and individual, but all straightforward and grow to belong to sex of, in addition the person passes to take a look at the hair, figure, carriage, weight, skin...etc. can add the ground and reflect the person‘s worth characteristic and emotion appearances mistily.The ear make person can the feeling know the directions and distances of the vibration object, can hear the thought, will and affections that language express, the person talk the tone color, tone, melody, rhythm of the voice will give various emotion colors.The sense of smell the smell information accept and on this foundation the output emotion is usually very deep.The skin felling is also the very deep and settled emotion feeling form, the including the pain to feel, the burn feel, the hot feel, the cold feel, the 痒 feels etc..The person‘s felling system is an organic whole, under the common function of various incitement factor, the person will become a total mental state experience to same thing, rectify the single sensory apparatus produce of the unilateral on the feeling, deviation living and superficial, make the person‘s emotion feeling more overall, accurate and deep.The high peak experience is a kind of extreme emotion feeling, it is a worth thing to become the superconductive sex( or have no obstacle) contact in the exciting cooking stove of the brain skin layer and the nerve of the edge system and the net structure, the emotion that becomes the high strength respond.
3.7.3The expression of the emotion.Mainly include the face facial expression, the language voice to adjust the facial expression and body carriage facial expressions.The face facial expression is main to express for the change of eye, eyebrow, mouth, nose, the face muscle, abundant sex of the face facial expression of mankind is any animal and can‘t compare to of, it comes from the mankind diversification and complexities of worth relation, and be worth the development but the development of relation along with the mankind.The eye is the window of the mind, can be direct, deep and enrich the earth‘s surface the person‘s mental state now;The language matches with again to adjust with the fitting voice, can enrich more, vivid, integrity, emerge the person‘s emotion appearance, cultural level and be worth the mindset and personality characteristics accurately.
3.7.4The dissimulation of the emotion.The person only aims at the related relation of the benefits of different type, adopting the different emotion expression method, then can support and develop the benefits of the oneself most availably.When the benefits is complete consistent, should to the other party the integrity expresses the emotion accurately, make the other party do an exactitude worth judgment and behavior decision;When the benefits stands opposite completely, should cover up the emotion or display the contrary emotion toward the other party completely toward the other party, making the worth judgment and the behavior decisions of that the other party bes have the biggest blindness or mistake rates;When the benefits is consistent incompletely, should have choice earth‘s surface to reach and cover up the emotion.The beguilement( or the malice vindicate) of the good intentions is for making use of the psychology regulation, belong to vindicate the emotion indirectly.( or cover up the emotion)
3.7.5The correction of the emotion.The correction process of the emotion is the process that the high and bad variety characteristic of the person‘s motive characteristic of the emotion strength and the value rate of the things jumps together continuously actually.The person must make sure the affective initial value reasonably, to lower the correction range of the emotion and revise time and revise the cost possibly.The correction of the emotion mainly passes the cultural study, family to bring up, the society practices to train etc. with occupation method to complete.
3.7.6The development and the training of the emotion.The motive characteristic of the person‘s emotion must in accordance with physically own of the variety characteristic of worth relation keep, then can with maximum limit raise the oneself the worth and cognitive and accurate rate and behaviors make policy efficient.The Like the body the 锻 the 炼 the similar to the intelligence development, the person‘s the emotion also the need the to the be develop the and the then the can the develop the with the training the and perfect, the it the include the believe in the of the set up, the accomplishment, the personality the of the moral the qualities shape, concrete contents of etc. of the adjustment of the establishment, mindset of enrichment, a fondness for of spirit, actually be to the adjustment of some motive characteristics of the emotion, make it with value the fluctuation characteristic of relation is opposite should.The will can see make is a kind of special affection, so the development and trainings of the emotion still include the self-conscious to the will and can move sex, self-control, fortitude and resilience, independence, resolute and tendency etc. to carry on the adjustment.
4, Build up the affective mathematics model
To draw up an emotion software of science, must build up the emotion mathematics model of science first, and carry out the emotion classification and emotion calculations on this foundation.
4.1The vector and the emotion matrix of the emotion
The person‘s movable contents is abundant colorful, thing complications point to is diverse, the person can constitute a complicated logic system for all emotion strengths of thing, and adopt the certain mathematics method to carry on the description.
Emotion vector:Person for the mathematics vector that all emotion strength of thing constitute, mean with the M, namely:
M={ μ 1, μ 2, ……, μ N }
The Among them, the μ i mean person‘s emotion for a thing.The If some thing again from many statures thing constitute( the if the fruit is to be constitute by the apple, pear, the son of 桔 , watermelon, peach...etc.), The then the emotion strength of that thing can describe with the emotion vector that the emotion strength of each statures thing constitute, the emotion strength that is at this time can use one two emotion matrixes of the 维 s of to describe.The Manage together, can define many emotion matrixes of 维 .
4.2The synthesize of emotion operation
The Synthesize the emotion: The If some the thing from the many statures the thing constitute, the then the person the is called each sub- thing the to the emotion the of the that thing the to the synthesize the emotion affectively, use| Μ | mean.Obviously, the thing the synthesizes the emotion the is the function the of each sub- thing the emotion strength, and have something to do with the worth scale of each sub- thing.
Under general circumstance, the algebra that synthesizes the emotion and is unequal to each statures emotion is worth equally.Because the different sub- thing has the different and worth scale, as a result synthesize to the person the influence of the emotion strength is different, usually is to be worth the large-scale sub- thing to have the bigger influence or contribution rates towards synthesizing the emotion strength.Can prove:( from slightly)
The emotion synthesizes the axioms: The person synthesizes the emotion| Μ | the be equal to its emotion vector Μ and the scale vector Χ it orders to multiply by, namely:
|Μ |= The Μ • Χ = Σ ( μ i • χ i)
The Among them, X={ χ 1, χ 2, ……, The χ n} the be the called the scale vector( the or the scale matrix), the χ the i the means the person to the scale the coefficient the of the i statures thing, the it the reflected the worth the scale the of the this the statures the thing the in the worth the scale the total the amount of the whole the thing of the specific weight, reflected the worth resources between different sub- thing of allotment comparison.Not difficult detection, only have when complete homology of the scale coefficient of each statures thing, the thing synthesizes the average value of the algebra that the emotion just is equal to each statures thing strength.
4.3Concrete manifestation of the emotion
4.31To the thing emotion:According to the different variety method( increment or reduce) for be worth and change the tense( past, complete in the past, now and future), can is divided into eight kinds of concrete forms to the thing emotion:
Worth increment
The value reduce
Lead Go t
Stay to love
Be disgusted with tired
Complete in the past Full idea
Lose to hope
Now At Delectation Painful bitterness
Will Com
Look forward to
Worry anxiously
4.3.2To the human feelings feeling:According to the different variety method, the variety tense and the benefits relativity( positive related or negative related)s that the others be worth, can is divided into 16 kinds of concrete forms to the human feelings
Benefits relativity The benefits is just related
The benefits is negative related
Just to Negative to Just to Negative to
Lead Go to The bosom read The pain cherish The bosom hate Despise
Complete in the past Wear to take Lose to hope Envy to hate Rejoice
Now At Call the heart Painful hear Envy Pleased
Will Come The letter allow Worry
Attend to hate Derision
4.3.3To the personal emotion:According to the different variety method and the variety tenses that oneself be worth, to already the emotion can is divided into eight kinds of concrete forms:Proud of, satisfied, happy, self-confident, ashamed, self-reproach, embarrassed, from vulgar.
4.3.4To the emotion of the special thing:Mainly include the emotion that evaluates to the others and subdivide into some concrete forms towards associate the emotion of the activity, to the emotion of the indetermination thing and to the emotion that the oneself belong etc., but each emotion again.
4.4Basic classification of the emotion
The person‘s the emotion complications the is diverse, the can change the quantity the observation angle the to carry the on the classification from the different value: the Can is the divided into the according to the value the dissimilarity of the variety the direction just the to emotion the and negative emotion; the Can is the divided into the mood, the enthusiasm and the intense emotions the according to the worth strength and continuously horary dissimilarities; Change the dissimilarity of the quantity to is divided into the desire, motion and affections according to the value predominance; Can is divided into personal emotion, collective emotion and social emotions according to the dissimilarity of the corpus type; According to the thing dissimilarity of the basic and worth type, the emotion can is divided into the true feeling, well feeling and pleasant impression; Can is divided into according to the dissimilarity that target point to to the thing emotion, to the human feelings feeling and to personal emotion; The Can is divided in to make track for the emotion of 朔 , realistic emotion and the expectation emotions according to the dissimilarity of period function; Can is divided into the certain temperament feeling, all straightforward emotion according to the worth dynamic state dissimilarity; According to value the dissimilarity of the layer can is divided into WEN BAO3 LEI4, safety to develop with the health type, self- respect and person‘ses, egos and carry out an emotion by one‘s own.
5, Draw up the emotion software
The essence of the emotion is a subjective reflection of the value( or benefits) relation, so the calculating essence of emotion is to be worth the calculation, drawing up the emotion software substantially be draw up can the exactitude identify, the dialectical comprehend and the worth relation that accurate expression corpus own of calculator procedure.
5.1Build up the internal logic system of emotion
5.1.1Build up the foundation emotion vector and foundation scale vectors.Because the use value can resolve to four kinds of basic forms of opposite independence:WEN BAO3 LEI4, safety and the health type, self-respect and person‘ses, egos develops and carries out the type by one‘s own.The different person will have the different emotion strength for these four kinds of use values of basic form different from the value scale, thus can build up four chemical element foundation vectors and four chemical element foundation scale vectors.
5.1.2Builds up reuniting the emotion vector and reunite the scale vector.The use value of the general thing usually can resolve to some use values of basic form, so aim at all actualities of, typical model of concrete thing, anyones can build up a compound emotion vector and compound scale vector.
5.1.3Establishment with currency for basic dimensions of compound emotion vector and reunite the scale vector.The currency the conduct the and the actions value the third the dimensions the has the opposite the stability the and the social the adaptability the of 普 s, the and the will the strengthen the continuously the with the development the that the merchandise is economic, the thus the can the use is the vivid the and the opposite to the describe accurately the to the convenience, the generous character the and more the use values the of thing, the so aim at the big part and merchandises the thing that economy contacts mutually, anyone can build up with currency for basic dimensions of compound emotion vector and reunite the scale vector.Concrete method is:While is" the function price compare" that computes each thing, the specific value of the market price of namely each use value of thing and that thing;( it is" value" that the worth engineering learns the medium definition actually)Two is constitute all" the function price compare" of thing a piece learn the vector, then reunite the emotion vector;Three is to consume the person owns to each thing of or of total value( total price) constitutes a piece to learn the vector, then reunite the scale vector.
5.2Build up the emotion identifies the system
5.2.1Identify of the thing value:While identifying directly, for have already been included in the typical model thing within the emotion vector, the person can identify immediately, and produce the homologous emotion strength;Two is a logic to identify, be the thing and have already been included in an or a few thing likenesseses within the emotion matrixes to exist some line regulations perhaps, all the rate regulation or the logic regulation, can adopt misty analysis, line analysis, all the rate analyzes to analyze etc. with logic method to make sure its emotion strength, such as color emotion, looks figure emotion etc.;Three is an experience to identify, for some have the thing of special and worth and special variety method, can adopt the oneself to carry on the judgment the special emotion regulation of the backlog;Four is an association of thought to identify, some thing with have already been included in the worth thing of the emotion vector to exist a certain( logic of, image of, etc. of the timespace) contact, then its emotion strength can according to the emotion strength of the related thing to make sure such as the shape emotion, symbol thing emotion, sign emotion, numerical emotion etc.;The Five the is the a the feeling the to identify, the some the things the produce the positive the or the negative the function the to the corpus directly, the can the pass the instinct the direct the feeling the of the feel the organ the to know, the such the as the temperature, the degree the of humidity, electric voltage, ray, the voice of 噪 , the vocal music, dust etc..
5.2.1The others facial expression identify:Identify while is a face of facial expression, the person and person‘s a department thousand bad ten thousand do not, according to value various variety methods of relation to should of various concrete some rightnesses of the form and face sportses of the emotion should relate to, a sport carries on coding and setting up the mold, thus finding out the face emotion characteristic to identify the method;Two is a language to identify, include the natural language to identify and two parts of speech understanding, pass on the other hand to natural language the value that the direct form say relates to carry on the logic analysis, can discover the emotion variety of the other party, on the other hand making use of the line covariance method and the nerve network models, pass to the speech of voice learn analytical, can build up the emotion of the speech to identify the prototype;Three is the body carriage to identify, the variety that pass the body carriage to the person carries on the analysis, can understand the emotion category and emotion motive characteristics of the body sport.
5..3Build up the emotion expression system
The corpus the passes different the target thing, the variety method, the variety the quantity the 态 the and the benefits the relativity the etc.s to the value the things the after the carry the on the identify the will produce the a the certain the or the some the few the emotions the of concrete forms, the and the pass the voice, writing, color, picture( the person‘s face be like), the body action...etc. to come out toward the others expression.According to the different combination of a facial expression of person unit( such as mouth, cheeks, eye, eyebrow, ex- sum...etc.) and with concrete emotion form of build up a facial expression sport to code the system towards should relate to,, can express the emotion of different form;Use the natural language can in detail, the deep earth‘s surface reaches the person‘s emotion, speech( if the velocity, volume, tone...etc. that talk) in the natural language can more for by the square, abundant earth‘s surface reaches the emotion variety;Different medium form of music, novel, verse, prose...etc. can never the together realistic angle and dissimilarities express the emotion that the way form says the person.The Many emotions of mold 态 expression system can gather the natural language, speech, the hand language, the face to be like, the lips read, the a power, the body 姿 etc. various emotions express the way for the integral whole, and carry on the coding and compress, gather to these passages information and blend.
5.4The constitution of the emotion motive characteristic with adjust to control
The motive characteristic of the emotion should is opposite with corpus the variety characteristic of worth relation of place should, because of corpus for different work post, the environment condition and work object, will own the worth relation of the dissimilarity variety characteristic, so must to emotion of motive characteristic carry on constitution and adjust reasonably, then can handle the homologous value relation availably.For example, the social intercourse and societies that change much in complications manage the work post, the person must own much more vivid change and higher emotion characteristic of strength;Work in the business, professional sex of the simple repetition post, the person must own the opposite stability and lower emotion characteristic of strength.
Because the worth relation of the thing usually all is placed in in the continuous variety process, corpus at identify, analysis and judge the variety characteristic of outside and worth relation, usually adopt the line analysis, mathematics to statistics to judge etc. with faintness means, this need to be establish in advance and adjust some analysis parameters and identify the parameter continuously, the constitution of these parameters and adjust oneself and then include to change the characteristic( especially stability and strength) to the value relation subjective to prepare to establish, then include for the constitution of the corpus emotion motive characteristic with adjust to control.
5.5The design request of the emotion software
5.5.1Catholicity of exist:Should give an emotion three quantities to each thing.( positive, negative or zero)
5.5.2Opposite sex of the corpus:All emotion strengths of thing along with be worth the variety of the value rate but change in the corpus.
5.5.3Worth rightness should sex:According to the target thing, value dissimilarity of the variety method, the variety tense and the benefits relativity etc., the emotion can is divided into numerous concrete manifestation.
5.5.4Worth relativity:The emotion of the some thing once the occurrence change, will affect the emotion of other related things by all means.
5.5.5The Worth dynamic state: The emotion three quantities on the other hand would along with the variety but varieties of the corpus appearance, the environment factor and the thing quality characteristic, on the other hand would at any time self- movingly the 衰 reduce.
5.5.6Limit effect:The strength of the emotion is worth the growth of the scale but descends to the corpus along with the thing.
5.5.7Logarithms direct proportion:The emotion of the corpus and the value rate high and bad logarithms of the things become the direct proportion, only have when the emotion strength is lower, emotion of strength just is high with the value rate of the thing to differ to become the direct proportion directly.
5.6The movement procedure of the emotion software
After the worth function of the exterior thing identify the system to carry on feeling‘s know and identify through an emotion, then carry on the analysis and calculations through an internal logic system of emotion, and make sure that an emotion for correspond responds the form, finally, then pass the emotion expression system with the writing, language, speech, body, face to permit etc. the method expression come out.
6, Draw up the thinking, emotion and wills hand over with each other function software
6.1Know what happened the idea and it to should of objective existence
Know, the feeling, idea( cognize namely, emotion, will) is three kinds of basic and mental activities of mankind, to should wear to reflect three kinds of basic and objective existence:The fact relates to and is worth the relation and behavior relations.The fact relation mean of the thing is objective and existent to contact mutually with the interaction, being worth the relation to mean fact‘s existence toward corpus and development body now of function, the behavior relation mean own essence power of the corpus usage exerts the recoil and creates the new worth process to the thing.The worth relation is a kind of special fact relation, is a kind of fact relation that takes to have the corpus purpose, so the emotion is a kind of special cognition;The behavior relation is a kind of worth relation that can produce the worth growth, so the will is a kind of special emotion.
The person‘s comprehensive mental character corresponds a ground of decomposition as three kinds of mental characters of opposite independence:Cognize the character( or the intelligence character), the emotion character and the will characters, describe with three quantities of" intelligence quotient"," feeling company" and" idea company" respectively.
6.2The motive characteristic of the will and it is worth the basis
The motive characteristic of the will mainly is decided by the motive characteristic of the behavior value relation variety of the corpus, the self-conscious of the will reflected the purpose of the behavior value, the will can move sex to reflect the layer of the behavior value, the self-control of the will reflected the strength of the behavior value, the fortitude and resilience of the will reflected the behavior value of outside stability, the independence of the will reflected the inside stability of the value of behavior, the resolute of the will reflected the behavior the effect of the value, the delicacy of the will reflects the behavior to be worth of feel the intelligent, the tendency of the will reflected the behavior the hobby of the value.
The will is a kind of special emotion, obeying the emotion strength three greatest lawses equally.
6.3Build up the internal logic system of will
The person‘s will system is divided into four basic layers:The will of the behavior while is an instinct namely the instinct will, it take unconditional glint as the physiology basal;Two is a namely flexible will of in brief behavioral will, it take conditioned reflex as the physiology basal;Three is the will of the complicated behavior namely the sense will, it take relating to the conditioned reflex as the physiology basal;Four is the will of super complications behavior namely the reasonableness will, it takes language as to stimulate the relation conditioned reflex of the signal as physiology basal.Therefore, the internal logic system of will corresponds the ground from four the exists are tight to pass into the relation of common composing of system.
6.3.1 Instinct will system.An opposite and independent instinct behavior usually pursues a certain and worth thing only, the incitement signal of that thing passes to stir up the instinct behavior in brain correspond district of exciting cooking stove, thus cause the implement of that instinct behavior, then that thing to should of the emotion strength that exciting cooking stove produce is an instinct will strength.The mathematics vector constitute by all wills of instinct behavior strength is an instinct will strength system;The mathematics vector constitute by the worth scale of all instinct behaviors is an instinct will scale system.The instinct will strength system and the instinct will scale systems constitute the instinct will system together.
6.3.2 Flexible will system.A simple behavior usually is to be press the certain logic relation by an or some instinct behaviorses to combine, and be the target thing with a certain and particular and worth thing.The incitement signal of the target thing passes to stir up the simple behavior in brain correspond district of exciting cooking stove, thus cause the implement of the simple behavior.Study the enunciation, should the will strength( namely flexible will strength) of the simple behavior be equal to each relevant instinct behavior to synthesize the strength, then be equal to each strength vector and its scale vector concerning instinct behavior to order to multiply by.The mathematics vector constitute by all will strength of simple behavior is a flexible will strength system;The mathematics vector constitute by all will scale of simple behavior is a flexible will scale system.Constitute the flexible will system together from the flexible will strength system and the flexible will scale systems.
6.3.3 Sense will system.A complicated behavior usually is to be press the certain logic relation by an or some simple behaviorses to combine, and be the target thing with a certain and particular and worth thing.The incitement signal of the target thing passes to stir up the complicated behavior in brain correspond district of exciting cooking stove, thus cause the implement of complications behavior.Study the enunciation, the will strength( namely the sense will strength) of that complications behavior is equal to each relevant simple behavior to synthesize the strength, then be equal to each relevant simple behavior of strength vector and its scale vector order to multiply by.The mathematics vector constitute by the will strength of all complications behavior is a sense will strength system;It is a sense will scale system from a mathematics vector for constitute of the will scale of all complications behavior.From the sense will strength system and the sense will scale system common composing sense will systems.
6.3.4 Reasonableness will system.A super and complicated behavior usually is to be press certain logic relation by an or some complicated behaviorses to combine, and be the target thing with a certain and particular and worth thing.The incitement signal of the target thing passes to stir up the super and complicated behavior in brain correspond district of exciting cooking stove, thus cause the implement of the super complications behavior.Study the enunciation, the will strength( namely the reasonableness will strength) of that super complications behavior is equal to each relevant complications behavior to synthesize the strength, then be equal to the strength vector and its scale vector of each relevant complications behavior to order to multiply by.The mathematics vector constitute by the will strength of all super complications behavior is a reasonableness will strength system;The mathematics vector constitute by the will scale of all super complications behavior is a reasonableness will scale system.From the reasonableness will strength system and the reasonableness will scale system common composing reasonableness will systems.
6.4The logic procedure that will circulate
6.4.1Certain will target.The person is in exist with develop process of a certain and objective value need to be stir up the brain skin layer in a certain and exciting cooking stove or many exciting cooking stoves, choose the exciting cooking stove that has the biggest and exciting strength of an among thoses, it to should of thing was namely make sure for the will target.
6.4.2 Certain total programming.To should in certain will target, can choose a certain the super and complicated behavior that exist with it to contact closely to carry out, but this super and complicated behavior usually needs many complicated behaviors to complete to the coordination according to the certain structure method, the will target of excited after cooking stove be stir up, will to the attraction of the exciting cooking stove creation mightiness of some complications behaviors of the brain sum leaf District, and make it constituted an exciting cooking stoves according to the certain structure method, the principle of the combination make it synthesize possibly excited that the strength attains to be worth biggest.Henceforth, the structure method of the transformation each complications behavior, become another super and complicated behavior, correspond the ground to constitute a lately exciting cooking stoves, and make it excited that the strength attains the another to be worth biggest, thus again and again many, then choose exciting cooking stoves of biggest value therein, and have the initiative to connect to contact the will target nerve of the exciting cooking stove, thus making selection to be the best and total programming.
6.4.3Certain behavior project.To should in each complicated behavior within total programming, can choose many simple behaviors to carry on the combination according to the certain structure method, make it exciting cooking stoves of excited the strength attain a be worth biggest.Henceforth, the transformation structure method of the simple behavior, make it exciting cooking stoves of excited the strength attains the another to be worth biggest, thus again and again many, then choose a simple behavior the structure method that has the biggest value to be the best and complicated behavior therein.Manage together, one by one in order certain other complicated behaviors.After all complicated behaviors are certain, the whole behavior project just can make sure in the total programming.
6.4.4The assurance acts in a specific way.Aim at the simple behavior within each complicated behavior, can choose several instinct behaviors to carry on the combination according to the certain structure method, and make exciting cooking stoves of these instincts behavior of excited the strength attains to be worth biggest, to make sure each concrete action of simple behavior.
6.4.5Tally up the experience, absorb the precept.Person‘s professional is for the performance process of the project, always constantly to the will target, total program, behavior project, the value rate or the emotion strengths of the concrete ction carry on sounding out to compare with after the event in the before the event estimate, matter, then carry on the correction constantly.
6.5Build up the will adjusts to control the system
Adjust to control to the will to mainly order( or the attention order) through a will in the brain to carry out of, the will orders to be like the mouse in the computer, the places that it arrive will raise the exciting degree of the exciting cooking stove of the related thing and related sensory apparatus( the thinking organ) of feel and come to degree, the existence that will order makes the thought, emotion and wills of the corpus have the larger aggressive, active and creates sex.
6.5.1Aggressive:The will order once adhere to at some with complete devotion the ambition target up, will raise it and the exciting strength of the related thing, will strengthen it and the related thing nerve of the exciting cooking stove contact, thus raising the implement efficiency and the implement speeds of the whole programming, the behavior project and concrete action, aggressive factor and all potentials of the inner parts of the full transfer the external world, make the person‘s will target persisted more and firmly, the whole programming is more thoughtful meticulous, the behavior project is more reasonable and can go, the concrete action is more accurate without any error.
6.5.2Active:Artificial the demand of the contented multiformity type, multilayers, usually carry out several will targets( such as work target, life target and study target) jointly with the hour, be a few will targets to appear the antinomy in the time, space, energy and value resources etc., need the pause or abolish the implement of some will targets, make stronger and strengthen another some implements of will target, this needs the will to order to carry on comprehensive balance and macro views adjust to control.The factitiousness settles a dispute the industry, faith or friendships, can overcome the desire of some aspect mightinesses of oneself, bearing the huge spirit molestation and physiologies pain and sufferings, even can sacrifice the life, it reflected the person well at the balance and adjust active sex of control the will target.The person is unique living creature that can carry out the suicide behavior, this is the extreme body of the person‘s will active now.If the person‘s will orders to can not get the valid control, when the of the will target appears the important conflict and suffers the important frustrate and heavy strokes, the person would be indecisive, will appear thought, emotion and serious mess of the behaviors.To the inspiration contingency and the processing abilities of the abrupt affairs, also reflected the active sex size of a person‘s will.
6.5.3Create sex:The will orders and can raise the exciting strength of correspond the exciting cooking stove availably, so order the guided thinking, emotion and the will activities and will is opposite from the will quick, clear, accurate and efficiently of, the person‘s essence to the thing and regulation understanding would be more full, be worth the understanding of the characteristic and would be more overall to the thing, would be more accurate to the confidence of the worth efficiency of the oneself behavior.Person at certain will target, whole programming, the behavior project and concrete action, will consider various possible emergence well dangerous, possible the mishap of the existent opportunity and possibility occurrence, thus can discover the new will target availably, adjust the existing will target, revise the past will target, make the person‘s thought and behaviors have foresee morely sex, expand sex, vivid and create sex.
7, Create the emotion robot and emotion computers
Thought according to the logic that put forward above, draw up an emotion software for correspond and the will software, can make the computer robot have an emotion of person‘s type thinking ability and the will decision ability, from now on, the emotion is not mysterious thing that the mankind possess singly any more.
7.1Main blemish of the intelligence robot
The current intelligence computer and robots have the very high intelligence quotient, but its feeling company and idea company almost is zero, this biggest limit it uses the function and applications.Although some computers also was given some" emotion" of form, these emotions are very the low class, odd pieces and machine of, the contact between various emotion does not have the consecution, logic and dialecticals, just copying the mankind‘s some this emotion expression actually, the emotion of the anything but real meaning.The main blemish of robot lie in:Can carry on the action according to the procedure that person draw up in advance only, can‘t establish and adjust the worth target independently, can‘t create sex ground to establish and modify the total programming and the behavior projects, can‘t tally up the experience, absorb the precept.
7.2Main meaning of the emotion robot
7.2.1Build up humanizing the interface.Person while operating to use the robot, if robot can to the person‘s face facial expression, natural language, the body carriage and carry on the observation to the usage characteristic etc. of the keyboard and mouse, to identify and comprehend the person‘s emotion, and pass the reaction that the picture, writing, speech...etc. do an intelligence but amities, producing the vivid but true usage environment, helping the user to acquire efficiently but warm felling, become natural but hand over warmly with each other, construct real harmonious person‘s machine environment.Robot to different personality benefits relativity, the value mindset, emotion characteristic, personal reaction with different from professional special features etc. do aly a fondness for, also be advantageous to the user to control its personality temper and the function characteristic, be advantageous to style and a views that constructs the personification to turn in the toy and games in the intelligence.
7.2.2Raise the efficiency and the speed of thinking.The basic difference that is worth the mode of thinking and cognition mode of thinking lie in the former is to have directive and purpose, the latter then has no.Computer or robot once gave the emotion, can press as follows worth characteristic to request the future life to produce, absorb, organize and use the information, thus can simplify the thinking process, the economy thinking resources, speed the thinking speed:One is to be worth the importance, if the corpus will have the initiative to discover, have the initiative to identify, have the initiative to take and have the initiative the usage to have the information of the greatly worth quantity or the value rate of compare;Two an urgency of that times, such as according to the process that the in proper order decision logic of the variety time urgency of thing reason logically is adopt the faintness, rough but JIAN3 MING2 of method, still adopt the precision, tight but detailed method;Three is the benefits tendency, such as for be advantageous to( or disadvantage in) the theories standpoint of the maintenance self interest, the corpus is total and will have the initiative to discover the support( or negation) the basis and the proof that it establish;Four is the benefits relativity, such as while carrying on the analysis to the cause, present condition and the development directions of the thing, corpus always the dint diagram contacts that thing the benefits( or destiny) of experience, oneself of own function, oneself;Five is a consecution of worth relation, such as usually for pass by the not friendly computer user to provide the not friendly usage interface;Six is a sensitivity that is worth the variety, such as for the observation and analysises of the unfamiliar thing and to the processing concerning information, adopt the more careful attitude, in order to prevent emergence or viruses of deceitful information infect with;Seven is an experience of worth knowledge, if pass the looks, figure, operation method, operation contents, partner( or website), the work time...etc. of comprehensive analytical computer user, can to his ability, personality, occupation, love etc. to carry on the experience judgment, thus provide for it efficiently, the fast interface service;Eight is the connection of the worth characteristic, if while carry on to the cause, present condition and the development directionses of the thing analysis, the corpus will according to be worth the cause, present condition of the connection thing with that thing existence and develop the direction.The In fine, the had the leading of the emotion( the or will) with the adjust the to control, the thinking( the or behavior) the of the corpus the will have the explicit the purpose the and directive, the thus the show the efficiency the and the speed the of the an the exaltation the of 著 thinking( or behavior).
7.2.3Open the exhibition creates the sex activity.If have no establishment emotion system and the will systems, robot can complete the decided work mission according to the decided procedure, method and means only, at most also only ability according to the some and special circumstance that have already anticipate, change its procedure, method and meanses individually and mechanically.Robot only after establish the emotion system and the will systems, then can take attaining the decided will target as the basis, take carrying out the biggest value rate as the principle, progressively, actively, create a choice of sex and adjust the whole programming, the behavior project and concrete actions.
7.2.4Participate the social business and human relationses associate.The worth the problem the is the a widespread the and the existent the problem the of the society the of mankind, the concrete the body the that the social and the personal the material the target the for the pursue the and the spirit the targets are the all the worth the targets now, the social the relation( the such as economy of, the politics of and culture of relation) of the any form the is all the worth the relation( the or benefits relation) in essence, the all the targets of the form management in essence all with particular and worth contents for predominant direction of worth manage, mankind the whole ntinomies of the society can return the knot for the benefits relate to of antinomy, the whole changes of the society structure are all the benefitses substantially relation of adjustment with heavy 构 , in fine, benefits relation of processing and adjustment is a social business( the society management or social service) and human relations association of core contents, but this mainly is pass the person of emotion system and will the system carry on the leading and control to the thinking and activity to carry out of, so can give emotion and will is the robot can participate the social business and human relationses association of key.
7.2.5The graveness that carries out the artificial intelligence leap.Infuse the emotion into the computer or robots to have the very important meaning, it makes the computer move forward toward the direction of person‘s brain a major step, consumedly strengthen it uses the function, expanding its application.If the robot have with the person similar emotion and will, can understand and guess the host‘s worth mindset, subjective intention and make policy the way of thinking under the condition of complicated environment, vivid, progressively, create sex ground to carry on the activity, make it circulate the process to have the more explicit target, higher and active and stronger creations, complete various complicated work mission of what host hand over to successfully, thus replace the person in the larger work scope.Then, see from the purely logical angle, person and robot have no again basic sex difference, this will is a graveness of the artificial intelligence technique to leap, will produce the huge economic performance and social performances doubtless.
The logical thinking how to be endowed the robots with enotions
1. Transform the theory of dissipation stnucture.
Main contain:distinguish between the order of strucare and the order of function to solve the descriptire problems of the order parameter. develop negentropy as general negentropy.
2. Found the unified axiology.
Main ideas: combine the concept of negentropy with the concept of value , therefore connect natwal law with social law.
Main contain: solve unified measure problems of different kinds of values. The Find the mother law of all kinds of social laws-- general law of value.
3. Found the theory of mathematical emotions.
Main ideas: the relationship between emotions and value is that between subjecter and abjective in essence,therefore found the new theory of emotions on the basis of value or benefit.
Main contain: uncover the hierachy structare of emotions . analgze the eight dynamic characteristics of emotions. find the three disciphies of emotiond intensity.expound the running programs of emotions.
4. Found the mathematical model of emotions.
Main ideas: the basis of emotional changes is the magnititude of value, that is , the emotional intensity is in direct propotion to logarythm of relative difference of the magratitude ralue rate of ralue of things.
Main contain: found the redor matix of emotcois Realice the synthesis openration and amalgamation operation. classify the emotions in every detail and particular in accordance with the specific corresponding relation between emotions and value.
5. Work out the software of artificial emotions.
Main ideas:Everything has a certain ralue(positive , negative or zero) which possesses corresponding emotion parameter relative to the subject (robot).
Main contain: assemble the systems of expressing all kinds of emotion and discriminating them .Establish and amend different kinds of emotion paramete.
6. Work out the software of interaction amony thinking, emotions and the will.
Main ideas:the objectire reality in correspondance with thinking , emotions and the will is the relation of facts , values and behaviors , the will is a paticular feeling and the feeling is an unusual way of thinking.
Main contain: work out the software of the will its train of thought is almost the same as the software of emotions.
Assemble the systems of empressing the will and discriminating it . extablish and amend all kinds of the paramcters of the will.
7. Greate the artificial emotional robots.
Main ideas:coordinate with the intellingent robots.
8. Greate the artificial emotional computers.
Main ideas:coordinate with the intelligent computers.
Qiu Dehui ,(1998), The unified Axiology ,[M], Bei jing Science and Techonolagy Press of China.
Qiu Dehui ,(2001), The Theory of Mathematical Emotions,[M] Changsha :The People‘s Press of Hunan.
Address:Qiu De hui the Bureau of Education of LouXin District, Lou di Hunnan ,China. Postal code:417000
Tel:(086)13307382443 086-738-8216091
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仇 德 辉
摘 要
关键词:情感 价值 计算机
消费过程 劳动过程 生产过程
M= {μ1,μ2,……,μn }
合成情感:如果某事物由多个子事物所组成,则人对于该事物的情感称为各子事物情感的合成情感,用|Μ| 表示。显然,事物的合成情感是各子事物情感强度的函数,且与各子事物的价值规模有关。
情感合成定理:人的合成情感 |Μ| 等于其情感矢量Μ与规模矢量Χ之点乘,即:
|Μ| =Μ•Χ=Σ(μi•χi)
其中,X={χ1,χ2,……,χn}称为规模矢量(或规模矩阵),χi表示人对第 i 个子事物的规模系数,它反映了这个子事物的价值规模在整个事物的价值规模总量中的比重,反映了价值资源在不同子事物之间的分配比例。不难发现,只有当各个子事物的规模系数完全相同时,事物的合成情感才等于各个子事物强度的代数平均值。
价值增加 价值减少
过 去 留 恋 厌 倦
过去完成 满 意 失 望
现 在 愉 快 痛 苦
将 来 企 盼 焦 虑
利益相关性 利益正相关 利益负相关
正 向 负 向 正 向 负 向
过 去 怀 念 痛 惜 怀 恨 轻 蔑
过去完成 佩 服 失 望 妒 忌 庆 幸
现 在 称 心 痛 心 嫉 妒 快 慰
将 来 信 任 顾 虑 顾 忌 嘲 笑
6.3.1 本能意志系统。一个相对独立的本能行为通常只追求某一种价值事物,该事物的刺激信号通过激发本能行为在大脑相应区域中的兴奋灶,从而引发该本能行为的实施,则该事物对应的兴奋灶所产生的情感强度就是本能意志强度。由所有本能行为的意志强度构成的数学矢量就是本能意志强度系统;由所有本能行为的价值规模构成的数学矢量就是本能意志规模系统。本能意志强度系统和本能意志规模系统共同构成本能意志系统。
6.3.2 弹性意志系统。一个简单行为通常是由一个或若干本能行为按一定的逻辑关系组合而成,并以某一个特定的价值事物作为目标物。目标物的刺激信号通过激发简单行为在大脑相应区域中的兴奋灶,从而引发简单行为的实施。研究表明,该简单行为的意志强度(即弹性意志强度)等于各有关本能行为的合成强度,即等于各有关本能行为的强度矢量与其规模矢量之点乘。由所有简单行为的意志强度构成的数学矢量就是弹性意志强度系统;由所有简单行为的意志规模构成的数学矢量就是弹性意志规模系统。由弹性意志强度系统和弹性意志规模系统共同构成弹性意志系统。
6.3.3 知性意志系统。一个复杂行为通常是由一个或若干简单行为按一定的逻辑关系组合而成,并以某一个特定的价值事物作为目标物。目标物的刺激信号通过激发复杂行为在大脑相应区域中的兴奋灶,从而引发复杂行为的实施。研究表明,该复杂行为的意志强度(即知性意志强度)等于各有关简单行为的合成强度,即等于各有关简单行为的强度矢量与其规模矢量之点乘。由所有复杂行为的意志强度构成的数学矢量就是知性意志强度系统;由所有复杂行为的意志规模度构成的数学矢量就是知性意志规模系统。由知性意志强度系统和知性意志规模系统共同构成知性意志系统。
6.3.4 理性意志系统。一个超复杂行为通常是由一个或若干复杂行为按一定的逻辑关系组合而成,并以某一个特定的价值事物作为目标物。目标物的刺激信号通过激发超复杂行为在大脑相应区域中的兴奋灶,从而引发超复杂行为的实施。研究表明,该超复杂行为的意志强度(即理性意志强度)等于各有关复杂行为的合成强度,即等于各有关复杂行为的强度矢量与其规模矢量之点乘。由所有超复杂行为的意志强度构成的数学矢量就是理性意志强度系统;由所有超复杂行为的意志规模构成的数学矢量就是理性意志规模系统。由理性意志强度系统和理性意志规模系统共同构成理性意志系统。
6.4.2 确定总体规划。对应于确定的意志目标,可以选择某一个与之存在密切联系的超复杂行为来实现,而这个超复杂行为通常需要多个复杂行为按照一定的(类型、逻辑、时间和空间)结构方式来协调完成,意志目标的兴奋灶得到激发后,将对大脑额叶区的若干复杂行为的兴奋灶产生强烈的吸引力,并使之按照一定的结构方式组合成一个兴奋灶群,组合的原则是尽可能使其合成的兴奋强度达到极大值。此后,变换各个复杂行为的结构方式,形成另一个超复杂行为,相应地组合成一个新的兴奋灶群,并使其兴奋强度达到另一个极大值,如此反复多次,再在其中选择一个最大值的兴奋灶群,并优先接通与意志目标兴奋灶的神经联系,从而选定作为最佳总体规划。
主要内容 区分能量有序与物质有序,用“有序化能量”替代“负熵”; 区分能量交换与物质交换,从能量角度定义“价值”;
主要内容 解决价值概念系统的统一问题;
主要内容 从价值角度定义情感;
主要思想 情感变化的核心基础是事物的价值率,具体地讲,情感强度与事物的价值率高差的对数成正比。
主要内容 建立情感的矢量矩阵;
主要思想 情感计算的本质就是价值计算,编制情感软件的实质就是编制能够正确识别、辩证理解和准确表达主体所拥有的价值关系的计算机程序。
主要内容 建立情感内部逻辑系统;
主要思想 思维、情感和意志所对应的客观存在就是事物的事实关系、价值关系和行为关系;意志是一种特殊情感,情感是一种特殊思维。
主要内容 阐述意志的动力特性及其价值根据;
主要思想 建立人性化界面;
主要意义 建立人性化界面;
主要思想 情感与价值的关系在本质上就是主观与客观的关系,从而创立以“利益为本”的新型情感理论。
Grind to make the feeling feeling machine machine person of logic think the road
Grind to make the feeling feeling machine machine person of logic think the road
Qiu de-hui
The current robot almost can replace the logic thinking and abstract thinking that person‘s brain carries on any form, however can‘t carry on the real emotion thinking and the will decisions, some emotions that can imitate the person of most express the way, thus constituting the person and basic sex difference between robot.This text passes to carry on the reformation to" consume to spread the structure theory", establishing an unify to turn all newly, mathematics turns to turn the worth theories with natural science:Unify the axiology, the angle definition value concept that is from the energy, from the physics angle understanding value theories, know the whole social science, again according to the basic principle of" emotion of objective essence is worth the relation is in the person‘s brains of subjective reflection"," emotion calculation in essence is worth calculation", established" the mathematics emotion learn", from the worth angle definition emotion concept, analyze the emotion phenomenon, announce to public the emotion regulation, build up the mathematics model of the emotion, and built up the internal logic system of the emotion internal logic system and wills on the foundation, if match with again to identify the system, the emotion expression system and wills to adjust to control the system with the emotion, can draw up an emotion software and the will software, thus provided the basic logic way of thinking for the creation of the emotion computer and the emotion robot.
Attach:Research to manufacture logic Chien‘s diagram of the emotion robot
1, The reformation" consume to spread the structure theory"
19The century exists two kinds of development view that basically stand opposite.The A kind the of the with the thermodynamics the second the laws the for the basis the of the degeneration view, the it the thinks the that the energy the is the consumed the to the spread the to the make the cosmos the tend in" the the hot 寂 ", the structure the tend the in perish, the system the tend in the have no preface; The Another the is the a the kind the of the with the reach the 尔 the text the Theory the of the Evolution the as the basis the of the evolution view, the it the thinks the that the as a the result the make the of the living creature the evolution the living the creature category the divides continuously, the structure the has the preface continuously, the function enhances continuously.The physicist the 普 benefit" the the consume to spread the structure theory" the of the high the 津 the foundation the think the that the an the and the outside the and the current the materials the exchange the and the have the energy the commutation the and the keep the off the equilibrium the 态 the not the line system, the can produce the a kind the of stable the from the organization structure( the the namely consume to spread the structure), the a creation the of that the each main the factor of system moderates the action and concerns with the effect, make system continuously to divide sex, organization and have the preface direction to evolve.The living creature is consume of a kind of typical model to spread the structure, the mankind are a kind of to consume to spread the structure highly and flourishingly.
Because consuming to spread the have of structure preface to turn is larger with the environment to change into the price without the preface, its whole effect is still toward wear the direction that have no preface‘s turn development, still obey the thermodynamics the second laws.The Consumed the to the spread the structure the theory the to the put the forward the come from the thermodynamics the angle the at the beginning of, the 弥 the matched the ditch the of the 鸿 the between the social the science the and physics the to the some extent, the but the this the kind of the 弥 merge the ill success, must as to it‘s carry on four important reformations.
1.1The The distinction" the the energy contain preface" and" the the material contain preface", the act for" the negentropy " in" have the preface to turn the energy"
The Consume to the spread the structure theory the to think, the self- moving the process the of the general the physics the system the is the material the sport the to the is the tend the in the to have the no the preface the to turn continuously, the it the distinguish the basis is:" the Function of negentropy "( the namely the specific value of the energy and temperature) will increase self- movingly.( The namely" the negentropy increases the principle") the tiny the view the physics the meaning the of the function the of the negentropy the is the it the reflected the system directly the to the exercise the without the preface the to the turn the degree the or the materials to the distribute the even the to turn the degree the in the material, the growth(the or reduce) the of the negentropy value the mean the system to the have no the growth that the preface turn( the or have the preface to turn) the degree in the material sport, this produce an understanding mistake area, confuse" the the energy contain preface" with basic difference of" the the material contain preface".The In fact, the material is an energy to carry the body, the core contents that the sport and the varieties of the material the express is the sport and the conversions the of the energy, the growth( the or reduce) of the negentropy value is in essence what to reflect is the energy sport to have no the preface to turn continuously.( The or the have the preface to the turn continuously) the function of the negentropy is the appearance function the of the system, the negative the negentropy the or positive the negentropy the is the system the energy the contain the preface turn the development the of appearance result, the not the external world the move because, the describe with" the negative the negentropy flow" of push in order to the system energy contain preface turn the progress of outside motive source is nonexistent.The negentropy is the specific value of the energy and temperature, the outside motive source of the change system temperature is an energy, the outside motive source of the value of the change negentropy also can be an energy only.See from the philosophy essence, energy is the sport scale that measures all different materials dissimilarity sport form unify the objective dimensions, it also is to measure the material of without the preface turn the sport scale and have the preface to turn the sport scale to unify the objective dimensions, among them in order to measure the material of without the preface turn the sport scale to unify the objective dimensions in order to have no the preface to turn the energy, in order to measure the have of material preface turn the sport scale to unify the objective dimensions for have the preface turn the energy, so-called" have the preface to turn the energy" be can according to the energy that the request of corpus existence and development carry on sport and convert, it be equal to the specific value of the energy and the freedom degree, or be equal to the energy with valid the product of the utilization.For animal but speech, the main form that has the preface to turn the energy is a food;For plant but speech, the main form that has the preface to turn the energy is the sunlight that make use of.The In fine, the consume to the spread the structure has the preface the to turn the of core the contents is the energy the contain preface turn, the not the material contain the preface turn, the it imply the exertive the core function of" the negative negentropy flow" the to have the preface the to turn the energy, the so describe the outside the motive source the that the system has the preface to turn in" the have the preface to turn the energy to" act for" the negative negentropy " realistic and science.
1.2Different from" the information exchange" for have the preface to turn of influence of the distinction" the energy exchange" and" the material exchange", from the energy angle definition value
Consume" the negative negentropy " the that the spread the structure the theory‘s elaborate, the considered the energy to the exchange the only the for have the influence the that preface turn, the have the no the influence that the considers the material commutation the and the informations the to exchange, the thus the produce the an understanding the mistake area, the limit at the tiny the view realm the of the living creature the member to the investigate to have the preface to turn the form most low levelly, can‘t enter the social realm of mankind to investigate the higher layer contain preface turn the form.In fact, although many non- energies characteristic( contain the information characteristic) of the material don‘t have to have the characteristic that the preface turns the energy directly, the same will have preface to the system to turn the progress creation influence, they pass to exchange with the material of the system exchange and can turn the energy creation to act for, make up, improve and strengthen the function towards having the preface with information, can fold to become on the whole the certain quantity contain preface turn the energy, expand the preface to turn the energy with the formation.There is preface turn energy with expand the preface to turn the energy common the composing broad sense contain preface turn the energy, and define it as to" worth".Also is to say, at synthesized to consider the energy of the system and the external world to exchange, the material exchanges to exchange with information to the influence that the system has the preface to turn after, the system contain preface be had the preface by the energy to expand have the preface for the function, measure the system contain preface turn the scale to unify the objective dimensions from have the preface to turn the energy to expand for the broad sense have the preface to turn the energy.( namely worth)
1.3The distinction" the function contain preface" and" the structure contain preface", act for" three quantities of preface" with" the value rate".
Consume to spread the structure theory to put forward to describe to consume to spread to have the preface to turn the degree structurally with" three quantities of preface", thus produce an understanding mistake area, confuse" the structure contain preface" with the essence difference of" the function contain preface".In fact, so-called" have the preface" that consumes to spread the structure should be a function up of" live" to have the preface, not structure ascend of" die" to have the preface," three quantities of preface" can use only to describe to consume the structure of spread the structure contain preface turn the degree, only systematic value rate( namely worth of growth velocity) then can the accurate reflection system of internal and each main factor is on the function of concern with the function, then can be accurate to describe its function contain preface turn the degree, it is decide the system existence and developments of three quantities of decisive characteristic.
1.4Distinguish analyse" the function characteristic" and" the structure characteristic" of information, re- know the essence of information
Consume to spread the structure theory and the information theorieses to all think, the objective purpose of the information lies in removing the indetermination on the structure, thus producing an understanding mistake area, confuse" the structure characteristic" of the information and the essence difference of" the function characteristic"s.In fact, any living creature absorb objective purpose of information and the dissemination information is not for the sake of abstract meaning ascend of remove its" indetermination" on the structure, but lie in really raising own function characteristic, strengthenning own existence and developping the ability, the essence of the information should comprehend from its function characteristic, but can‘t comprehend from its structure characteristic.The The amount of information calculation formula the that the 维纳 the put forward the can carry the on the calculation the to the form the amount the of the mold the of the information the actually the and only, but can‘t carry on the calculation to the function amount of characteristic of information.In fact, the structure characteristic of the information is to remove the indetermination, its function characteristic is a value rate that changes the thing, so essence of information should be change the thing of value rate.
2.The foundation" unify the axiology"
To consume to spread the structure theory to carry on the reformation after, unify the axiology to spread for the foundation even road.The main purpose that unifies the axiology lies in unifying the worth theories within different social science realm, and make it connected up properly with the basic justice of the natural science, raising its mathematics to turn the degree, thus making social science and natural sciences merge into an integral whole.
2.1The logic of the concept system unify
Different from the value engineering learn etc. at rightness" value" comprehension top eachly keep on carry, each courses contain own concept system and the generous character methods, is same course inner part to also have academic group of current philosophy, political economics, economics, resolve the concept system to unify sex problem is to resolve to be worth the theories premise that a series are self-contradict, is also a key that resolves the whole social science a series antinomy.
Such as front say, for the assurance corpus," the broad sense contain preface turn the energy" that thing have is a value.If the thing is a corpus, so it is a kind of value of special appearance to" the broad sense contain preface turn the energy" that the assurance corpus have, calling it as that the labor be worth, it is a kind of special use value, since come from the use value, and then is the headspring of the use value, is a kind of use value that can create the new use value.From here, the value can is divided into the use value and labors to be worth two kinds of basic appearances, reflecting two kinds of contrary function relations respectively:The former reflected the objective thing‘s function relation toward person, the latter reflected the person‘s counter-effect relation toward objective thing, but the value then reflected objective thing and the person‘s interaction relations.Notice," value" here and" labor value" concepts are already to bring into the concrete category from the abstract category, differing from the political economics obviously to their abstract definition.
The use value and labors are worth is belong to an in a specific way the thing of category is, be the basic motive source of social existence and development of mankind, both are distinct mutually, interaction, and with labor potential for in lie or transfer the form to convert mutually, carry out the value growth, together promote mankind social development and progress, the concrete process is as follows:The living data use value is in the labor potential that" consume process in" converts the behavior, the labor potential releases out and converts into the labor to be worth in" labor process", laboring the value at" production line in" with produce the data use value creation to concern with the function to adjust the function harmoniously, and transfer the product with it together and with same quantity, producing the certain value to increase in value at the same time, namely:
Consume the process Labor the process Production line
Living data use value- → Labor the potential-
2.2The unify of different type value generous character
The concrete form of the use value thousand bad ten thousand do not, and exist diverse sex of the indetermination, a body characteristic of the corpus characteristic and lie the body characteristic variable to change sex and lords objective not synchronization etc. problem, but combine the shortage to explain that the use value can‘t carry on to unify the generous character.
2.2.1Objective standard of the use value judgment:Judge thing‘s essence dint for the objective standard of the corpus use value is corpus.( The for personal to say that is personal labor ability, the for collective to say that is a collective productivity, the say for the society that is a social productivity) the use value can is divided in to live the data use value and produce the data use value two major type, both aim at different mankind‘s corpus, serve in the different and objective purpose, as a result have the different and objective judgment standard:Among them, the life data is is a service in personal consumption process, its use value is to take personal labor ability as objective judge the standard;Produce the data is a service in collective or society of production line, its use value is with collective productivity or social productivity for objective judge the standard.
2.2.2The living data use value unifies the generous character:The person onlies have after certainly consume living data, just may have the latent labor ability, living the main body of the data use value the quantity of the labor potential that it convert now up.The person‘s labor potential can is divided into four kinds of basic types:WEN BAO3 LEI4, health and safe type, self-respect develops with person‘s, ego and carries out the type by one‘s own.The theories prove that among them, the basic function of a labor potential of empress lie in before raise a the type or ex- several typeses labors the potential of utilization, or before lower a type or before several typeses labored the potential of expiration rate, if a labor potential passes to lower" the physiology life expiration rate" to raise the utilization that WEN BAO3 LEI4 labored the potential, the self-respect and a labor of person potentials passed to lower" the social life expiration rate" to raise the labor potential and healths and safe types of WEN BAO3 LEI4s labored the potential of utilization, the ego realization and developped a labor potential to pass to lower" the reasonableness life expiration rate" by one‘s own to raise WEN BAO3 LEI4 the labor potential, health and a labor potentials and self-respects and person‘ses labored the potential of utilization.Namely after ex- labor potential that a labor potential all can fold to become the certain quantity on the whole, because WEN BAO3 LEI4 the labor potential can use the biochemistry that" standard food" contain and can describe again, the living data use value of all types all take personal labor ability as the objective judgment standard, fold on the whole" standard food energy" of become the certain quantity, thus can carry on unifying the generous character, and the generous character unit is an energy unit:Burnt ear.
2.2.3Produce the data use value unifies the generous character:Produce the end body of the actual effect of the data use value now for it direct or the living data use value of the indirect production, it is in the production line not produce the value to increase in value directly, just transfer its use value by depreciation with same quantity product, then produce the use value of the data can with life the data use value carries on unifying the generous character together.
2.2.4Labor to unify the generous character worthly:The labor value is convert by the labor potential since then, but labor the potential to be convert by the life data use value since then, can prove, the labor value is decided by the social necessary repair consumption quantity of the living data use value.( The brief name for" the social necessity compensates the quantity") the research enunciation:Labor the value quantity and labor strength, labor complications, labor the well-trained degree, labor time, work and rest rate, consume the well-trained degree, basic life level etc. changes of the quantity to exist the particular function relation.Then the labor be worth also can with life the data use value carries on unifying the generous character together.
The The On the 综 say, all value of form can carry on unifying the generous character.
2.2.5Worth generous character dimensions:The worth basis dimensions is a standard food energy( the generous character unit is" burnt ear"), the second dimensions is some noble metal( such as gold, silver...etc., the generous character unit is" gram"), the third dimensions is a legal currency.( such as renminbi dollar, yen, US$...etc., the generous character unit is" dollar")
2.3Deduce a broad sense law of value
According to consume to spread the structure theory, can release three rules and a regulation one by one in order:
2.3.1Biggest have the preface to turn the rule:Any consume to spread the structure and will raise with maximum limit to have the preface to turn the scale ownly, then enlarge own worth total amount with maximum limit.
2.3.2Biggest value rate rule:When the worth quantity that own is certain, any corpus will raise own value rate with maximum limit.( namely the unit time inside produce and be worth the quantity and devotion to be worth the specific value of the quantity)
2.3.3The selectivity inclines to the rule:The bad value of the value rate and corpus average value rate of the thing, decide the corpus to its choice tendency, when the current is big in the latter, the corpus will extend the worth scale continuously;When the current is small in the latter, the corpus will contract the worth scale continuously;Only when both are equal, the value that corpus would maintain original throws in the scale.
2.3.4Broad sense law of value:The value rate of the thing surrounds the average value rate top and bottom motion of the corpus.
2.4Deduce other social regulations from the broad sense law of value
2.4.1The variety regulation of the merchandise value rate:The value rate of the merchandise surrounds the social average value rate top and bottom motion.
2.4.2The variety regulation of the merchandise and currency:The value rate of the merchandise surrounds the value rate of the currency top and bottom motion.The current is big in the latter, then appearing the supply falls short of demand, meeting enlargement produce and sell the scale;The current is small in the latter, then appearing to supply exceeds demand, will contract produce and sell the scale.
2.4.3The etc. price of the merchandise and currency exchanges the regulation:( namely" the merchandise law of value")The commutation comparison( namely price) of the merchandise and the unit currency surrounds its production cost( namely devotion value and produce the product of time) its specific value top and bottom motion.
2.4.4Etc. of the human relations association price regulation:The person and persons provide the association activities, such as product, service and information...etc. mutually, at will pay a production cost of equality in principle.Exchange with merchandise to compare, the production cost that human relations association etc. the price process has the following characteristics:For many times big scope, many contentses, long time of, multilayers of accumulation etc. price.
2.4.5The productivity and productions relate to the antinomy sport regulation:The value rate that produces the relation surrounds the average value rate top and bottom motion of the productivity.The current is big to promote the development of the productivity in the latter, the production relation that the former belongs to the forerunner,;The current tests after is small in, the former belongs to the production relation for fall behind, obstructing the development of the productivity.
2.4.6Self-contradict sport regulation of economic foundation and superstructures:The value rate of the superstructure surrounds the economic basal and average value rate top and bottom motion.
3, The foundation" the mathematics emotion learn"
The main purpose of the foundation" the mathematics emotion learn" lie in the emotion theories establishment in unifying the axiology foundation, and carry on mathematics analysis to the emotion, research to manufacture to provide the theories for the emotion robot according to.
3.1Emotion and the value relation
The emotion learns to think, the relation of the emotion and value is the subjective and objective relation in essence, expressing in a specific way at:Take value as the foundation while is an emotion, the basic appearance of the emotion and change the scope to be decided by to be worth the basic appearance of relation and change the scope;Two is an emotion to the worth adverse effect, the emotion can obstruct, suppress, induct, transfer or enhance the person to some extent to the worth demand;Three is a person at drive affectively under, can exert the recoil to the value, the occurrence that make increase in value;Four certainly is an emotion to have opposite and independent.The motive characteristic( such as strength, stability, time...etc.) of the emotion can deviate the worth variety characteristic to some extent.
3.2Objective essence of the value
The development of mankind‘s society main the performance increases for the economy, political the progress prospers the etc. with culture, its core contents is a society value of growth.According to unify" the biggest value rate rule" of the axiology, the person should decide the taking or rejecting attitude to it, basic position and behavior mindsets according to the value rate of the thing:The value rate of the thing is more big, the person is more affirmative and supports and develops it, whereas more negative, oppose and limit it, namely the value rate of the thing is in development direction and basic destinies that decides that thing basically, it will reflect by all means to come in the person‘s brains, becoming the particular and subjective consciousness, this is the value.
Value:The objective value rate of the thing is in the person‘s brains of subjective reflection value, namely subjective value rate.
The reason that the person values and likes the some thing, is because of him is big to the subjective value rate of that thing in its objective value rate;The reflection for short and shallow of taste is at present, the subjective value rate of the thing of partial and low level benefits relation is wanted to be big in its objective value rate.
3.3Objective essence of the emotion
The According to unify" the medium value value rate boundary axioms" the of the axiology: The Judge the a the thing the is the an the alignment the prosperous the still the alignment the 衰亡 , the judge the is the a the person the is the to the tend the near the or the deviate the from the in the some thing, the judge the worth the resources the is the to the throw to the in still the take out the to leave the in the some thing, the as long as see whether the objective value rate of that thing is big or not medium to be worth the value rate( the or average value rate) in the corpus, in fine, the bad( the call it as" the value rate is high and bad") value rate of the thing and the medium value value rate of the corpus is a count for much and worth characteristic three measure, decide the person by the root to basic" position, attitude, the principle and the behavior mindsets" s of that things, as a result will reflect by all means to come in the person‘s brains, become the particular and subjective consciousness, this is the emotion.
Emotion:A subjective reflection for produce of the person‘s objective value rate to the thing be worth, then the subjective value rate is high to differ.
The function process of the emotion:When the value rate of the thing is high bad big in zero, the person usually will produce just to emotion, various activity that to regulate the person inclines toward that thing, and extend its worth scale continuously, the value rate of that thing is high bad will immediately but descend, just can die down toward the strength of the emotion;Whereas, when the value rate of the thing is high and bad small in zero, the person usually will produce the negative emotion, various activity that to regulate the person is deviate from in that thing, and contract its worth scale continuously, the value rate of that thing is high and bad and will rise( but its bsolute value let up) immediately, the strength of the negative emotion can die down.
The value is a person to the absolute sex understanding of the worth characteristic of thing, the emotion is a person to the opposite sex understanding of the worth characteristic of thing, it takes the essence power( or medium the value value rate) of person‘s oneself as the basis to according to the thing.The person‘s medium value the value rate is an opposite and stable quantity, so the emotion system and the value systems are all usually" parallelism" varieties of.
3.4The emotion strength three greatest lawses
The physics of the external world stimulate or the chemistry stimulate the reflection that can cause the person to correspond to feel the organ( eye, ear, tongue, skin...etc.), The the psychology point out, the it stimulates the strength and the feeling strengths to obey" the the laws of 韦伯 ", then the logarithms of the feeling strength and stimulate strength becomes the direct proportion.The physiology process that the creation of the emotion is a kind of special incitement and feeling, it is the incitement signal with the worth characteristic of the thing, with brain of conduct and actionses such as net structure and the edge system etc. mainly feel the machine.Theories certificate:
3.4.1The emotion strength is the first laws:The emotion strength and the value rate high and bad logarithms of the things become the direct proportion.
3.4.2The emotion strength is the second laws:The emotion strength descends with the growth of the function scale of the thing.
3.4.3The emotion strength is the third laws:The emotion strength with keep on time become negative the index number function relation.
3.5The eight greatest motive characteristics of the emotion
The motive characteristic of the emotion mainly includes eight aspects, such as strength, stability, delicacy, layer, effect, periodic, cycle time and difference...etc., it is in the variety characteristic that is decided by the worth relation basically, but certainly also have opposite and independent.
3.5.1The strength the of the emotion the is the person the to the thing the produce the of the choice the tendency degree, the its the objective the purpose the lie the in the taking the person‘s the medium the quality the value( the or average value rate) as the to the according the to the 基 the orders the to identify the thing the of the value rate size, the it is the most the important motive the of emotion characteristic, the deciding the person‘s thinking, behavior and the physiology activities to drive the dint size chiefly, and strongly the check and supervision wear affective other motive characteristicses, the emotion strength three greatest lawses are coming to a decision basically the emotion strength change of basic scope.
3.5.2The stability of the emotion mean the person chooses the fluctuation of the tendency to the thing, it is an emotion the second importance motive characteristic, when the person‘s emotion stability is is big in its worth stability, usually expressing to come to a deadlock for the thought, the behavior is foolish to guard etc. weakness;When the person‘s emotion stability is is small in its worth stability, usually expressing for unfaithful and pleased enjoy impermanent etc. weakness.The stability of the emotion mainly is decided by the nerve to regulate to regulate the opposite comparison of these two kinds of meanses with body fluid, the nerve regulates the advantaged person to have the higher emotion vivid, the body fluid regulates the advantaged person to have the higher emotion stability.
The emotion the character mean the person the is in the emotion the activity the motive characteristic the difference express, the it mainly the is decide the by the strength and the stabilities of the emotion, the as a the result can the is divided the into four the kinds of the basic types: The Easy the excitement the of the person the of the many the bloods the quality the type( the stability is low but the strength is high) the but the and the then the fade away easily, the person the of the gall the quality the type( the stability is high and the strength is high) is the easily the excited the and not the easy the to the fade away, the person the who suppress the 郁 the quality type( the stability is low and the strength is low) the represses easily the but fades the away this kind of to repress easily again, glue the liquid quality type( the stability is high and the strength is low) of person repress easily and not easy fade away this kind of to repress.
3.5.3The delicacy of the emotion mean that the person‘s worth relation toward thing change of feel the intelligent degree.Would be lower for higher person of the accuracy of the small and worth feeling usually for the accuracy of the important and worth feeling, namely the stronger person of the emotion delicacy usually will be partial to for farsightedly be worth, overall situation be worth, graveness the reflection ability of the value weak, reflect the ability and adjust for the macro view of the emotion the ability of control will differ some.
3.5.4The layer of the emotion mean that the thing that emotion point to has the stronger and worth extensity, overall and farsighted.The person‘s emotion system have very complicated, tight but have the layer structure of the preface, of each layer has the strict logic to pass into the relation, and each layer can is divided into the function direction again contrary of two kinds of be worth the form.Relation between each layer emotion is:The high emotion build up at the low level emotion foundation on, can is counter-effect to the low level emotion creation, opposite have in the low level emotion higher can move sex, larger difference, better share, stronger development potential and more opposite and independent sex.
3.5.5The effect of the emotion is an emotion conversion that points the person to get rid of the dynamical motive characteristic for the behavior.Usually the circumstance rain, higher person of the emotion effect, its emotion strength is lower, namely" the thunder voice is small, the raindrop is big";Lower person of the emotion effect, its emotion strength is higher, namely" the thunder voice is big, the raindrop is small".
3.5.6The periodic of the emotion mean the motive characteristic of the emotion along with horary of variety but present the periodic variety, it is objective to move because come from the worth periodic variety of relation, it can make the brain nervous system dismiss some of no account emotion activities, raising the accuracy and the usefulness of the emotion activity.The main performance of periodic of the emotion is in five aspects:Emotion day period, the emotion a period, emotion month period, emotion year period, emotion life span period.
3.5.7The cycle time of the emotion is time that points the emotion development in proper order, it includes two meanings, mankind on meaning the time sequence of the emotion evolution, two mean the time sequence that the individual emotion develop.The process that the development of mankind‘s emotion is a to evolve continuously, correspond a ground of career five different layer:Tend the temperament feeling, rigid emotion, flexible emotion, sense emotion, reasonableness emotion.The development cycle time of the individual emotion mainly is decided by the development cycle time of the individual value relation:The negativity emotion compare the affirmative temperament feeling to appear more early, the low level emotion compares the high emotion to have the initiative the development, the individual temperament feeling compares the social temperament feeling to have the initiative the development, to the growth but growths that the emotion of the others compares the stability to own emotion has the initiative the development, the emotion along with the ages, the person appears the extreme temperament feeling and allergic temperament feeling easily in the transitional period( awkward age and menopause).
3.5.8The difference of the emotion be point not of an age, sex, physiology characteristic, geography position, social status, occupation post, the compatriot seniority of person have the different and worth relation variety characteristic, as a result have the different emotion motive characteristic.
3.6The emotion adjusts the way for control
The brain is convenient to adjust the net structure that the physiology organization of control the emotion" size"( impromptu courageously strength) is the brain stem, adjusting the edge system that the physiology organization of control the emotion" direction"( impromptu courageously property) is the brain hemisphere seamy side in order to.
The emotion adjust the way for control contain nerve regulate the different from endocrine gland vegetable have emotion of different from body fluid regulate( contain the hormone to regulate) two kinds ofly, and with nerve regulate for predominance, among them nerve regulate to be applicable to the short date, random, vivid temperament feeling, body fluid regulate to be applicable to the long-term, assurance, the stability emotion, and body fluid to adjust to control the function.
3.7Affective movement procedure
3.7.1Induct of emotion.The person‘s emotion usually onlies have at the thing takes place the worth function would express out, at the peacetime, all irrelevant emotions will be dead silent down, and be a kind of special" knowledge" memory in the brains, person and thing once the occurrence is direct or the worth function of the indirectly, this kind of special" knowledge" will be stir up but be in use, this process is to induct affectively.
3.7.2The feeling of the emotion.The eye is a kind of to accept the information contents most, the scope is most wide, the speed is quick most, the interference is minimal, the comprehensive sensories apparatus most strongly, from here produce of emotion is most abundant, extensive, quick, accurate and deep.The person passes the outline characteristic of observe the face, can understand the mental quality, ability structure, level of deucation and the occupation posts of the others mostly and synthetically, but this is not the assurance and individual, but all straightforward and grow to belong to sex of, in addition the person passes to take a look at the hair, figure, carriage, weight, skin...etc. can add the ground and reflect the person‘s worth characteristic and emotion appearances mistily.The ear make person can the feeling know the directions and distances of the vibration object, can hear the thought, will and affections that language express, the person talk the tone color, tone, melody, rhythm of the voice will give various emotion colors.The sense of smell the smell information accept and on this foundation the output emotion is usually very deep.The skin felling is also the very deep and settled emotion feeling form, the including the pain to feel, the burn feel, the hot feel, the cold feel, the 痒 feels etc..The person‘s felling system is an organic whole, under the common function of various incitement factor, the person will become a total mental state experience to same thing, rectify the single sensory apparatus produce of the unilateral on the feeling, deviation living and superficial, make the person‘s emotion feeling more overall, accurate and deep.The high peak experience is a kind of extreme emotion feeling, it is a worth thing to become the superconductive sex( or have no obstacle) contact in the exciting cooking stove of the brain skin layer and the nerve of the edge system and the net structure, the emotion that becomes the high strength respond.
3.7.3The expression of the emotion.Mainly include the face facial expression, the language voice to adjust the facial expression and body carriage facial expressions.The face facial expression is main to express for the change of eye, eyebrow, mouth, nose, the face muscle, abundant sex of the face facial expression of mankind is any animal and can‘t compare to of, it comes from the mankind diversification and complexities of worth relation, and be worth the development but the development of relation along with the mankind.The eye is the window of the mind, can be direct, deep and enrich the earth‘s surface the person‘s mental state now;The language matches with again to adjust with the fitting voice, can enrich more, vivid, integrity, emerge the person‘s emotion appearance, cultural level and be worth the mindset and personality characteristics accurately.
3.7.4The dissimulation of the emotion.The person only aims at the related relation of the benefits of different type, adopting the different emotion expression method, then can support and develop the benefits of the oneself most availably.When the benefits is complete consistent, should to the other party the integrity expresses the emotion accurately, make the other party do an exactitude worth judgment and behavior decision;When the benefits stands opposite completely, should cover up the emotion or display the contrary emotion toward the other party completely toward the other party, making the worth judgment and the behavior decisions of that the other party bes have the biggest blindness or mistake rates;When the benefits is consistent incompletely, should have choice earth‘s surface to reach and cover up the emotion.The beguilement( or the malice vindicate) of the good intentions is for making use of the psychology regulation, belong to vindicate the emotion indirectly.( or cover up the emotion)
3.7.5The correction of the emotion.The correction process of the emotion is the process that the high and bad variety characteristic of the person‘s motive characteristic of the emotion strength and the value rate of the things jumps together continuously actually.The person must make sure the affective initial value reasonably, to lower the correction range of the emotion and revise time and revise the cost possibly.The correction of the emotion mainly passes the cultural study, family to bring up, the society practices to train etc. with occupation method to complete.
3.7.6The development and the training of the emotion.The motive characteristic of the person‘s emotion must in accordance with physically own of the variety characteristic of worth relation keep, then can with maximum limit raise the oneself the worth and cognitive and accurate rate and behaviors make policy efficient.The Like the body the 锻 the 炼 the similar to the intelligence development, the person‘s the emotion also the need the to the be develop the and the then the can the develop the with the training the and perfect, the it the include the believe in the of the set up, the accomplishment, the personality the of the moral the qualities shape, concrete contents of etc. of the adjustment of the establishment, mindset of enrichment, a fondness for of spirit, actually be to the adjustment of some motive characteristics of the emotion, make it with value the fluctuation characteristic of relation is opposite should.The will can see make is a kind of special affection, so the development and trainings of the emotion still include the self-conscious to the will and can move sex, self-control, fortitude and resilience, independence, resolute and tendency etc. to carry on the adjustment.
4, Build up the affective mathematics model
To draw up an emotion software of science, must build up the emotion mathematics model of science first, and carry out the emotion classification and emotion calculations on this foundation.
4.1The vector and the emotion matrix of the emotion
The person‘s movable contents is abundant colorful, thing complications point to is diverse, the person can constitute a complicated logic system for all emotion strengths of thing, and adopt the certain mathematics method to carry on the description.
Emotion vector:Person for the mathematics vector that all emotion strength of thing constitute, mean with the M, namely:
M={ μ 1, μ 2, ……, μ N }
The Among them, the μ i mean person‘s emotion for a thing.The If some thing again from many statures thing constitute( the if the fruit is to be constitute by the apple, pear, the son of 桔 , watermelon, peach...etc.), The then the emotion strength of that thing can describe with the emotion vector that the emotion strength of each statures thing constitute, the emotion strength that is at this time can use one two emotion matrixes of the 维 s of to describe.The Manage together, can define many emotion matrixes of 维 .
4.2The synthesize of emotion operation
The Synthesize the emotion: The If some the thing from the many statures the thing constitute, the then the person the is called each sub- thing the to the emotion the of the that thing the to the synthesize the emotion affectively, use| Μ | mean.Obviously, the thing the synthesizes the emotion the is the function the of each sub- thing the emotion strength, and have something to do with the worth scale of each sub- thing.
Under general circumstance, the algebra that synthesizes the emotion and is unequal to each statures emotion is worth equally.Because the different sub- thing has the different and worth scale, as a result synthesize to the person the influence of the emotion strength is different, usually is to be worth the large-scale sub- thing to have the bigger influence or contribution rates towards synthesizing the emotion strength.Can prove:( from slightly)
The emotion synthesizes the axioms: The person synthesizes the emotion| Μ | the be equal to its emotion vector Μ and the scale vector Χ it orders to multiply by, namely:
|Μ |= The Μ • Χ = Σ ( μ i • χ i)
The Among them, X={ χ 1, χ 2, ……, The χ n} the be the called the scale vector( the or the scale matrix), the χ the i the means the person to the scale the coefficient the of the i statures thing, the it the reflected the worth the scale the of the this the statures the thing the in the worth the scale the total the amount of the whole the thing of the specific weight, reflected the worth resources between different sub- thing of allotment comparison.Not difficult detection, only have when complete homology of the scale coefficient of each statures thing, the thing synthesizes the average value of the algebra that the emotion just is equal to each statures thing strength.
4.3Concrete manifestation of the emotion
4.31To the thing emotion:According to the different variety method( increment or reduce) for be worth and change the tense( past, complete in the past, now and future), can is divided into eight kinds of concrete forms to the thing emotion:
Worth increment
The value reduce
Lead Go t
Stay to love
Be disgusted with tired
Complete in the past Full idea
Lose to hope
Now At Delectation Painful bitterness
Will Com
Look forward to
Worry anxiously
4.3.2To the human feelings feeling:According to the different variety method, the variety tense and the benefits relativity( positive related or negative related)s that the others be worth, can is divided into 16 kinds of concrete forms to the human feelings
Benefits relativity The benefits is just related
The benefits is negative related
Just to Negative to Just to Negative to
Lead Go to The bosom read The pain cherish The bosom hate Despise
Complete in the past Wear to take Lose to hope Envy to hate Rejoice
Now At Call the heart Painful hear Envy Pleased
Will Come The letter allow Worry
Attend to hate Derision
4.3.3To the personal emotion:According to the different variety method and the variety tenses that oneself be worth, to already the emotion can is divided into eight kinds of concrete forms:Proud of, satisfied, happy, self-confident, ashamed, self-reproach, embarrassed, from vulgar.
4.3.4To the emotion of the special thing:Mainly include the emotion that evaluates to the others and subdivide into some concrete forms towards associate the emotion of the activity, to the emotion of the indetermination thing and to the emotion that the oneself belong etc., but each emotion again.
4.4Basic classification of the emotion
The person‘s the emotion complications the is diverse, the can change the quantity the observation angle the to carry the on the classification from the different value: the Can is the divided into the according to the value the dissimilarity of the variety the direction just the to emotion the and negative emotion; the Can is the divided into the mood, the enthusiasm and the intense emotions the according to the worth strength and continuously horary dissimilarities; Change the dissimilarity of the quantity to is divided into the desire, motion and affections according to the value predominance; Can is divided into personal emotion, collective emotion and social emotions according to the dissimilarity of the corpus type; According to the thing dissimilarity of the basic and worth type, the emotion can is divided into the true feeling, well feeling and pleasant impression; Can is divided into according to the dissimilarity that target point to to the thing emotion, to the human feelings feeling and to personal emotion; The Can is divided in to make track for the emotion of 朔 , realistic emotion and the expectation emotions according to the dissimilarity of period function; Can is divided into the certain temperament feeling, all straightforward emotion according to the worth dynamic state dissimilarity; According to value the dissimilarity of the layer can is divided into WEN BAO3 LEI4, safety to develop with the health type, self- respect and person‘ses, egos and carry out an emotion by one‘s own.
5, Draw up the emotion software
The essence of the emotion is a subjective reflection of the value( or benefits) relation, so the calculating essence of emotion is to be worth the calculation, drawing up the emotion software substantially be draw up can the exactitude identify, the dialectical comprehend and the worth relation that accurate expression corpus own of calculator procedure.
5.1Build up the internal logic system of emotion
5.1.1Build up the foundation emotion vector and foundation scale vectors.Because the use value can resolve to four kinds of basic forms of opposite independence:WEN BAO3 LEI4, safety and the health type, self-respect and person‘ses, egos develops and carries out the type by one‘s own.The different person will have the different emotion strength for these four kinds of use values of basic form different from the value scale, thus can build up four chemical element foundation vectors and four chemical element foundation scale vectors.
5.1.2Builds up reuniting the emotion vector and reunite the scale vector.The use value of the general thing usually can resolve to some use values of basic form, so aim at all actualities of, typical model of concrete thing, anyones can build up a compound emotion vector and compound scale vector.
5.1.3Establishment with currency for basic dimensions of compound emotion vector and reunite the scale vector.The currency the conduct the and the actions value the third the dimensions the has the opposite the stability the and the social the adaptability the of 普 s, the and the will the strengthen the continuously the with the development the that the merchandise is economic, the thus the can the use is the vivid the and the opposite to the describe accurately the to the convenience, the generous character the and more the use values the of thing, the so aim at the big part and merchandises the thing that economy contacts mutually, anyone can build up with currency for basic dimensions of compound emotion vector and reunite the scale vector.Concrete method is:While is" the function price compare" that computes each thing, the specific value of the market price of namely each use value of thing and that thing;( it is" value" that the worth engineering learns the medium definition actually)Two is constitute all" the function price compare" of thing a piece learn the vector, then reunite the emotion vector;Three is to consume the person owns to each thing of or of total value( total price) constitutes a piece to learn the vector, then reunite the scale vector.
5.2Build up the emotion identifies the system
5.2.1Identify of the thing value:While identifying directly, for have already been included in the typical model thing within the emotion vector, the person can identify immediately, and produce the homologous emotion strength;Two is a logic to identify, be the thing and have already been included in an or a few thing likenesseses within the emotion matrixes to exist some line regulations perhaps, all the rate regulation or the logic regulation, can adopt misty analysis, line analysis, all the rate analyzes to analyze etc. with logic method to make sure its emotion strength, such as color emotion, looks figure emotion etc.;Three is an experience to identify, for some have the thing of special and worth and special variety method, can adopt the oneself to carry on the judgment the special emotion regulation of the backlog;Four is an association of thought to identify, some thing with have already been included in the worth thing of the emotion vector to exist a certain( logic of, image of, etc. of the timespace) contact, then its emotion strength can according to the emotion strength of the related thing to make sure such as the shape emotion, symbol thing emotion, sign emotion, numerical emotion etc.;The Five the is the a the feeling the to identify, the some the things the produce the positive the or the negative the function the to the corpus directly, the can the pass the instinct the direct the feeling the of the feel the organ the to know, the such the as the temperature, the degree the of humidity, electric voltage, ray, the voice of 噪 , the vocal music, dust etc..
5.2.1The others facial expression identify:Identify while is a face of facial expression, the person and person‘s a department thousand bad ten thousand do not, according to value various variety methods of relation to should of various concrete some rightnesses of the form and face sportses of the emotion should relate to, a sport carries on coding and setting up the mold, thus finding out the face emotion characteristic to identify the method;Two is a language to identify, include the natural language to identify and two parts of speech understanding, pass on the other hand to natural language the value that the direct form say relates to carry on the logic analysis, can discover the emotion variety of the other party, on the other hand making use of the line covariance method and the nerve network models, pass to the speech of voice learn analytical, can build up the emotion of the speech to identify the prototype;Three is the body carriage to identify, the variety that pass the body carriage to the person carries on the analysis, can understand the emotion category and emotion motive characteristics of the body sport.
5..3Build up the emotion expression system
The corpus the passes different the target thing, the variety method, the variety the quantity the 态 the and the benefits the relativity the etc.s to the value the things the after the carry the on the identify the will produce the a the certain the or the some the few the emotions the of concrete forms, the and the pass the voice, writing, color, picture( the person‘s face be like), the body action...etc. to come out toward the others expression.According to the different combination of a facial expression of person unit( such as mouth, cheeks, eye, eyebrow, ex- sum...etc.) and with concrete emotion form of build up a facial expression sport to code the system towards should relate to,, can express the emotion of different form;Use the natural language can in detail, the deep earth‘s surface reaches the person‘s emotion, speech( if the velocity, volume, tone...etc. that talk) in the natural language can more for by the square, abundant earth‘s surface reaches the emotion variety;Different medium form of music, novel, verse, prose...etc. can never the together realistic angle and dissimilarities express the emotion that the way form says the person.The Many emotions of mold 态 expression system can gather the natural language, speech, the hand language, the face to be like, the lips read, the a power, the body 姿 etc. various emotions express the way for the integral whole, and carry on the coding and compress, gather to these passages information and blend.
5.4The constitution of the emotion motive characteristic with adjust to control
The motive characteristic of the emotion should is opposite with corpus the variety characteristic of worth relation of place should, because of corpus for different work post, the environment condition and work object, will own the worth relation of the dissimilarity variety characteristic, so must to emotion of motive characteristic carry on constitution and adjust reasonably, then can handle the homologous value relation availably.For example, the social intercourse and societies that change much in complications manage the work post, the person must own much more vivid change and higher emotion characteristic of strength;Work in the business, professional sex of the simple repetition post, the person must own the opposite stability and lower emotion characteristic of strength.
Because the worth relation of the thing usually all is placed in in the continuous variety process, corpus at identify, analysis and judge the variety characteristic of outside and worth relation, usually adopt the line analysis, mathematics to statistics to judge etc. with faintness means, this need to be establish in advance and adjust some analysis parameters and identify the parameter continuously, the constitution of these parameters and adjust oneself and then include to change the characteristic( especially stability and strength) to the value relation subjective to prepare to establish, then include for the constitution of the corpus emotion motive characteristic with adjust to control.
5.5The design request of the emotion software
5.5.1Catholicity of exist:Should give an emotion three quantities to each thing.( positive, negative or zero)
5.5.2Opposite sex of the corpus:All emotion strengths of thing along with be worth the variety of the value rate but change in the corpus.
5.5.3Worth rightness should sex:According to the target thing, value dissimilarity of the variety method, the variety tense and the benefits relativity etc., the emotion can is divided into numerous concrete manifestation.
5.5.4Worth relativity:The emotion of the some thing once the occurrence change, will affect the emotion of other related things by all means.
5.5.5The Worth dynamic state: The emotion three quantities on the other hand would along with the variety but varieties of the corpus appearance, the environment factor and the thing quality characteristic, on the other hand would at any time self- movingly the 衰 reduce.
5.5.6Limit effect:The strength of the emotion is worth the growth of the scale but descends to the corpus along with the thing.
5.5.7Logarithms direct proportion:The emotion of the corpus and the value rate high and bad logarithms of the things become the direct proportion, only have when the emotion strength is lower, emotion of strength just is high with the value rate of the thing to differ to become the direct proportion directly.
5.6The movement procedure of the emotion software
After the worth function of the exterior thing identify the system to carry on feeling‘s know and identify through an emotion, then carry on the analysis and calculations through an internal logic system of emotion, and make sure that an emotion for correspond responds the form, finally, then pass the emotion expression system with the writing, language, speech, body, face to permit etc. the method expression come out.
6, Draw up the thinking, emotion and wills hand over with each other function software
6.1Know what happened the idea and it to should of objective existence
Know, the feeling, idea( cognize namely, emotion, will) is three kinds of basic and mental activities of mankind, to should wear to reflect three kinds of basic and objective existence:The fact relates to and is worth the relation and behavior relations.The fact relation mean of the thing is objective and existent to contact mutually with the interaction, being worth the relation to mean fact‘s existence toward corpus and development body now of function, the behavior relation mean own essence power of the corpus usage exerts the recoil and creates the new worth process to the thing.The worth relation is a kind of special fact relation, is a kind of fact relation that takes to have the corpus purpose, so the emotion is a kind of special cognition;The behavior relation is a kind of worth relation that can produce the worth growth, so the will is a kind of special emotion.
The person‘s comprehensive mental character corresponds a ground of decomposition as three kinds of mental characters of opposite independence:Cognize the character( or the intelligence character), the emotion character and the will characters, describe with three quantities of" intelligence quotient"," feeling company" and" idea company" respectively.
6.2The motive characteristic of the will and it is worth the basis
The motive characteristic of the will mainly is decided by the motive characteristic of the behavior value relation variety of the corpus, the self-conscious of the will reflected the purpose of the behavior value, the will can move sex to reflect the layer of the behavior value, the self-control of the will reflected the strength of the behavior value, the fortitude and resilience of the will reflected the behavior value of outside stability, the independence of the will reflected the inside stability of the value of behavior, the resolute of the will reflected the behavior the effect of the value, the delicacy of the will reflects the behavior to be worth of feel the intelligent, the tendency of the will reflected the behavior the hobby of the value.
The will is a kind of special emotion, obeying the emotion strength three greatest lawses equally.
6.3Build up the internal logic system of will
The person‘s will system is divided into four basic layers:The will of the behavior while is an instinct namely the instinct will, it take unconditional glint as the physiology basal;Two is a namely flexible will of in brief behavioral will, it take conditioned reflex as the physiology basal;Three is the will of the complicated behavior namely the sense will, it take relating to the conditioned reflex as the physiology basal;Four is the will of super complications behavior namely the reasonableness will, it takes language as to stimulate the relation conditioned reflex of the signal as physiology basal.Therefore, the internal logic system of will corresponds the ground from four the exists are tight to pass into the relation of common composing of system.
6.3.1 Instinct will system.An opposite and independent instinct behavior usually pursues a certain and worth thing only, the incitement signal of that thing passes to stir up the instinct behavior in brain correspond district of exciting cooking stove, thus cause the implement of that instinct behavior, then that thing to should of the emotion strength that exciting cooking stove produce is an instinct will strength.The mathematics vector constitute by all wills of instinct behavior strength is an instinct will strength system;The mathematics vector constitute by the worth scale of all instinct behaviors is an instinct will scale system.The instinct will strength system and the instinct will scale systems constitute the instinct will system together.
6.3.2 Flexible will system.A simple behavior usually is to be press the certain logic relation by an or some instinct behaviorses to combine, and be the target thing with a certain and particular and worth thing.The incitement signal of the target thing passes to stir up the simple behavior in brain correspond district of exciting cooking stove, thus cause the implement of the simple behavior.Study the enunciation, should the will strength( namely flexible will strength) of the simple behavior be equal to each relevant instinct behavior to synthesize the strength, then be equal to each strength vector and its scale vector concerning instinct behavior to order to multiply by.The mathematics vector constitute by all will strength of simple behavior is a flexible will strength system;The mathematics vector constitute by all will scale of simple behavior is a flexible will scale system.Constitute the flexible will system together from the flexible will strength system and the flexible will scale systems.
6.3.3 Sense will system.A complicated behavior usually is to be press the certain logic relation by an or some simple behaviorses to combine, and be the target thing with a certain and particular and worth thing.The incitement signal of the target thing passes to stir up the complicated behavior in brain correspond district of exciting cooking stove, thus cause the implement of complications behavior.Study the enunciation, the will strength( namely the sense will strength) of that complications behavior is equal to each relevant simple behavior to synthesize the strength, then be equal to each relevant simple behavior of strength vector and its scale vector order to multiply by.The mathematics vector constitute by the will strength of all complications behavior is a sense will strength system;It is a sense will scale system from a mathematics vector for constitute of the will scale of all complications behavior.From the sense will strength system and the sense will scale system common composing sense will systems.
6.3.4 Reasonableness will system.A super and complicated behavior usually is to be press certain logic relation by an or some complicated behaviorses to combine, and be the target thing with a certain and particular and worth thing.The incitement signal of the target thing passes to stir up the super and complicated behavior in brain correspond district of exciting cooking stove, thus cause the implement of the super complications behavior.Study the enunciation, the will strength( namely the reasonableness will strength) of that super complications behavior is equal to each relevant complications behavior to synthesize the strength, then be equal to the strength vector and its scale vector of each relevant complications behavior to order to multiply by.The mathematics vector constitute by the will strength of all super complications behavior is a reasonableness will strength system;The mathematics vector constitute by the will scale of all super complications behavior is a reasonableness will scale system.From the reasonableness will strength system and the reasonableness will scale system common composing reasonableness will systems.
6.4The logic procedure that will circulate
6.4.1Certain will target.The person is in exist with develop process of a certain and objective value need to be stir up the brain skin layer in a certain and exciting cooking stove or many exciting cooking stoves, choose the exciting cooking stove that has the biggest and exciting strength of an among thoses, it to should of thing was namely make sure for the will target.
6.4.2 Certain total programming.To should in certain will target, can choose a certain the super and complicated behavior that exist with it to contact closely to carry out, but this super and complicated behavior usually needs many complicated behaviors to complete to the coordination according to the certain structure method, the will target of excited after cooking stove be stir up, will to the attraction of the exciting cooking stove creation mightiness of some complications behaviors of the brain sum leaf District, and make it constituted an exciting cooking stoves according to the certain structure method, the principle of the combination make it synthesize possibly excited that the strength attains to be worth biggest.Henceforth, the structure method of the transformation each complications behavior, become another super and complicated behavior, correspond the ground to constitute a lately exciting cooking stoves, and make it excited that the strength attains the another to be worth biggest, thus again and again many, then choose exciting cooking stoves of biggest value therein, and have the initiative to connect to contact the will target nerve of the exciting cooking stove, thus making selection to be the best and total programming.
6.4.3Certain behavior project.To should in each complicated behavior within total programming, can choose many simple behaviors to carry on the combination according to the certain structure method, make it exciting cooking stoves of excited the strength attain a be worth biggest.Henceforth, the transformation structure method of the simple behavior, make it exciting cooking stoves of excited the strength attains the another to be worth biggest, thus again and again many, then choose a simple behavior the structure method that has the biggest value to be the best and complicated behavior therein.Manage together, one by one in order certain other complicated behaviors.After all complicated behaviors are certain, the whole behavior project just can make sure in the total programming.
6.4.4The assurance acts in a specific way.Aim at the simple behavior within each complicated behavior, can choose several instinct behaviors to carry on the combination according to the certain structure method, and make exciting cooking stoves of these instincts behavior of excited the strength attains to be worth biggest, to make sure each concrete action of simple behavior.
6.4.5Tally up the experience, absorb the precept.Person‘s professional is for the performance process of the project, always constantly to the will target, total program, behavior project, the value rate or the emotion strengths of the concrete ction carry on sounding out to compare with after the event in the before the event estimate, matter, then carry on the correction constantly.
6.5Build up the will adjusts to control the system
Adjust to control to the will to mainly order( or the attention order) through a will in the brain to carry out of, the will orders to be like the mouse in the computer, the places that it arrive will raise the exciting degree of the exciting cooking stove of the related thing and related sensory apparatus( the thinking organ) of feel and come to degree, the existence that will order makes the thought, emotion and wills of the corpus have the larger aggressive, active and creates sex.
6.5.1Aggressive:The will order once adhere to at some with complete devotion the ambition target up, will raise it and the exciting strength of the related thing, will strengthen it and the related thing nerve of the exciting cooking stove contact, thus raising the implement efficiency and the implement speeds of the whole programming, the behavior project and concrete action, aggressive factor and all potentials of the inner parts of the full transfer the external world, make the person‘s will target persisted more and firmly, the whole programming is more thoughtful meticulous, the behavior project is more reasonable and can go, the concrete action is more accurate without any error.
6.5.2Active:Artificial the demand of the contented multiformity type, multilayers, usually carry out several will targets( such as work target, life target and study target) jointly with the hour, be a few will targets to appear the antinomy in the time, space, energy and value resources etc., need the pause or abolish the implement of some will targets, make stronger and strengthen another some implements of will target, this needs the will to order to carry on comprehensive balance and macro views adjust to control.The factitiousness settles a dispute the industry, faith or friendships, can overcome the desire of some aspect mightinesses of oneself, bearing the huge spirit molestation and physiologies pain and sufferings, even can sacrifice the life, it reflected the person well at the balance and adjust active sex of control the will target.The person is unique living creature that can carry out the suicide behavior, this is the extreme body of the person‘s will active now.If the person‘s will orders to can not get the valid control, when the of the will target appears the important conflict and suffers the important frustrate and heavy strokes, the person would be indecisive, will appear thought, emotion and serious mess of the behaviors.To the inspiration contingency and the processing abilities of the abrupt affairs, also reflected the active sex size of a person‘s will.
6.5.3Create sex:The will orders and can raise the exciting strength of correspond the exciting cooking stove availably, so order the guided thinking, emotion and the will activities and will is opposite from the will quick, clear, accurate and efficiently of, the person‘s essence to the thing and regulation understanding would be more full, be worth the understanding of the characteristic and would be more overall to the thing, would be more accurate to the confidence of the worth efficiency of the oneself behavior.Person at certain will target, whole programming, the behavior project and concrete action, will consider various possible emergence well dangerous, possible the mishap of the existent opportunity and possibility occurrence, thus can discover the new will target availably, adjust the existing will target, revise the past will target, make the person‘s thought and behaviors have foresee morely sex, expand sex, vivid and create sex.
7, Create the emotion robot and emotion computers
Thought according to the logic that put forward above, draw up an emotion software for correspond and the will software, can make the computer robot have an emotion of person‘s type thinking ability and the will decision ability, from now on, the emotion is not mysterious thing that the mankind possess singly any more.
7.1Main blemish of the intelligence robot
The current intelligence computer and robots have the very high intelligence quotient, but its feeling company and idea company almost is zero, this biggest limit it uses the function and applications.Although some computers also was given some" emotion" of form, these emotions are very the low class, odd pieces and machine of, the contact between various emotion does not have the consecution, logic and dialecticals, just copying the mankind‘s some this emotion expression actually, the emotion of the anything but real meaning.The main blemish of robot lie in:Can carry on the action according to the procedure that person draw up in advance only, can‘t establish and adjust the worth target independently, can‘t create sex ground to establish and modify the total programming and the behavior projects, can‘t tally up the experience, absorb the precept.
7.2Main meaning of the emotion robot
7.2.1Build up humanizing the interface.Person while operating to use the robot, if robot can to the person‘s face facial expression, natural language, the body carriage and carry on the observation to the usage characteristic etc. of the keyboard and mouse, to identify and comprehend the person‘s emotion, and pass the reaction that the picture, writing, speech...etc. do an intelligence but amities, producing the vivid but true usage environment, helping the user to acquire efficiently but warm felling, become natural but hand over warmly with each other, construct real harmonious person‘s machine environment.Robot to different personality benefits relativity, the value mindset, emotion characteristic, personal reaction with different from professional special features etc. do aly a fondness for, also be advantageous to the user to control its personality temper and the function characteristic, be advantageous to style and a views that constructs the personification to turn in the toy and games in the intelligence.
7.2.2Raise the efficiency and the speed of thinking.The basic difference that is worth the mode of thinking and cognition mode of thinking lie in the former is to have directive and purpose, the latter then has no.Computer or robot once gave the emotion, can press as follows worth characteristic to request the future life to produce, absorb, organize and use the information, thus can simplify the thinking process, the economy thinking resources, speed the thinking speed:One is to be worth the importance, if the corpus will have the initiative to discover, have the initiative to identify, have the initiative to take and have the initiative the usage to have the information of the greatly worth quantity or the value rate of compare;Two an urgency of that times, such as according to the process that the in proper order decision logic of the variety time urgency of thing reason logically is adopt the faintness, rough but JIAN3 MING2 of method, still adopt the precision, tight but detailed method;Three is the benefits tendency, such as for be advantageous to( or disadvantage in) the theories standpoint of the maintenance self interest, the corpus is total and will have the initiative to discover the support( or negation) the basis and the proof that it establish;Four is the benefits relativity, such as while carrying on the analysis to the cause, present condition and the development directions of the thing, corpus always the dint diagram contacts that thing the benefits( or destiny) of experience, oneself of own function, oneself;Five is a consecution of worth relation, such as usually for pass by the not friendly computer user to provide the not friendly usage interface;Six is a sensitivity that is worth the variety, such as for the observation and analysises of the unfamiliar thing and to the processing concerning information, adopt the more careful attitude, in order to prevent emergence or viruses of deceitful information infect with;Seven is an experience of worth knowledge, if pass the looks, figure, operation method, operation contents, partner( or website), the work time...etc. of comprehensive analytical computer user, can to his ability, personality, occupation, love etc. to carry on the experience judgment, thus provide for it efficiently, the fast interface service;Eight is the connection of the worth characteristic, if while carry on to the cause, present condition and the development directionses of the thing analysis, the corpus will according to be worth the cause, present condition of the connection thing with that thing existence and develop the direction.The In fine, the had the leading of the emotion( the or will) with the adjust the to control, the thinking( the or behavior) the of the corpus the will have the explicit the purpose the and directive, the thus the show the efficiency the and the speed the of the an the exaltation the of 著 thinking( or behavior).
7.2.3Open the exhibition creates the sex activity.If have no establishment emotion system and the will systems, robot can complete the decided work mission according to the decided procedure, method and means only, at most also only ability according to the some and special circumstance that have already anticipate, change its procedure, method and meanses individually and mechanically.Robot only after establish the emotion system and the will systems, then can take attaining the decided will target as the basis, take carrying out the biggest value rate as the principle, progressively, actively, create a choice of sex and adjust the whole programming, the behavior project and concrete actions.
7.2.4Participate the social business and human relationses associate.The worth the problem the is the a widespread the and the existent the problem the of the society the of mankind, the concrete the body the that the social and the personal the material the target the for the pursue the and the spirit the targets are the all the worth the targets now, the social the relation( the such as economy of, the politics of and culture of relation) of the any form the is all the worth the relation( the or benefits relation) in essence, the all the targets of the form management in essence all with particular and worth contents for predominant direction of worth manage, mankind the whole ntinomies of the society can return the knot for the benefits relate to of antinomy, the whole changes of the society structure are all the benefitses substantially relation of adjustment with heavy 构 , in fine, benefits relation of processing and adjustment is a social business( the society management or social service) and human relations association of core contents, but this mainly is pass the person of emotion system and will the system carry on the leading and control to the thinking and activity to carry out of, so can give emotion and will is the robot can participate the social business and human relationses association of key.
7.2.5The graveness that carries out the artificial intelligence leap.Infuse the emotion into the computer or robots to have the very important meaning, it makes the computer move forward toward the direction of person‘s brain a major step, consumedly strengthen it uses the function, expanding its application.If the robot have with the person similar emotion and will, can understand and guess the host‘s worth mindset, subjective intention and make policy the way of thinking under the condition of complicated environment, vivid, progressively, create sex ground to carry on the activity, make it circulate the process to have the more explicit target, higher and active and stronger creations, complete various complicated work mission of what host hand over to successfully, thus replace the person in the larger work scope.Then, see from the purely logical angle, person and robot have no again basic sex difference, this will is a graveness of the artificial intelligence technique to leap, will produce the huge economic performance and social performances doubtless.
The logical thinking how to be endowed the robots with enotions
1. Transform the theory of dissipation stnucture.
Main contain:distinguish between the order of strucare and the order of function to solve the descriptire problems of the order parameter. develop negentropy as general negentropy.
2. Found the unified axiology.
Main ideas: combine the concept of negentropy with the concept of value , therefore connect natwal law with social law.
Main contain: solve unified measure problems of different kinds of values. The Find the mother law of all kinds of social laws-- general law of value.
3. Found the theory of mathematical emotions.
Main ideas: the relationship between emotions and value is that between subjecter and abjective in essence,therefore found the new theory of emotions on the basis of value or benefit.
Main contain: uncover the hierachy structare of emotions . analgze the eight dynamic characteristics of emotions. find the three disciphies of emotiond intensity.expound the running programs of emotions.
4. Found the mathematical model of emotions.
Main ideas: the basis of emotional changes is the magnititude of value, that is , the emotional intensity is in direct propotion to logarythm of relative difference of the magratitude ralue rate of ralue of things.
Main contain: found the redor matix of emotcois Realice the synthesis openration and amalgamation operation. classify the emotions in every detail and particular in accordance with the specific corresponding relation between emotions and value.
5. Work out the software of artificial emotions.
Main ideas:Everything has a certain ralue(positive , negative or zero) which possesses corresponding emotion parameter relative to the subject (robot).
Main contain: assemble the systems of expressing all kinds of emotion and discriminating them .Establish and amend different kinds of emotion paramete.
6. Work out the software of interaction amony thinking, emotions and the will.
Main ideas:the objectire reality in correspondance with thinking , emotions and the will is the relation of facts , values and behaviors , the will is a paticular feeling and the feeling is an unusual way of thinking.
Main contain: work out the software of the will its train of thought is almost the same as the software of emotions.
Assemble the systems of empressing the will and discriminating it . extablish and amend all kinds of the paramcters of the will.
7. Greate the artificial emotional robots.
Main ideas:coordinate with the intellingent robots.
8. Greate the artificial emotional computers.
Main ideas:coordinate with the intelligent computers.
Qiu Dehui ,(1998), The unified Axiology ,[M], Bei jing Science and Techonolagy Press of China.
Qiu Dehui ,(2001), The Theory of Mathematical Emotions,[M] Changsha :The People‘s Press of Hunan.
Address:Qiu De hui the Bureau of Education of LouXin District, Lou di Hunnan ,China. Postal code:417000
Tel:(086)13307382443 086-738-8216091
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